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Are you still using black optimization methods? Then we go to you!


  Are you still using black optimization methods?  Then we go to you!

You are doing a wonderful project, developing it with content and service, but do you feel the lack of visitors from search engines? We decided to use the black methods of promoting the resource ? Or other " grayscale "?

I will give an example of one site, this is the purest NLL , which has existed for many years and constantly adds to the audience. The growth of the audience from search engines , and at the expense of the community .

What methods are used to optimize and promote the site?

Yes, all the standard, all white and fluffy, although the purchase of links can be attributed to the "grayscale" , but still these are external factors , and we are not about them.

In its not knowledge webmaster places white text on white , to attract targeted traffic.

Users actually got to the right page and received the information they were interested in, but still, black methods were used to optimize the site .

What is the effect of black website optimization methods?

Let's look at an example of the statistics of one of the resources.

Here is a general project development schedule, to this day.

  Are you still using black optimization methods?  Then we go to you! The graph of the fall of traffic from Yandex after the application of sanctions

  Are you still using black optimization methods?  Then we go to you! Below we see a graph of the increase in traffic after the site is returned to the Yandex index.

  Are you still using black optimization methods?  Then we go to you!

What does this traffic drop mean for a project?

For the community - the loss of part of the audience, as well as from a global perspective, the lack of development of the project due to the infusion of "new blood".

For a commercial resource that is the main supplier of new customers — such a drop in traffic means an increase in spending on contextual advertising, and therefore a significant decrease in profits, in a global perspective, some firms may not survive this fall.

Why the use of black website optimization methods can lead to loss of business?

Yes, the title is pretty menacing, but it really is.

What happens to a resource in case of a ban? - it is necessary to eliminate those phenomena that led the resource to these sanctions.

Next you need to contact the search engine support and explain - that the reasons are eliminated. And then wait for the amnesty for the site. Which may not occur, in principle.

How long does it take to get a site out of a search engine ban?

  • You have detected a drop in traffic. We looked - the site is banned in the search engine.
  • We wrote a letter to the support service (Plato Shchukin).
  • Received a response within a week.
  • Eliminate the reasons for the application of sanctions.
  • They wrote the answer to the support service (Plato Shchukin).
  • We received their answer, within a week, that everything is fine with the site and after 1 month the question of including the site in the index will be considered.
  • After 1 month (quarantine) write a letter to the support (Plato Shchukin).
  • Within a week, you will receive an answer that everything is fine with the site and in the near future (1-2 updates of Yandex), it will return to the issue.

The total period of absence of the site , and therefore orders / traffic, can be from 40 to 60 days , on average. And if you didn’t immediately find a resource ban or answered you with a delay, then even more .

So consider what could be the absence of your site in the index of the main search engine runet, for many topics   Are you still using black optimization methods?  Then we go to you!

1-2-3 months of spending on direct and the lack of normal traffic - many firms may not withstand such a burden, especially if their Internet was the main channel for attracting customers.

Yes, it is possible to argue - there is Google, only it’s not good for all topics, after all, the Yandex + office plankton = money formula is more profitable.

ZY You decide - to use "not very white website promotion techniques" or not to use, because on the head from the customer to get it to you, when applying sanctions to your projects - you are the ones who bear the loss.


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