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69 methods of increasing the reference mass of the past year


  69 methods of increasing the reference mass of the past year

6.5 years ago, Robin Nobles, Eric Ward and John Alexander made up the legendary list of 131 ways to build backlinks .

Four years later, Aaron Wall and Andy Hagans published 101 methods of website promotion , which inspired writing other materials.

Given the very serious changes in the search engines in our time, I decided to revise both lists and update the collection on how to increase the link mass.

7 recommendations for internal links

1. Make sure your site’s navigation is available to search engines. Use navigation in the form of links with text anchors, or images with the alt attribute.

2. "bread crumbs" (breadcrumbs) - a great tool internal linking. Increases usability and text anchor variation.

3. Place links in the text - this not only increases the number of clicks on it, but also adds weight, since the link is inside the text.

4. Use a sitemap. A quality sitemap is useful for visitors, search engines, and also for you.

5. In each topic, use links to related articles on your site.

6. Always use standard links. Always put links, not - it is very important to have permanent links.

7. Identify the pages that have the most links and analyze whether they are well optimized and whether all links carry these links.

10 recommendations for easy backlink production

8. Optimize existing backlinks. Contact the administrators of sites where links to your site are already located and ask them to change the anchors 'here or click here and others.' on anchors containing relevant keywords.

9. Constantly follow the statistics 404. Keep track of those backlinks that are not available (error 404). Contact the webmasters of these sites to correct errors.

10. Create a page where you can specify how people can link to you, which URLs, anchors or banners to use. Constantly update this page.

11. Tell your family, friends, colleagues and others about your site. Some of them can leave feedback about the site, and who has their own sites - backlink.

12. Do you block certain parts of the site from being indexed by robots using nofollow or robots.txt? Find out if people link to these parts of the site. If so, ask the administrators of such sites to put a link to another page.

13. Check the content for errors. Visitors like it better when the text is grammatically correct.

14. Look for sites that mention the name of your site or brand, but there is no link. Ask for a link. You can check in Yahoo.

15. Look for sites that mention your name, but also do not link to your site. Also use Yahoo.

16. Leave comments on blogs that you visit every day. You still spend time there! So why not leave a comment?

17. Find out how many sites from the company you work for. If you work for a small company - the number of sites can certainly be counted on the fingers. But if your company is large, perhaps learning about all the sites you will be shocked. So why all these sites neatly perelinkovat each other?

12 recommendations from the "old school"

18. Search for related sites by entering relevant keywords in the search. Select the most interesting and contact administrators. Picking up sites for the main keywords do not forget that there are tons of different combinations.

19. Check out which sites link to competitors. Try to ensure that they put a link to you.

20. Try to find relevant sites but in other languages. It may be possible to agree on the placement of links to your site.

21. Try to interview an expert on your subject and do not forget to create a well-read and interesting text.

22. You can write a review of the sites of your niche or closer to yours.

23. Carefully study the domain - it can be a university site (.edu), it can be a website of a small workshop, etc. Therefore, each domain has a different link weight.

24. Start an advertising campaign when your site will appear in a search engine when searching for certain key phrases. This traffic can bring relevant links.

25. Use Google AdWords to find out which sites your ads appear on, and then contact the site administration directly.

26. Use the PPC campaign - see clause 25.

27. Set who used to refer to you. Contact them again after the release of new interesting content.

28. Purchased links. There is nothing to worry about if you buy links from several highly relevant and respected sites - this will bring you extra traffic. Do not buy links on non-relevant sites - this can lead to trouble.

29. Donations. Purchased links are not allowed in search engines, but there are ways to buy links under the guise of donation.

12 places to put your URL

30. Most social networks are only suitable for promoting content that will bring links later. But there are still sites that allow you to post a link with a text anchor: LinkedIn.

31. Try to register your site in popular directories: DMOZ, Yahoo Directory and Best of the Web. Before registering a site, be sure to select the appropriate category.

32. Strictly thematic catalogs of high quality will also give some result.

33. Do not forget to register in the catalogs of your region. This is especially true for sites focused on a specific region.

34. Post interesting, exciting, funny pictures on Flickr with a back link to your site.

35. Write an article about your website with a backlink to it in one of the article directories, for example in eZineArticles.

36. Relevant, non-spam links on Wikipedia or Yahoo can give a good result.

37. Submit your RSS to important RSS directories.

38. Blog directories can also be useful. Sign up for the best quality of them.

39. Use PR sites to publish your press releases. And do not forget to add links to your site.

40. Does your site have a quality design? Show it in all CSS directories - this will also arouse interest in your site.

41. Twitter. As soon as you publish an article on your site, immediately announce it on Twitter. The article may be useful and you will leave a link.

12 ways to get people to write about you

42. Send Christmas or birthday gifts to bloggers or webmasters you know.

43. Offer a service or product for reviewing the site. But do not ask to be referred to you, in most cases they will do it themselves.

44. Create something unique. Review TOP ... polls, contests, awards, etc. Create unique content and he will attract backlinks. The possibilities are endless.

45. Start advertising, use new words, etc. Do what you are best at, what you really understand.

46. ​​Refer to others. People - especially bloggers will notice it very quickly. If you do this several times and offer relevant content, they will also refer to you.

47. If you have shocking news - offer their publication on thematic blogs with backlinks to your site.

48. Write about something shocking, stupid, strange, etc. People will undoubtedly leave a link to a dissident person.

49. Create something with a stunning design. This does not have to be your site. Suppose design business cards, etc.

50. Start an offline campaign. People will definitely start talking about you online, and these are back links. You can even get links like: "here's how to conduct online and offline campaigns."

51. Start a dispute between the participants and open the cards before the winners. This is certainly not the best way to attract attention, but it works.

52. Create free plugins or tools that may be useful.

53. Participate in conferences where you will meet many interesting people and maybe write a review about you.

12 simple business tactics

54. Add a link to your chamber of commerce profile.

55. BBB (Business Improvement Bureau) and any other association in your area are always interested in link targeting.

56. Contact your suppliers, manufacturers and other partners. If they have a partner page, they will always post information about you.

57. Offer to write a review in the case when one of the partners does not want to post your information.

58. Ask your customers to write a review about your products and services and place it on their websites, in return for a discount, very fast delivery or something else.

59. Hire a publicist, this person will always be able at the right time and in the right place to publish your press release with maximum benefit and benefit.

60. Join the thematic forums. In your profile, signature or in posts, you can specify a link to your site. You ask why this item is in business tactics? Because forums are a place for discussion, not for link spam.

61. Become a sponsor. There are a lot of opportunities: to become a sponsor of a conference, a sports club, a forum, or an event.

62. Hire an intern. You can provide him with a job in locating links. Do not forget about the site of the university where you took this intern.

63. Create some super quality product or service. People like to talk about the quality things they have recently acquired. They like conversations about really good companies. Of course, you must meet these criteria, otherwise you will receive relevant links.

64. Find companies that are out of business. You can buy their site or go to those sites where their links were located and ask for a replacement.

65. Get your colleagues involved. Each of them has its own specialty and group of contacts. They can also contribute to development.

4 important considerations

66. Hire a person who will build a backlink base. You can trust him to lead part of your campaign. Especially true, when you increased the link mass of your site over several years, fresh views will not hurt you.

67. Here you need perseverance! Building up the reference mass is not spent a few hours or even a week once a year. This all is not done in one day. This is a very long process that takes a lot of time and effort!

68. Follow the news. Visit interesting news blogs to keep up to date with all the latest trends. I am not talking only about SEO blogs - visit marketing blogs, creative, etc.

69. If you ask yourself, “Should I do all this?”, The answer may not be. Do not do those things for which you will get from your mother, trying to explain. In other words: do not do that to which the heart does not lie.

0 advanced backlink mining techniques

There is no such thing as advanced link retrieval methods. This list is filled with various methods of getting links and I am sure that you have a dozen of your own that are great for your site.

Eric Ward once said that link building is one part of marketing, two parts of PR and three parts of common sense.

In my opinion - 10% of basic CEO knowledge, 20% business thinking, 30% creativity and 40% perseverance . And nothing more advanced and supernatural!


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