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Check your site for reasons of trouble - Yandex.Webmaster


  Check your site for reasons of trouble - Yandex.Webmaster

We all know (because everything?   Check your site for reasons of trouble - Yandex.Webmaster ) that in the webmasters panel, from Yandex, you can follow how the search engine sees our sites . I will share some observations on one of the reports, perhaps this will help you avoid problems in the future, ranging from the AGS filter , ending with a ban and lowering in positions .

Yes, it's still loudly written about the filters, but you need to attract search traffic   Check your site for reasons of trouble - Yandex.Webmaster Although I will not cheat - all this is based on my observations, no more, no less.

So, we have 3 graphs in the very first report on the site "Site Information ", they are called " The number of pages excluded by the robot ", we are only interested in the orange line on this graph, at least there are some very interesting observations on it.

Let's look at the first chart.

  Check your site for reasons of trouble - Yandex.Webmaster

What do we see here? The beginning of the growth of the orange line, fully coincides with the growth of the blue line. This is a resource on WordPress, the latest information + is added to the page index of tags and categories , or more simply, duplicate content. So there is an increase in the amount of information and an increase in the number of comments.

At the end of the chart - a ban on indexing of tag pages and category pages (there was no archive on the site, so the archive can be credited to this category too). As soon as duplicates of content were thrown out of the index, the number of comments began to tend to zero.

Go ahead, see the second graph.

  Check your site for reasons of trouble - Yandex.Webmaster

It's a bit easier here   Check your site for reasons of trouble - Yandex.Webmaster White text on a white background , as we see on the machine, a constant increase in the number of comments, which led to a resource ban, after the “white on white” was removed - the number of comments began to tend to zero.

And finally, the third schedule, which is no less interesting.

  Check your site for reasons of trouble - Yandex.Webmaster

Again, we look at the orange graph - this is our site in the index with the "abundance" of the keyword in the content , the density on the muzzle reached 45%, if memory serves me. After the density was reduced to 27% - we saw the disappearance of the orange graph and the rise of blue, which means an increase in the amount of useful information. Yes, the resource flew from the top 10 to the range of top 50 - top 100.

What do I want to say with these observations? - nothing   Check your site for reasons of trouble - Yandex.Webmaster make your own conclusions.

It is possible that I am not right in my conclusions, only examples are far from 3 and observations already for 1 year (if you follow the schedules), but by the laws and their revelations - I have been watching for 3 months. As they say - there is nothing not reparable, everything can be returned to its place.

What do you think about that?


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