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Traditionally, the main types of pedagogical activity carried out in a holistic pedagogical process are teaching and educational work. Teaching in modern pedagogical science is understood as the process of management of students' cognitive activity. Educational work is a pedagogical activity aimed at the organization of the educational environment and the management of various types of activities of pupils with the aim of solving the problems of harmonious development of the personality.

The theory of a holistic pedagogical process considers the learning process, which takes place in the framework of teaching and education, as a process in which the “educative education” and the “educational education” [Disterweg] are merged together. Therefore, along with the teaching, important skills of the teacher are the skills of educational work.

In the pedagogical literature presents different points of view on the volume and structure of pedagogical activity. So, E. Kuzmina highlights its following components: constructive; organizational; communicative.

Constructive activity includes:

- constructive and informative (selection and composition of educational material, planning and construction of the pedagogical process);

- constructive-operational (planning their own actions and the actions of students);

- constructive and material (design of the educational and material base of the pedagogical process).

Organizing activity involves the implementation of a system of actions aimed at including students in various activities, creating a team, and organizing joint activities.

Communicative activity involves the establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships with all participants in the pedagogical process.

The position of the teacher is a system of intellectual, volitional, and emotional-evaluative attitudes towards the world, pedagogical reality, and pedagogical activity. It is determined, on the one hand, by the demands, expectations and opportunities that society presents and gives to it. On the other hand, there are internal, personal sources of activity - the impulses, experiences, motives and goals of the teacher; his value orientations, worldview, ideals. According to researchers of this issue, the social position of the teacher is very important: the system of attitudes, beliefs, value orientations - and professional position. LB Itelson draws attention to the difference in professional positions and denotes their typical roles: informer, friend, dictator, adviser, etc. They can be both positive and negative.

The set of professionally determined requirements for the teacher is defined as professional readiness for teaching activities. In its composition it is legitimate to distinguish psychological, psycho-physiological, physical readiness on the one hand, and on the other hand, scientific, theoretical and practical training as the basis of professionalism.

The content of professional readiness as a reflection of the goal of pedagogical education is accumulated in a professiogram. Professional requirements in it are combined into three interconnected complexes: general civil qualities; qualities that determine the specifics of the profession of a teacher; special ZUN on the subject (special). Psychologists in justifying professiograms refer to the establishment of a list of pedagogical abilities. V. A. Krutetsky identifies among them didactic, constructive, perceptual, expressive, communicative abilities, as well as pedagogical imagination, ability to distribute attention, etc. In the personality structure of a teacher, a special role belongs to the professional-pedagogical orientation, which includes interest in professions, pedagogical vocation, professional pedagogical intentions and inclinations.

Supporters of humanistic tendencies in pedagogy note that a teacher is not only a profession, the essence of which is to transmit knowledge, but a high mission of creating a personality, asserting a person in a person.

Speaking about the importance of pedagogical activity, it is necessary to note the relevance of considering such an aspect of the teaching profession as professional competence. The pedagogical profession is both transformative and managerial, and in order to manage the development of the personality, one must be competent. There are qualification characteristics that standard models determine the competence of the teacher. Competences are understood as a set of generalized requirements for a teacher at the level of his theoretical and practical experience.

The structure of a teacher’s professional competence is revealed through pedagogical skills: analytical, prognostic, projective, reflexive.

A special place in the teacher’s personality structure is occupied by professionally significant personal qualities: kindness, conscientiousness, flexibility in dealing with people, emotional balance, compassion, caring and others.

Thus, the teacher, being a subject of the pedagogical process, must possess multi-parameter qualities, be ready to design joint activities with students, and contribute a personal attitude to its content.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics