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What could be better than a banner? Alternative advertising methods


  What could be better than a banner?  Alternative advertising methods

Cart page is the best place to advertise goods. Do not think that advertising there will be worse than on the main page of the site, after all, visitors who appear on the shopping cart page will become buyers rather than just make another transition to a new page.

You can hang the whole site with banners with special offers, but usually buyers do not pay attention to them.

Remind them of them on the shopping cart page, where the customer’s attention is not as scattered as on the main or internal page. Banners are usually used to display your latest offers, but is the banner the only or best way to attract attention?

Shopping Cart Banners

Here is an example of the layout of the banner advertising the bathroom accessories:

  What could be better than a banner?  Alternative advertising methods

Sometimes banners simply fall out of sight of the user due to a phenomenon called "banner blindness."

  What could be better than a banner?  Alternative advertising methods

Floating advertising windows

A more annoying advertising option is the ad floating window that comes down from the top of the page:

  What could be better than a banner?  Alternative advertising methods

The Bath & Bodyworks company uses both a usual banner, and a floating window:

  What could be better than a banner?  Alternative advertising methods

Such floating or pop-up windows can annoy customers.

Inexperienced users may not even be able to close such a window and will be forced to leave the basket. On the other hand, such windows can really attract attention and increase sales.

Content Ads

Another "gentle" method of using advertising is to place it between content on the purchase page, where it will be accurately seen:

  What could be better than a banner?  Alternative advertising methods

Unfortunately, such offers as buy 2 things and get a third discount of 50% are not interesting.

The French clothing store Kiabi has its own tricky tactic - by clicking on the add item button to the cart, the BOGO promotional item is also added:

  What could be better than a banner?  Alternative advertising methods   What could be better than a banner?  Alternative advertising methods

It is also very important to emphasize in the total amount of the order, the cost of the order without and with special offer. Unfortunately, in our example we see that the total cost of the order is shown without the cost of the special offer:

  What could be better than a banner?  Alternative advertising methods

  What could be better than a banner?  Alternative advertising methods

Testing advertising opportunities

If you are not technically limited, test 4 variants of the shopping cart pages and find out what works best for your site:

1. No ads, just a cart
2. Basket page with advertising banner
3. Basket page with floating window
4. Page, with automatic addition of a special offer to the cart


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