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The lessons of kindness. Conducted individually or with a small subgroup of children (older) in the minutes of their appeal to the natural world. Objectives: to develop an interest in nature; to form a positive emotional attitude towards her, a desire to take care of her and to take care of her, to cultivate sensitivity and a feeling of empathy.

Such lessons affecting the soul of a child should not be verbose; can be combined with music, perception of works of art.

Duration of lessons is not regulated (from one to several minutes depending on the mood of the child on a given topic).

Topics of the lessons of kindness: "What does it mean to be kind?"; "When I would.) Kind to nature"; "Who can be considered caring?"

Discussion and play situations . This form of work helps to consolidate the norms and rules of behavior in nature in the mind. You can discuss and lose the following situations.

• Children picked a big pack of lilies of the valley. The teacher was angry with them. Why?

• Children brought a small and helpless hare into a living corner. What will you tell them? Express your attitude to their actions.

Thinking lessons . Assimilation of dependencies between objects and phenomena of wildlife is the most difficult topic for a preschooler child. It is possible to facilitate the solution of this problem with the help of thinking lessons, which are based on answers to various “how?”, “Why?”, “Why?”

For example: "Why does the tree have green needles?"; "Why are the leaves brightened?"; "Why are polar bears listed in the Red Book?"

One should not forget: children's cognitive activity must be combined with their emotional perception of nature.

Thinking lessons can be conducted in different regime periods of time. The main condition for their conduct is the interest of children. The combination of walks with a fascinating story, the organic inclusion of works of art contributes to the formation of a sense of nature in children.

Ecological excursions. The goal is to find answers to the questions posed, accumulate information, learn to observe, “read” the book of nature. The content of the excursions can be a survey of the surrounding area for the formation of ideas about the surrounding natural conditions, terrain, conditions, environmental conditions, the presence of animals and plants. During excursions, children can collect natural material for collections, explore plants, soil, water in different conditions (including adverse environmental conditions: near the road, along the fence, in the wasteland, etc.). to become objects of inanimate nature: granite boulders, stones; sand slides; wind and water, their diverse effects on nature. The results of the work are made out in the form of albums, drawings, collections.

Collecting. This is another way to attract the attention of children to the world around them. Collecting should not harm the nature, so it is best to collect various rocks and minerals (granite, quartz, mica, limestone, etc.). Collecting can be the beginning of conversations about the natural wealth of Russia, about their use ("What is made of granite"; "How is glass, iron made?"; "What is coal?"; "How is it used?"; "How is it mined?" etc.).

You can collect anything: smells, sounds, colors of nature ... nature postcards, drawings. Collections can form the basis of exhibitions, museums organized by children.

Ecological exhibitions and expositions. Their purpose is to familiarize themselves with natural phenomena that are inaccessible for observation by children. Exhibitions and expositions include material designed to work with children and with adults.

The themes can be very diverse: “Forest is a friend of man”; "The wealth of the bowels of our Earth"; "Space"; "Man and his good deeds on Earth"; "Native spaces", etc.

Ecological Museum. Is for the child a real school of nature. The following expositions are pertinent in the museum: flora (herbarium); rare, endangered species of plants and animals (albums and photographs); minerals and rocks (collections of children); water, its use; security (illustration); green pharmacy (medicinal herbs); ecosystems (models); environmental disasters and disasters (albums, illustrations). Such material allows you to visually present to children a variety of topics: "Who are the defenders of nature"; "Blue and green patrols, their activities"; "The life of animals in the forest"; "The mysterious world of insects", etc.

Ecological observations. Their goal is to form an idea of ​​animals and plants as living organisms, to show the relationships that exist in nature. It is important to consider the observed object from all points of view: for example, in observations of plants the following cycles can be distinguished: name (interesting information associated with the name); classification (tree, shrub, herb); appearance, parts, purpose; conditions necessary for growth and development; habitat; plant as a habitat for animals; plant as food for animals; seed propagation methods; reproduction; value in human life; how a person helps plants; rules of behavior in nature. In observations of animals, it is advisable to find out the following: name (interesting information associated with the name); appearance, features; classification (insects, birds, slaves, mammals); method of movement, adaptation of the limbs to the method of movement; method of obtaining food, adapting to the method of obtaining food; food; habitat, adaptation to habitat; reproduction; relationships that exist in nature; value in human life; the role of man in the life of animals; rules of behavior in nature.

Ecological knowledge is the basis of environmental awareness, but it is not enough to educate children only, it is necessary to involve them in practical activities.


Practical activities of children . Its goal is to reinforce the norms of behavior for reasonably limiting the needs for preserving the environment in all its interrelations.

Children usually participate in cleaning the territory, its landscaping, planting trees and shrubs. They can care for weak and diseased trees on the site, for anthills, to feed the birds. Can arrange environmental signs, explain their value to kids. Of particular importance are labor landings, raids, which are planned about once a week.

Green patrol. Recently, the practice of working with older preschoolers includes a green patrol, which bypasses the territory of the kindergarten, notes objects that need protection, help, takes measures to render it. Children use a map compiled with the teacher. The patrol can acquaint the little ones with the rules of behavior in nature, plot the route in order to protect the ground cover from trampling, the soil from compaction, etc. The patrol also determines whether there are rare and valuable plants on the site or in nearby territories. It protects not only plants, but also all “friends” of the forest: ants, ground beetles, birds; acquainted with the causes of fires, with the rules of behavior in nature.

Ecological trails. In any reserve there are strictly certain places for walking. This allows you to leave the surrounding nature in virgin immunity and admire intact beauty. In the conditions of the city, the ecological paths can be used in the park or on the green area of ​​the kindergarten. What can a child see on such a path? Trees, plants, including those listed in the Red Book, anthills; mole hills; woodpecker forge; landforms, rocks, soils and other landscape components. As well as highways, agricultural land, architectural structures that will help show how a person influences nature and solves the problems of its protection. In order for the trail to really help to raise children ecologically, it is necessary to pay special attention to the rules of behavior in nature.

Ecological maps. Children love to travel, discover unknown lands. First, it travels through the territory of the kindergarten, then in the immediate vicinity. And, like real explorers, children make environmental maps. They fill up gradually. The simplest symbols and drawings invented by children are used. Reading the map, you can find out how many trees are growing near the road; where the land is cleaner: at retail outlets or near a school, kindergarten, cinema and why; where landfills arise; where asphalt paths are laid; where the earth is trampled. On the maps mark the places where wild and cultivated plants grow. Considering the map, children reflect on such topics as: what plants grow in places of gardening and what along the road, along the road? How did they adapt to environmental conditions? Etc.

Ecological games. Role-playing environmental games are based on modeling the social content of environmental activities, for example, in the game City Building, its participants play the role of builders, architect, city residents; the goal of the game is to form an idea that construction can be carried out only if environmental standards and rules are observed.

Imitation ecological games are based on modeling environmental activities. The Pond Ecosystem game allows you to trace the role of each component of this system, simulate the effects of anthropogenic impact on biocenoses, and the Ecological Pyramids game helps to show food chains (the child clearly sees that breaking one link in the food chain leads to the death of the others).

Competitive ecological games stimulate the activity of their participants in the acquisition and demonstration of ecological knowledge, skills and abilities. These include: auction-competition, marathon competition, KVN, environmental quiz, “Field of Miracles”, etc.

They are widely used in the practice of school- game school institutions , in which children with the help of LLP get to the North Pole, to the bottom of the ocean, etc.

In working with preschoolers, didactic games are of great importance : “Who lives where”; “Flies, runs, jumps” (about the adaptation of animals to the habitat); “Whose House What?” (On ecosystems); "Living - non-living"; “Birds are animal fish” (for classification according to given characteristics); “What first, what next” (growth and development of living organisms); "Choose the right way" (about the rules of behavior in nature), etc.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics