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SEO company: about each in order in the organization of business


In order to successfully run an SEO business, you need some kind of organization. This post contains the concepts of creating an SEO company and distributing roles among interested people.

I described the standard roles of the state of the web company and for each indicated:

  • Responsibilities: a description of the place and responsibilities in the company.
  • Motivation: description of SEO, presentation of what would interest, SEO prospects.
  • Recommendation to work: ask questions to each of the candidates and try to answer them.

In addition, you should compile analytical data, graphs showing the effect of teamwork in a campaign and how each role is important for development. By encouraging people, you motivate them to work, and therefore the campaign will work and develop.

Executive Director

  • Responsibilities: Responsible for the entire campaign; thinks about global development, makes responsible decisions, staff management.
  • Motivation: SEO provides great potential in attracting customers. Need initiative and commitment to work. Demanded and profitable business for investment. Give examples of profitable companies.
  • Recommendation to work: are there any questions or objections in the team, engage in dialogue. It is very important to have top managers for evaluating online business, so that they can justify the investments and are engaged in further promotion of the project.

Technical Director

  • Responsibilities: responsible for the development of technology companies; web site organization and online development.
  • Motivation: a very large technical aspect in search engine optimization of the site - all information is available (official information from search engines and from third parties), but adaptation is also needed to suit the needs of the campaign.
  • Recommendation to work: the allocation of time between SEO and company development.

Web Designer

  • Responsibilities: site design and brand company.
  • Motivation: There is no framework in website design by SEO. It is very important to combine site usability and SEO fundamentals.
  • Recommendation to work: to spend time coordinating with SEO the principles of SEO with design (what harm can be done by one or another action) and use their knowledge to build a convenient design.

Web developer

  • Responsibilities: site development based on design.
  • Motivation: the role of developers is very important, as the attitude of search engines to the site depends on their work. The work of the developer is clear and you can see its results.
  • Recommendation for work: read a lot. Starting from SEO blog posts to various SEO literature. Also, should be ready to answer questions and help colleagues.

Sales Manager

  • Responsibilities: In commercial organizations responsible for sales.
  • Motivation: the ability to use site statistics and SEO team experience for the promotion of queries on products, and hence the conversion. Accounting for user needs and research statistics will reduce costs and increase sales.
  • Recommendation for work: in order to make it easier to investigate the needs of users, you need to use the statistics of search queries or do surveys on the needs of users.

Marketing Manager

  • Responsibilities: responsibilities may include - product development, advertising, press and promotion of the company.
  • Motivation: this profession is very important for the development of an SEO company. It is very important to start and maintain conversations about any brand, the development of relations with partner sites. Marketing research and active product advertising will pay for all costs and bring profit.
  • Recommendation to work: it is important to pay attention to getting backlinks to the site and find ways to solve this issue.


  • Responsibilities: responsible for creating, editing and publishing content on the site.
  • Motivation: for quality content we use SEO techniques to make a huge number of visitors appreciate your work. We will provide similar instructions for writing content that will fit SEO. Also, we can provide statistics which texts are written correctly for search engines, and which are not in order to constantly improve.
  • Recommendation to work: to participate in analytics in order to visually see all the successes and failures in getting traffic, and hence make more optimized content. Please write short reviews and posts that SEOers use to get links.

Public Relations Manager

  • Responsibilities: Responsible for the development of customer relationships both online and offline, often in hearing opinions about the company.
  • Motivation: Your ability to persuade people to leave a link to our site or advise it to a friend will strengthen the position of the site and raise the search engines. Using the analysis service, we can show the value of each link that has been earned by you.
  • Recommendation to work: first try to ask for the help of loved ones to leave links to us. Search for new places and people in order to develop the project (offering links to other resources, guards, offering gifts, etc.)

In the conclusion of the material on SEO business

Each company has a distribution of roles and each role is assigned its own responsibilities. In this post I showed an exemplary organization for managing and promoting the site.

I will probably express my opinion of who I see in an SEO company. I see the following scheme as optimal:

  • Executive Director (development, business planning, PR functions).
  • Technical Director (the actual development of the technological part).
  • Sales Manager (deals with the search and initial processing of customers).
  • Project manager (handles client management, excluding direct contacts with specialists and spending nerves in case of specialist error, in other words, is a lightning conductor for both the customer and the contractor)
  • Content Manager (the one who is engaged in making text changes to sites).
  • Copywriter (of course - writing texts).
  • Web designer (preferably with an understanding of the basic principles of creating a holistic working site, not just pictures).
  • A programmer (the entire technical part of changes on the site, layout and routine work falls on his shoulders).
  • Optimizer (I do not share on the optimizer and link manager, I think that the optimizer should know and be able to do EVERYTHING, but for optimal spending of time, it is optimizing and website promotion).

And how do you see the optimal pattern of distribution of responsibilities in an SEO company? More "bureaucratic" or less?

Yes - there are a number of positions that can be combined, for example, a sales manager and a project manager, but then everything depends on sales volumes. Sooner or later, you will have to delegate certain responsibilities for more efficient management.


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Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing