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Modern Russian education is a continuous system of successive stages of education, at each of which state, non-state, municipal educational institutions of various types and types operate. The educational system combines preschool, general secondary, secondary special, university, postgraduate, and additional education.

Pre-school education is the first step in the system of continuous education in Russia. The fundamental socio-economic and political changes that occurred in our country in the late 80s - early 90s of the 20th century affected almost all aspects of public life, including pre-school education. The obvious shortcomings of the pre-school education system in the USSR and its apparent inconsistency with the new ideological socio-economic realities led to the development of a new concept for pre-school education (by VV Davydov and VA Petrovsky), which was approved by the USSR State Committee on Public Education in 1989 In this concept, for the first time, a serious analysis of the negative aspects of modern preschool education was given and the main guidelines for its development were outlined.

It should be emphasized that, in its positive part, the concept focused on overcoming the main shortcomings of the established state system. The main disadvantage of the preschool education system was the authoritarian teaching and disciplinary model of the pedagogical process in kindergartens, in which the teacher supervised and controlled the child’s actions in accordance with a given program, and the children were obliged to obey the requirements of the program and the caregiver. As an alternative to authoritarian pedagogy, a new concept proposed a student-centered approach in preschool education. With this approach, the child is not an object of learning, but a full participant in the pedagogical process.

The new concept as the key goals and objectives of preschool education identified the following:

1. Protect and promote the health of children (both physical and mental). The priority of this task is associated with the peculiarities of the period of early childhood, the physiological immaturity and vulnerability of the child, his susceptibility to various diseases.

2. Humanization of goals and principles of educational work with children. This task assumes a reorientation from a disciplinary to a personality-oriented model of interaction with children, which is aimed at developing the child’s individuality, uncovering his abilities, and nurturing a sense of security and self-confidence.

3. Recognition of the uniqueness of preschool childhood as a priority and unique period in human life. Proceeding from this, all work in kindergarten should be directed not at preparing the child for school, but at providing conditions for the full-fledged “residence” of children from this unique period. Caring for the emotional well-being of each child, the development of self-centered activities for the child (especially the role-playing game), the development of the child’s creativity and imagination are more important tasks than telling the children of any specific knowledge.

4. The transition from the Zun paradigm of education to the orientation on the development of the child’s abilities. The entire previous education system was aimed mainly at the transfer of knowledge and skills (ZUN). The task of preschool education is, first of all, the development of the main pre-school age neoplasms - creative activity, independence, arbitrariness, self-awareness, etc. The educational performance indicator in this regard should be considered not the “training” of children or the amount of knowledge they have learned .

5. Raising the foundations of the basis of personal culture, which includes a focus on universal values ​​(beauty, good, truth), means of life (ideas about reality, ways of actively interacting with the world, manifesting an emotionally - evaluative attitude to what is happening. Transferring values ​​and means of active Relationship to the world can be realized only when taking into account the age of children.

Today, Russian preschool educational institutions in their activities are guided by the Model Regulations on preschool educational institutions, adopted in 1995. According to the Model Regulations, preschool institutions are designed to solve a complex of tasks:

· To protect the life and health of children;

· To ensure their intellectual, personal and physical development;

· To introduce to universal values;

· Interact with the family in the interests of the full development of the child.

The complex of relevant tasks can be determined on the basis of the type of preschool institution.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics