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Physical education is an educational process characterized by all the common features inherent in the pedagogical process (the leading role of a specialist teacher, the focus of the activities of the educator and children on the implementation of the tasks of education and training, building a system of classes). At the same time, physical education has its own specific features that distinguish it from other types of education. First of all, it is a process proceeding according to the laws of activity, ensuring the orderly formation and improvement of motor skills and skills along with optimization of the development of a person’s physical qualities, the combination of which to a decisive extent determines his physical capacity.

Physical education in preschool institutions is carried out mainly according to the standard program, that is, according to the classical form of organization of education. And at the same time, different approaches to the improvement, upbringing and education of children by means of physical culture are increasingly taking place. In no other period of life, physical education is not so closely connected with general education as it was the first time for six years. In the period of preschool childhood, the child lays the foundation for health, longevity, all-round motor fitness and harmonious physical development.

That is why in programs of upbringing and education in preschool institutions, great attention is paid to physical culture, organization of health work with children.

The purpose of physical education is to prepare for life, work, the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children. In the process of physical education, recreational, educational and educational tasks are carried out.

1. Improving tasks: health promotion, full physical development, hardening of the body, ensuring creative longevity, improving the functions of the body, increasing activity and overall health.

2. Educational tasks: the development of children's motor skills and abilities, the development of physical qualities, the preschool children obtaining basic knowledge about their body; the role of physical exercise in his life, ways to improve their own health.

3. Educational tasks: aimed at the diverse development of children (mental, moral, aesthetic, labor), the formation of their interest and needs for systematic exercise.

By means of physical education include:

1. Hygienic factors (mode of employment, rest, food, sleep, hygiene of clothes, shoes, sports equipment, playground), which are an indispensable condition for solving problems of physical education.

2. Natural forces of nature (sun, air, water) increase the positive effect of exercise on the body and increase human performance. Sun, air and water are used to temper the body, to increase its adaptability to high and low temperatures, as a result of which a thermostatic unit exercises, which acquires the ability to react in a timely manner to various changes in the external environment.

3. Physical exercise is the main specific means of physical education, which has a multifaceted impact on a person. They are used to solve educational, health and educational tasks of physical education: they contribute to the implementation of mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education, as well as a means of treating many diseases.


In the theory of physical education, motor skill is defined as the degree of mastery of the technique of action, which is characterized by an increased concentration of attention on compound operations and unstable ways of solving a motor task. The basis of the motor skills is a creative search, comparison, evaluation of the ways of performing movements, connecting them into a holistic motor action. Motive skill gradually passes into skill.

Motor skill is the degree of mastery of the technique of action, in which the control of movements is carried out automatically and actions are distinguished by high reliability. The formation of a motor skill is the process of forming a dynamic stereotype in the interaction of the first and second signal systems with the predominant value of the second signal system. Characteristics of the motor skill are; the automated nature of both certain operations and actions entirely; high speed of action; stability of the outcome of the action; reliability and strength - the skill does not disappear even with long breaks.

Patterns of formation of motor skills.

1. The formation of the initial skill is a stage short in time when children are introduced to the new movement, characterized by a wide irradiation of the excitation process in the cerebral cortex and the insufficiency of internal inhibition. In this regard, children are observed uncertainty in the movements, the overall tension of the muscles, the presence of unnecessary movements, inaccuracies in space.

2. The process of specialization of the conditioned reflex is a stage that is longer in time. During this developmental stage of skill in children in the order of repeated exercises, the correctness of the movements being learned is gradually improved. This is due to the refinement of individual motor reflexes and the entire system as a whole.

3. Stabilization of a skill, consolidation of a dynamic stereotype, corresponding to the main variant of action. The child owns the skill. His movements are made arbitrary, economical. He independently and confidently performs the action with the awareness of his main task, he can creatively apply the developed skill in the arising real situation.

Along with the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of physical qualities is one of the sides of physical education. Physical qualities are associated with morphofunctional, psychophysical and biological characteristics of the child’s body. Education of physical qualities in unity with the teaching of children to motor skills has an impact on their improvement, the recovery of the whole organism, children learn new things faster and show creative independence. The development of basic physical qualities (speed, agility, endurance, strength, flexibility) occurs in close connection with the formation of motor skills.

Quickness is considered as a complex of human functional properties that determine the speed characteristics of movements, as well as the motor response. In practice, this is manifested in the ability to perform motor action in the shortest possible time.

The speed is determined by the speed of the motor reaction, individual movements, the frequency of repetition of movements. For the development of speed, you should use the exercises in fast and slow running: alternation of running at the maximum pace at short distances with a transition to a different pace. In addition, in the classroom and in the game activity, outdoor games and running from conventional different starting positions are used (sitting, lying, on the back, squatting, etc.).

Dexterity - the ability to quickly master new movements. In a child, the development of dexterity is associated with the development of coordination of movements, the ability to carry out movements consistently and consistently. Dexterity is a necessary component of any movement. To cultivate dexterity in children, diverse physical exercises are used in basic movements (walking, jogging between objects; with overcoming various obstacles — crawling into a hoop, parting on a bench; jumping over an object). The best conditions for the improvement of dexterity are created in outdoor games: the child must be quick, quick-witted, dull, and able to deftly move between objects. Appropriate assignments with objects. The more motor skills a child has, the easier it is to learn new movements and improve dexterity.

Strength - the ability in the process of motor actions to overcome external resistance or to counteract it through muscle stresses. The level of muscle strength is determined by the person's age and depends on the degree of development of the musculoskeletal system, the functional state of the nerve centers that regulate the frequency, degree and volume of muscle contractions.

There are several concepts of power abilities. Absolute strength is the ability to show maximum stress in a relatively short period of time, this ability is usually evaluated using a dynamometer and is expressed in kg. The relative strength that a person can display without regard to his own weight, in other words, is the amount of force that falls on 1 kg of a person’s weight. The relative strength is determined by dividing the absolute strength by the weight of the body. In preschool children, it is 1.5-1.8 conventional units (E. N. Vavilova). This means that the child can lift a weight that exceeds his personal. You can measure the strength of different muscle groups. Usually measure the strength of the muscles of the hand and the strength of the camp.

For the development of power indicators, you can use jumping from a small height, followed by a rebound up, forward, jumping to elevation from a place, from a small run, varieties of jumps, walking on stairs, a moderate or fast paced exercise, acceleration, jumping with a rope, etc.

Endurance - the ability to resist fatigue, a long time to perform muscular work without reducing its intensity, what is the physiological essence of the quality of endurance. In the theory and practice of physical education, the division of endurance into general and special is widespread . General endurance is most common in preschool children. It manifests itself in the performance of long, low-intensity work, which includes the action of most of the child’s muscular system. If motor activity is limited to any type (swimming, skiing), then they say about special endurance. It depends on the technique of owning movements, the level of development of strength, speed.

Endurance training is carried out in the process of sports exercises (skiing, cycling, swimming, long run).

Flexibility - morphofunctional properties of the musculoskeletal system, determining the degree of mobility of its joints. Flexibility is determined by the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. Considering that in preschool children, the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine, is distinguished by plasticity, it should be in physical training classes, morning exercises include rotation exercises, turns, bends, swinging, spring movements to increase joint mobility. The volume and intensity of exercises for the development of flexibility should increase gradually.

See also


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics