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Google gives more weight to natural links in text


  Google gives more weight to natural links in text

I can say with confidence that you are tracking your position in Google , even when reputable SEO publications say that ranking of keywords has lost its previous power.

Here are a number of reasons why you continue to do this:

  • Makes you know whether Google is satisfied with your seo activity or not
  • How are site and page changes affecting?
  • and of course, it sets you new goals for success

Website monitoring is a good thing, but do you generally track the position of the page in the issue of the keyword and what is generally done around your website?

For example, I promote the search engine optimization keyword - the competition here is very high. After 8 months of work, I'm on the second page of Google.

Every week I check my positions, as well as the positions of my 20-30 competitors for this request and the action of Google filters.

And once I noticed that one of the sites - SEOconsult, which was on page 1 of the issue fell as much as the third . I want to note that this is a respected resource that has never been seen in spam, has a PR of 6 and about 50,000 backlinks. However, looking at the link mass of the site, everything becomes clear.

For starters, compare

If you have ever seen this with a competitor site or it was with your site, being on the first page of the issue. Now browse the sites from the issue on the first page and select the one that seems the weakest of all and with fewer links.

I did this with the search engine optimization search query and selected the weakest site, Topclickmedia. He had about 6,000 links, which is several times less than the competition, and was on the first page.

For analysis, I used the SEObook backlink analyzer, but you can use any convenient software. It shows the 1000 most important links, but this is quite enough to understand what's what.

First, let's look at the results of the analysis of the Topclickmedia site :   Google gives more weight to natural links in text

Here I especially want to highlight links that have variations of the text anchor "search engine optimization".

From the analysis loom 3 things :

  • The reference mass is constructed from different variations of the key phrase, 25% of accurate anchors and 39% variations.
  • Links are located on the internal pages of the site, and not on the main ones.
  • Links are located in the content or part of the entry.

I want to say that this is a very good strategy of the Topclickmedia site to place links in the content using a huge number of variations, brought it to the top of the issue.

So, after analysis and not deep reasoning, you can see how Google refers to links with variations of the search query that are inside the text.

Now take a look at the SEOconsult website
  Google gives more weight to natural links in text

Now is the time to look at the SEOconsult site links, maybe we can find the key to its fall:

As you can see, all links have an anchor with an exact search query: " search engine optimization " and " search engine optimization " - with almost no variations. However, this is not all. All links are in the footer, sidebars or just in the directory.

So ... my sentence ...

Most likely, the SEOconsult site fell under the filters due to the large number of identical text anchors and was on page 3 of the issue.

What does Google do for it?

This is quite simple:

  • Fighting paid links in catalogs, footers, sidebars.
  • Filtering is due to the large number of identical anchors in the links, because Google does not want to look like a fool
  • links are more appreciated in the content and on the internal pages of the site, since they look more natural.


I do not want to say that you refuse links in the footer and other places of the site. I just want to emphasize that the link weight of your site should be more natural and contain links with a variety of text anchors. Normal will be 25% of the links with the exact anchor from the whole mass.

I hope the information was helpful to you.


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