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What happens to the projects after the termination of work?


Often, very often, Customers and those who simply consult for the time being on optimization and promotion of the site, ask questions about the termination of work, and specifically: " What will happen to the project after that? ".

In competitive subjects, competitors are not asleep, respectively, the logical answer - the project will lose traffic from search engines. With proper work on the site, it will remain in the "visible zone" and will bring customers, but there will always be a difference in traffic from TOP-5-10 and TOP-20-30 . On many topics, traffic will completely stop and there will be only a low-frequency component or no targeted traffic at all.

Below is a screen of statistics on the project, work on which stopped a year ago . Traffic has dropped significantly, the project is kept on the verge of a 20-ki, periodically fluctuating in the range of 11-20 places. The dynamics of decline is obvious.

  What happens to the projects after the termination of work?

The next screen from the related, almost the same subject, work on the project is ongoing and there are only 2 traffic drop points - this is January, January 2008 and January 2009 (it is clear why there is a subsidence in traffic). The rest is a steady growth in search, target, traffic.

  What happens to the projects after the termination of work?

At the same time - not everything is so one-sided. Suppose we take regional projects where competition is not so tough (not in all regions). The project has been optimized for search engines - this is all the work on the site, since 2006 nothing has been done.

As you can see, stability is ensured, as well as with the growth of the audience connected and using the Internet in the region, the growth of site traffic also occurs. The project is firmly established in the TOP-1 and keeps there despite any changes in algorithms, etc. (The frequency of the main query 2000 in Yandex, which for regional output can more or less be called a mid-frequency query).

  What happens to the projects after the termination of work?


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