Observing the proposals that I see from the section "Sites - buying, selling, manufacturing," in the beginning, I concluded that satellite builders do not think at all about what they are doing. And this applies to both TOS troopers, and Tipo SDL builders.
First of all - I consider such systems as Satellite x to be evil. This is a global evil for the production of HS. Although, perhaps, the question is not in the tool, but in its application.
I will touch on this post a purely aesthetic moment, well, I’m obviously blunders that need to be corrected. So take a few screenshots of the satellites that offer in the very section of the forum, which I have already mentioned.
Many satellites are stupid parsing of e-books, i.e. scan, we will not even touch on the fact that this is a violation of copyright, as well as a reason to get a hat.
So, we look at the screen above. What do we see? We see how the book was otparsili, in NAVIGATION we have the content of the book - point by point, as a result we have a menu in the form of a " toilet roll ", which is sometimes 3-4 times longer than the page underlay.
We look at what is higher, this is a fragment of one of the satellites, what is it? Again - it otparsili book, but because on the satellite on WP, people didn’t really wrap up, even the template wasn’t corrected and the dates weren’t removed. What the fuck September 28th is the article?
Above is the totality. THOSE. even with acceptable site template quality, we have the same problems as the others.
Yes, of course, the sellers of such sites earn money, albeit small, but also no costs. And what will the buyer get in the end?
If it was planned to simply start in glanders, then the fact that the satellite even pays off is far from being, all the books are available in some places, the content is not unique, when you first view it becomes clear what this site is, the BAN procedure starts very easily, you can even automatically, the Internet is nothing will lose.
If it was planned to advance with such satellites, then it is even worse, because the knocking method in such cases has never failed.
As long as there is demand, they will produce this shit, alas.
Literally 3 recommendations:
Is it really such a difficult thing? This is a matter of 5-10 minutes, correct the template and a bit of text.
At least a little imitate normal sites because you can!
All of the above - IMHO.
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Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing