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One of the basic concepts of didactics is training. Education is a purposeful, pre-planned communication, during which the education, upbringing and development of the learner is carried out, certain aspects of human experience, experience of activity and cognition are learned.

Learning as a process is characterized by the joint activities of the teacher and trainees, with the goal of developing students, building their knowledge and skills. The teacher performs the activity designated by the term “teaching”, the learner is included in the activity of the teaching, in which his cognitive needs are met. The process of learning is largely driven by motivation.

Externally, the learning process appears as a joint activity of the teacher and the students, during which the teacher aims, informs, organizes, stimulates the activity of students, corrects and evaluates it, and the learner masters the content and activities reflected in the training programs. The two-sided nature of learning is obvious, always containing interrelated and interdependent processes - teaching and learning. But since all types of activities are always objective, that is, they are aimed at mastering a certain content, that is, the third element of the educational process is the content of the subject. This is the outer side of learning, the inner essence is the process of developing the personality of the learners, taking place on the basis of their mastery of systematized scientific knowledge and methods of activity.

The mastery of knowledge and skills can occur in two main ways of building the learning process: reproductive (reproducing) and productive (creative) [V. I. Zagvyazinsky]. The reproductive variant includes the perception of facts, their subsequent reflection, understanding on the basis of connections, memorization, assimilation and application. In the productive version of the construction of the learning process, the acquisition, application of knowledge is search-based, creative in nature, self-analysis, self-regulation, initiative are stimulated.

The learning process has forms of organization. In the SPO there are two systems of organization of training - this is a class-based (college, technical school) and lecture and seminar (college) forms. The forms of organization of studies are an external expression of the coordinated activity of a teacher and students, carried out in a certain order and mode.

A key component of the class-less system of organization of training is a lesson. In addition to this system, there are other auxiliary forms in this system - these are consultations, additional classes, conferences, circle and elective classes, club work, home independent work of students. The following types of lessons are distinguished by the didactic goals and the place of the lesson in the general system: combined lessons, learning new knowledge, lessons in the formation of new skills, lessons of generalization and systematization of the studied, lessons of control and correction of knowledge and skills, lessons of practical application of knowledge and skills (G. And Shchukin, V.A. Onischuk, N.A. Sorokin and others). Today, they also identify non-standard lessons in their structure, designed to raise students' cognitive interest in the learning process, these are lessons - business games, lessons-competitions, dramatized lessons, auction lessons, lessons offsets, fantasy lessons, etc. It is important This form did not turn into entertainment, but had developmental value.

The colleges use the lecture and seminar system, which involves the organization and conduct of lecture, seminar, practical and laboratory training sessions, as well as a coherent system of independent cognitive activity of students.

Lecture - a systematic oral presentation of the material, its main core - the scientific, evidence and argumentation of its theoretical positions. Types of lectures: traditional (informative) and problem. By role in the educational process, the lectures are divided into introductory, installation, review, summarizing, optional (N. A. Moreva). Requirements for the lecture - the moral side of the lecture and teaching, scientific and informative, evidence and argumentation, the presence of a sufficient number of bright convincing examples, facts, rationales, documents and scientific evidence, emotional form of presentation, activation of students' thinking, logic of disclosing questions, presentation in accessible language and etc.

Seminar classes - a form of educational process, which is a group discussion by students of the topic, educational problems under the guidance of a teacher. The seminar is aimed at in-depth study of the most important and complex sections of the training course. According to the form of conducting seminars, classes can be organized as an interview according to a plan previously communicated to students, discussion of reports, essays. There are three types of seminar: a seminar with the main purpose of in-depth study of a particular thematic course; seminar,

intended for a thorough study of certain topics of the course, and a research-type seminar on specific problems of science (N. A. Moreva). A proseminar, a lesson that prepares students for a seminar lesson (conducted in the first year), a seminar and a special seminar (for senior students) are also distinguished.

Practical exercises are designed to deepen, expand, detail the knowledge gained at the lecture in a generalized form, and contribute to the development of professional activity.

Teaching methods is a system of methods for the activity of a teacher and students, aimed at mastering knowledge, skills, and abilities. A special role in the learning process is played by active methods that induce trainees to active mental and practical activities in the process of mastering the material. Depending on the focus on the formation of a system of knowledge or the mastery of skills and abilities, active methods are divided into imitational (gaming and non-game) related to the modeling of professional activity (business game, various exercises, analysis of pedagogical situations, etc.) and non-imitational (educational discussion, heuristic conversation, different types of independent work, brainstorming, etc.).

Thus, the learning process in an average specialized educational institution has its own characteristics and at the same time is subject to the general laws of didactics.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics