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Which is more important: building link mass or writing content that will bring links?


  Which is more important: building link mass or writing content that will bring links?

Remember those times, about 10 years ago, when people surfed the Internet, clicking on links between sites that have already visited, extracted links to new sites from catalogs and reviews. Search engines: AltaVista, Lycos, Hotbot, Excite and others ...

Eric Ward was the discoverer of the first methods of website promotion links. Although the links were placed in thematic catalogs, the traffic was not targeted.

After that, Google came to the market with a PR and a bot that could recognize links. The quality of search engines and enterprising webmasters immediately improved - in the future, SEOs took advantage of this and a huge number of methods for obtaining links appeared. Most of these links were thematic and completely without any text.

Search engines will always improve search results, and optimizers of the way links are extracted for promotion. As long as links are important for search engines, site owners will hire specialists for promotion and consultation.

However, there is a very big difference between building a link mass for promoting content and creating content that attracts links.

If you look at the long-term development , then writing high-quality content that itself will attract natural links is much more profitable and efficient.

Links to such content will leave your readers who liked it and they want to share with others. There is no risk in this, you do not need to invent anything and the links will always be thematic.

The problem is that writing such content is very laborious and expensive if you are going to hire a copywriter, and therefore many sites do not have quality materials.

The scheme for obtaining natural links to content is extremely simple:

Promotion> Awareness> Links> Traffic, both direct and from search engines

Here is what you should clearly understand:

  • the need to create content that will be popular and get natural links.
  • the need to create and promote content outside the site or directory - its announcements on social networks, etc.

It all comes down to marketing. The work of SEO specialists is not only search engine optimization, but this is a complete study of online sites.

Building a list of keywords, working with meta tags and registering in directories is just a small part of the website promotion.

The technical aspect of SEO will always be a very important point thanks to web developers and site engines that do not pay the necessary attention to search engines. Search engines would be much more effective in indexing complex URLs, Flash, and content recognition in forms and Javascript, if not for a huge number of obstacles that make it difficult to do so.

The good news for promoting content was that webmasters began to realize that visitors should be interested in it and well informed. Such informational content will definitely bring backlinks.

The easiest way to advertise content is to use RSS, email subscription, Twitter and other social networks. Such content distribution channels are very important for attracting traffic - interested readers, who will then share a link to this content with others.

Do you still have a desire to use black methods of website promotion: registration in directories, email spam, etc.?

I agree that each site has its own method of “mining” backlinks, but promoting high-quality content is much more efficient and useful.


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing