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Preschool age is most favorable for the formation of various feelings in a child, including humane ones. Humane feelings are a person’s emotional attitude towards other people, animals, nature, expressed in sympathy, empathy, pity, compassion, mercy, etc. One can judge the formation of humane feelings in a person by his kindness, responsiveness, the desire to come to the aid of another person, the ability to sacrifice something for the sake of another.

“Humanism” as a key philosophical concept means “humanity” (humanitas- “humanity”). It can be used in the following meanings: designation of the moral qualities of the individual - humanity, kindness, respect; expression of a special relationship to man as the highest value of life.

Humanity is respect for people, concern for their welfare, compassion, benevolence, mercy. Humanity is manifested in empathy for a person in trouble, a willingness to help him, to do good in all situations of life, to resist evil.

The task of educating children of humane feelings is solved the more successfully, the more humane the adults themselves, the kinder and fairer they are towards children. It is important that adults express approval of the child’s good behavior, his kindly attitude towards his peers, encourage friendly play together, the desire to help out a friend, to assist; It is important that they sincerely share the joy of a child with the successful completion of a difficult task for him, encouraging a timid child who is afraid of failures.

When educating a child of humane feelings, it is necessary, first of all, to develop the ability to empathize and to experience in general. It is about the development of the general emotionality of the child. An adult should take into account that the birth of sympathy in small children begins with small, with simple at first glance, children's questions: "Does it hurt you?" sensitively respond to the manifestations of goodwill towards them, sincerely reaching out to kind, sympathetic people.

The approval of adults helps the child to be convinced of the correctness of his actions, causes a desire to repeat them, the child awakens the desire to be good, to become even better. Teaching children to sympathy should be both positive and negative examples. Only when comparing the good, the good with the bad, the evil, do the child's moral feelings form. Therefore, ethical conversations on moral issues are an effective method of raising humane feelings in children.

There are many means of educating humane feelings in preschoolers. Of great importance here is art, role-playing, caring for animals and plants, fiction. Positive characters and characters of artistic works evoke in children sympathy, a sense of joy, a desire to imitate them. Raising sympathy is closely connected with raising children of kindness, caring for those who need help, protection. The key to success in raising humane feelings in children will be constant interaction with the family.

Raising kindness in children begins with nurturing their love for their parents. The teacher, raising children’s feelings of love and respect for their parents, can explain to them only with concrete examples what should show their care and kindness towards adults. Children also need to cultivate sympathy for old people: to give the old grandmother a seat on the bus, to cross the road, to help carry a heavy bag. Raising sympathy is closely connected with raising children in a good attitude to the younger ones, with caring for them.

A very important means of raising humane feelings in children is communication with animals, which is why it is so important to have animals in the house when a child grows in a family. The constant practice of caring for animals and daily communication with them reinforce the humane feelings of children: they make them kinder, more attentive, accustom to a sense of responsibility for the fate of a living being. Pets sometimes replace children with adults during long hours of forced loneliness. The ability to play, talk, pet pets is simply necessary for children, especially when adults are serious and busy. Children often attribute human traits to their animal friends: they treat and talk to them as if they were their peers. The degree of formation in children of deep humane feelings for animals can be judged on the basis of the following signs: interest in various members of the animal world, a desire to learn more about their lives, habits; knowledge and implementation of the rules of communication with a living being; the desire to work for the animal, the ability to care for him; emotional perception and communication with animals. Kind, caring, humane attitude of a child to a living being is the pledge of a humane attitude towards people.

The formation of humane feelings in preschool children occurs gradually. Young children seek good deeds first for the sake of praise, approval of adults. Gradually, the habit of doing well, doing good turns into a feeling of caring for another person, becomes their natural need. And sympathy, expressed in active, disinterested help to another person, in caring for him, abandoning his personal in favor of another person, is one of the first humane feelings awakened in preschoolers.


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