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Practical tips for link building


Practical tips for link building

Recently, there have been a lot of articles on the topic of client promotion, the fact that we are going along the western path, there is nothing new to come up with. The marketing approach is being introduced more and more into the minds of SEO optimizers. Let's "check out" how they do it there - in the west.

What we are constantly doing is advising clients. After our consultations, they can self-link the mass of the site. Everyone knows well that link building is a very difficult task even for an SEO full-time employee.

To simplify this task, we have collected some recommendations and examples that are easy to implement and they justify the time spent on them. The purpose of this post is to get acquainted with simple recommendations for finding blogs and websites from which you can get a link. Each of the recommendations is accompanied by its own unique example. We want to present not just a theory, but also its application “live”.

If you read my previous posts, you could not help but notice that I like to display the whole process graphically. This post can be divided according to the following principle of the process of increasing the reference mass:

Practical tips for link building

What is your Unique Commercial Offer?

A unique commercial offer is a unique feature of your goods / services that distinguishes you from competitors. For me personally, this is one of the most important parts of the link mass building strategy. It is at this stage that you can determine what links will bring you, but not links to your competitors.

These unique features of your business are a step from the 3rd place of search results to the first . We have already talked about such unique features of business more than once; you can see their examples in our previous posts.

That is why the first step of the link mass building strategy was the definition of your PCU. That is what will help you find unique links faster.

The key to success - to determine the UCP is not enough just to look at the site . There is a big difference between what a UKP is on the site and what prospects your business has in general. That is why, when searching for a UKP, you should first analyze the entire business.

Below I have cited some of the advantages of companies that can help in obtaining new links:

  • Professional staff

If your employees are well known as professionals in their field, then they can give you some advantages. On the website of your company, they can do some reviews of serious partners, demonstrate their competence, which will surely be taken into account by visitors. They can also contact customers and ask them to leave feedback on the website or links to your website from partner sites.

  • Products

There are several ways to get links if you have an online store. You can send examples of products to experts of the field, bloggers or regular buyers, so that they in turn make reviews and publish on their websites. You can also give several products as a gift / charity event in exchange for a link to your website.

  • Discount Coupons

You can give out discount coupons to sites and bloggers who review and leave links to your products. Make sure that they have a desire to use these discounts and share them with your visitors. This increases the ranking of bloggers, their readers will be satisfied, and you in turn will get more traffic to the site.

  • Email Newsletter

This method of increasing the reference mass is one of the cheapest. Nowadays, if you ask for a link exchange, you most likely will not get it. How about offering the site to exchange links and in addition to this, you will send their newsletter to your users every month? Instead, this site will receive some traffic growth, and you will link.

  • Use of microsites

This method as well as the method with email distribution is not expensive. In exchange for a link to your site, you can suggest a link from the network of your small sites. This method is even more beneficial for you if you can control pages that are not related to your domain. Think of Facebook, Twitter, or content platforms like

  • Links for quality content

Review the content on your site. Sometimes you can find new parts of interesting content that remained "in the shadow". If you find such content, take care of how to inform users about it. Perhaps he will deserve a few additional links.

  • Company Green Policy

Here the principle is as follows: there are websites and companies in the network that link to the websites of companies that adhere to an environmentally-friendly policy.

Practical tips for link building

  • Charity of the company

This type of activity is great in terms of PR (public relations) and can give you links from news sites and charity sites. Some sites have pages on which they list people and organizations that help them. You will not only be pleased by the fact that you appreciate the company, but also by the fact that you receive links.

  • Attracting staff who have free time

Sometimes it happens that some of your company's employees are busy non-permanently. It is at these intervals that you can attract them to SEO work. You can give them such small tasks as: writing content snippets, posting on Twitter, various forums and other social networks.

Whatever your PPC is, the main thing is that you constantly use them in your link building strategy.

That is why you should look for such sites that refer to you only thanks to your UCP. Now let's move on to the next step in link building strategies — finding the right links.

START FROM THE SIMPLE - Search Engine Search!

Of course it sounds trite, but this is exactly where to start. Let's show it on the example of a company whose UKP is the correct green policy.

Practical tips for link building

In order to save time, I will tell you how to speed up this search. But I also want to note that no matter how trivial the search is, it gives good results.

To simplify the search, we will make the following query:

Practical tips for link building

The inurl: links search add-on tells Google that it should show only URLs where the word “links” is mentioned in the results of the issue. With this technique, we significantly reduce the delivery of results and improve its quality, increasing the chances of finding suitable sites for us.


I already talked about using this Google search in previous posts, but here I want to share some additional knowledge. Please note that you can add a few additional keywords to the main query. You can also use keywords that slightly deviate from the main one and get more advanced results.

Do not forget about your PCD

Continuing the idea of ​​using the UPC of your company, you can use it in the search. For example, if the advantage of your company are "discount coupons" or "special offers", then you can create the following search query:

budget blog + discount coupons

This request is aimed at those blogs whose topics are aimed at saving money and where users can get discount coupons or additional recommendations. Such a site would be an excellent platform for placing links.

Oh yeah ... if you need a real list of such sites - here you are.

Search sites with the ability to publish guest posts

I am not going to tell you about all the benefits of guest posting as a method of building up linking weight, but I will say that this method works very well. To search for sites where guest posting is allowed, you can use many queries:

inurl: guest post seo

This request is good because it is aimed at blog owners who use these words in the headlines and URL. Also, to save time, I did not include a more advanced request, for example, "guest post-instruction on SEO."

The following query: inurl: category / guest
This request is notable for the fact that it can match the Wordpress URL structure, which can lead you directly to guest posts.

Request: Keyword + Blog + November 2010 inurl: Guest

The advantage of this query is that it reduces the search results to active blogs. If the blog has posts of this month and year, then it is not abandoned, active, and you have a better chance of being answered.

Search for "white" directories

We have to constantly answer the questions of such a plan: "but will I fall under the filter if I get a link from the catalog", etc. There is no definite answer to this question and it is not advisable to give it in this post. Instead, I would advise you to look for the answer to this question on our blog.

To search for "white" directories you can use the following query:

inurl keyword: catalog-buy-text-anchor-pr

You can modify this query as you please with similar keywords. The idea of ​​this request is that you will not place links in those directories that frankly ask for money for placing links.


This is a really quick and effective method. When you use the search for sites that you need on Google, the search engine selects sites that meet the requirements of your request. For each type of site, Google also selects similar, you can see such sites by clicking on the link "similar" (in the English version of the search - similar)

Practical tips for link building

This feature displays a list of additional sites where you can possibly place your link.

To go to the next step, you can slightly diversify the search query with which we started:

Practical tips for link building

This search is good because its results will be really relevant to the query.

Bring some creativity into the study of competitors

There are several tools that can help you in local search, as well as in finding places where you can get a link. In one of the posts on increasing the reference mass, Rand mentioned this tool.

However, I have some more tips in stock that can also help:

  • competitors phone search

Knowing the phone numbers of your most active competitors, you can easily determine from which business directories they receive links in which business directories they are not. Driving into the search for their phone numbers you will save time, it is better to make a multiple request:

"0800 123 4567" or "0700 123 4567" or "0845 123 4567".

This method is worth the time spent on it.

In general, it is very interesting and necessary to study competitors. For example, you can see how Yandex and Google, Bing or Yahoo grids filter Practical tips for link building And, as we see, not only by the variations of the telephone number. Competitor analysis is extremely interesting.

By the way, you can see how the research responded to a number of experts on the topic of affiliation of sites - TopExpert.RF

Practical tips for link building

Quality control

Here is another question that we constantly hear from our customers: “How can we determine that this page is suitable for placing a link?”. And again, the answer to this question is not so simple, as experienced SEO users use their instinct as a tool and therefore they just know whether this page is good or not.

Unfortunately, most SEOs do not have this experience and your customers will simply not be able to do it. However, here are some questions that will help you draw certain conclusions about the quality of this page:

  • Is the page in the search engine cache?

To post a link, the answer must be yes, unless of course the page is completely new. You can check it in the Google Toolbar.

  • How many links leading to other resources are on this page?

Calling a certain number of outgoing links on a page is difficult, since it depends on many factors. However, I would definitely not risk setting a link on a page that has more outgoing links than links to internal pages. In addition, I would doubt the quality of the page if the number of outgoing links is nearing 100.

You can check this with the help of the Search Status for Firefox plugin.

  • How many backlinks does the domain have and the page separately?

I have always been surprised at how many people do not pay attention to this, although with today's abundance of tools, it is very easy to verify this. You need to determine the number of quality links leading to the domain or page on which you wish to establish a link.

You can check this with the help of the Search Status plugin, SEO Book Toolbar , as well as use other SEO plugins.

  • Is the site in the top of the issue by the name of the site or the URL of the page?

If the site does not appear in the issue, it means that something is wrong with it. This quick method shows whether any sanctions have been applied to the site by search engines or not.

Check it out you can in search of popular search engines!

  • If Matt Cutts looked at the page, would he want to leave it in the index?

It is important to be honest with yourself. If the answer would be no, then just leave this page and go to the next one. You have to search the site as if you are Google and identify really high-quality sites.

You will not be able to check the testimony of any instrument, since the answer to this question requires your intuition.

Achieve link placement

Selecting the appropriate pages, we come to the last step: "To achieve the placement of links."

Let's see what we have done before:

  • Revealed our UKP
  • Used these UPC to find links
  • Conducted quality control of selected links

So, we come to the last step - the placement of links. This is where the fun begins!

Getting links, for me, comes down to 3 things:

  • Use of collected data and PCD.
  • Make you notice yourself.
  • Making connections.

If you follow this plan, then your conversions, getting links, will increase. And now let's take a detailed look at each of the points in the plan.

Use your business’s data and PPC

I already mentioned this above and once again I want to repeat that when you correspond with the person from whom you want to get a link, be sure to tell about your advantages over others. If you want to get a link because your company is green, tell us about it! Provide a link to your website page, which describes the principles of your company. Then you will look more convincing. Show off your benefits, here’s a great example of Rackspace, a hosting provider:

Practical tips for link building

Simply put, tell me why someone should refer to you.

Make sure you get noticed

In order for someone to want to refer to you, you must make sure that they pay attention to you. This is especially important to do before asking for a link. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Direct letter
  • Phone call
  • Twitter
  • Commenting on a blog
  • Send traffic to their website

Direct letter

This method is used by many SEOs. And it really works, although many people say no. There are many approaches to the correct e-mail correspondence. .

In turn, I will give you some quick tips:

  • Explain what benefits you can bring to them.
  • Explain clearly and consistently.
  • Always contact by name.
  • Mention something special — their good Twitter post or blog post.
  • If they are close to you, be sure to tell where you are from.
  • Do not take too much time - they are busy people.

Phone call

This is a great way to get links, just hold the phone! There are some nuances when, by virtue of their business, the site owner does not work online. But this method is good because you can get an instant answer, while saving time.

Yes, I know that we are all crazy about computers and do not like to use the phone. But believe me, this is not as difficult as it seems, and after a few calls, you will get a taste. If you can not overcome yourself, then you can ask someone else to do it for you. If your staff has people who like to chat, this is a big plus.


This method of attracting attention depends on your niche. The list of recommendations to attract the attention of Twitter users . However, I will repeat it here:

  • Follow them.
  • Determine what they like to write about the most.
  • For more information, visit their website.
  • See which posts they like to retweet (retweet).
  • Re-tweet their recordings.
  • Conduct constructive communication.
  • Always ask their opinion for any reason.

The main thing here is to establish communication and attract attention, and in the future they will help you.

Commenting on a blog

No, I do not mean leaving links to blog entries, you will look like a spammer. I'm talking about finding quality blogs, leaving meaningful and useful comments. This will force blog owners to search your name on the Internet and stumble upon your site. After which, they will most likely want to contact you.

Directing traffic to their website

All bloggers and owners of quality sites always check the sources of traffic to their sites. If your site appears in their statistics, they will certainly be interested and go to your site.

You do not even have to link to their site from your main site, think about the UCP: microsites and mailings. You can put a link to them from your microsite, or a link in the e-mail newsletter of your main site. Whichever way you use, they will always notice you and you will be more likely to establish friendly contacts and get a link.

We establish communications

If you are lucky and you put a link, do not stop there. Do not make you think about "getting the link and dumping." Keep in touch with the site owner and who knows, maybe he will be able to help you with something else. Perhaps such a conversation can go into a more serious business relationship.

Practical tips for link building

Even if you are not given a link, do not ignore them. Answer them and be grateful that they spend time on you and maybe in the future they will be attracted by other content.

Simply put - do not burn bridges.


Now you have a lot of tips and instructions for obtaining quality links, use them yourself, or present them to your customers. Be sure to try to deal with all the recommendations!

PS tried to leave the original post and cases without their edits and comments Practical tips for link building


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