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One of the modern problems of preschool pedagogy is the education of a creative person. The word "creativity" comes from the word "create", which means "to seek, depict, create something that has not been encountered in the past experience - individual and social." Creative activity is an activity that generates something new. This is its essential feature. Creativity covers a wide range of human activities: science, art, all the inventions of human civilization, and the very forms of human life created by creativity.

Creative activity is a free activity to create a new product, carrying in itself a reflection of the personal “I” ..

It is the creative activity of man that makes him a creature facing the future, creating it and modifying its present.

The problem of children's creativity is one of the urgent problems of pedagogy and psychology. L. Vygotsky, L. I. Venger, T.S. Komarova, A.N. Leontiev, N.A. Vetlugina, E.A. Flerina, B.M. Teplov, A. I. Volkov and others

Children's creativity is the child’s creation of a subjective (meaningful primarily for him) new product (drawing, modeling, story, fairy tale, games); and the effect, objectively significant for society, that is obtained in the form of the child’s mental development in the process of creative activity result (coming up with well-known new, previously unused parts, which characterize the image being created in a new way).

The origins of creativity go back to that period of childhood (2-2.5-3 years), when improvisation is going on, when creative appears in many involuntary activities (playing with sand, snow, children's word creativity). An important role in the development of children's creativity plays a role-playing game. The game - this is already creativity, purely subjective, but creativity, when the child is completely free in the manifestation of his "I".

The main types of creative activity include; artistic creative activity (visual arts, music, dance, song, literary, decorative and applied, architectural, technical creativity, etc.).

The method of organizing creative activity should be based on the following principles:

- freedom of expression, when an adult helps a child in organizing creative activities, does not impose a topic on him, gives freedom of expression to his own "I": "Do as you like, how you like it." The creative process will be creative if it has less
tasks, when given, the result always meets the tastes and desires of adults;

- organization of all types of activities (music, dancing, acting, theater, etc.). It is necessary to allow the child to express himself wherever he could express his “I”;

- Attraction of all children to a single: no untalented children, each has its own inclinations, abilities, each somewhere can manifest itself, its activity. While there is no social activity, there is no creativity;

- introduction to the creative activity through the use of all sensory channels.

In preschool pedagogy, the conditions for the development of children's creativity are distinguished:

1. Early start, early introduction to the creative activity.

2. Adults create a sense of external security for a child when he knows that his creative manifestations will not receive a negative assessment of adults.

3. Formation of the child's sense of inner security, looseness and freedom due to the support of adults for his creative endeavors.

4. Maintenance of the emotional state in the process of creative activity, demonstrating to the child a positive attitude towards him and his activity: smile, applaud, show mimic interest.

5. Creating a situation of success for the child.

6. Lack of external coercion or strict regulation of activities.

7. Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment for the realization of the creative activity of the child. Enriched environment implies the unity of social and subject means (paints, pencils, gouaches, wax crayons, plasticine, etc.) to ensure the diverse activities of the child.

8. Creative personality of the teacher. Only a creative person who thinks outside the box can bring up a creative person.

The role of creativity in the comprehensive development of personality is so great that it gives reason to consider it as a universal way of ensuring the successful development of various activities. The extent to which a child will have creative abilities will largely depend on the teachers and parents, their attention to the implementation of these conditions in order to develop children's creativity.


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