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Parenting system


The form of school and family communication is outdated - all parental meetings, as a rule, are a teacher's monologue in which he talks about the successes or failures of students. I would like to change this situation so that parents not only act as passive listeners, but are active, share parenting experiences, give advice, build communication.

• Forms of holding parental meetings at the middle level simply need to look for new ones, because interest in novelty of teaching and upbringing disappears from parents. Parents believe. that the basic learning skills of children are formed. Parent lecture hall is required in accordance with age features


Very often parents do not want to attend parental meetings. According to a poll of parents, it was revealed that many do not want to walk because of fear, fear and shame, because a child does not study well and can violate discipline; other parents think that if a child studies well and there are no remarks addressed to him, then there is no sense at all to appear in school, and some have offenses. Many parents cannot come because of their work.
In order to somehow work with parents, I recommend to create not an accusatory atmosphere, but a confidential

• Why don't parents attend parent meetings? Some do not want to listen to the constant reproaches of teachers and class leaders, to blush before other parents, others probably have lost faith in the possibility of re-educating their children, and others do not see any benefit in the meetings. Parental meetings are usually assaults on students, parents, and teachers. The meeting should have a topic, and the class teacher should bring important information to the parents and hold a dialogue with the parents. . At meetings should be positive .. Praise children more, show their achievements in front of parents

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in work with family

In my opinion, it is impossible to achieve high results of educational work without cooperation with the parents of the students, without information about the family in which the student lives and is brought up.

After all, a family is a personal environment for the life and development of a child, the quality of which is determined by a number of parameters:

• socio-cultural (depending on the educational level of the parents and their participation in society);

• socio-economic (determined by the property characteristics and the employment of parents at work);

• technical and hygienic (depending on the living conditions, dwelling equipment, lifestyle features);

• demographic (determined by family structure).

Tasks of family education:

Whichever direction we take of the development of a child, it always turns out that the family plays a decisive role in its effectiveness at a given age stage, which is designed to solve the following tasks of family education:

• harmonious development of the child;

• care for children's health;

• teaching assistance;

• labor education and assistance in choosing a profession;

• assistance in the socialization of the individual and its self-realization;

• the formation of the experience of humane, emotional and moral relations;

• concern for general cultural and intellectual development;

• development of interests, aptitudes, abilities and creativity;

• preparation for self-education and self-development;

• sex education, preparation for future family life.

Family problems:

Thus, the family as a micromodel of society is the most important link in the multifaceted process of forming a child’s personality. It is the family that should serve as a guide for the inclusion of a person in a complex and controversial world around.

So it should be if the family fully performs its functions. However, modern families are developing in a qualitative and controversial social situation. On the one hand, there is a turn of society towards the problems and needs of the family, and comprehensive targeted programs are being developed and implemented to strengthen the family and increase its importance in the upbringing of children.

On the other hand, there are processes that lead to the exacerbation of family problems:

1. Strengthening social stratification (in terms of material wealth and social status);

2. The increase in the number of divorces that adversely affect the psyche of children;

3. An increase in the number of families in which children are raised by one parent;

4. The destruction of the “parents-child” system, reinforcing the mutual alienation of children and parents;

5. The powerful aggressive impact of the media and the global Internet.

Educational functions:


All this leads to the fact that the family is not always able to fully or does not want to perform its main educational functions:

• promoting successful socialization and self-realization of the child in modern society;

• ensuring psychological comfort and emotional well-being of the child;

• ensuring the protection of rights, life, health and personal safety


Functions of school and family interaction:

Consequently, in difficult modern conditions the family needs systematic and qualified assistance from the school. Only in the process of interaction between teachers and parents and the fullest possible use of the educational potential of the family can successfully solve the problem of the development of the student’s personality.

The process of interaction between the family and the school should be aimed at the active involvement of parents in the OHR, in extracurricular leisure activities, cooperation with children and teachers.

The main functions of interaction between the school and the family include:

• informational;

• educational and developmental;

• formative;

• security and health;

• controlling;

• household

Interaction tasks:

• formation of an active pedagogical position of parents;

• parental armament with pedagogical knowledge and skills;

• active participation of parents in raising children

Diagnostic methods:

Cooperation with parents can not be built "by eye" or guided only by intuition. It is necessary to study the student's family, which will allow the class teacher to get to know him more closely, to understand his behavior and motives of actions through studying the family’s lifestyle, traditions, traditions, spiritual guidelines and values; identify educational opportunities of the family.

In this case, the teacher can use a set of traditional methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics:

• observation;

• conversation;

• testing;

• questioning;

• business games;

• materials of children's creativity and creativity of parents

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics
in class work with family

Studying a family is a delicate, delicate matter, requiring the teacher to show tact in communication and respect for all family members, sincerity, and a desire to assist in raising children. It is important for the teacher to observe the following rules:

• Parents and children should not feel like objects of study.

• The study should be focused, systematic, systematic.

• Psychological and pedagogical methods should be diverse and used in combination.

• The results of the study are confidential information, and if necessary, use should be announced only as a percentage

Using the class teacher psychological and pedagogical diagnosis involves a clear definition of goals and expected results. Pursuing such
diagnosis, the class teacher must answer the following questions:

• What do I want to receive as a result of a diagnosis?

• How will I work with the material received?

• What can change for the better if such a diagnosis is made?

Types of diagnosis:

Depending on the tasks solved by the teacher, there are 3 types of diagnostics:

preliminary (necessary when meeting with the family, preparing parental meetings, thematic consultations, extracurricular activities, organizing trips and excursions, when planning extracurricular activities ...);

operational (necessary in a conflict situation between parents and children, when preparing for interviews, in solving problems in the relationship of schoolchildren, parents and children, teachers and students);

final (held at the end of the school year based on the results of work).

Currently, there are many published diagnostic methods for teachers, students, parents. How to navigate this stream? How to choose the right one?


• In my opinion, it is necessary to select diagnostic tools based on the following principles:

• humanism (the information received should in no way harm the one who gave you information about yourself);

• validity (determined by how well the chosen method of studying the family meets the goals set);

• accuracy (correspondence of the results of the study to the level of measured quality)

• reliability (determined by the extent to which test results are consistent with repeated measurements);

• correctness (determined by the quality of the diagnostic material).

Depending on the goals set, all methods of studying the family can be divided into 4 blocks (according to the main areas of interaction):

1 block
Family study and support
(preliminary and operational diagnostics)

The necessary information

Methods and techniques

Socio-demographic characteristics of the family:

· Socio-demographic portrait of the family; · organization and principles of family education; parent-school relations. Forms and tests for parents.

Writings and drawings of students (“My family”, “My day off” ...).
Description of students of their family tree.
Works of parents.
Pedagogical consultations.
Family visit.
Psychological and pedagogical counseling (conversations).
Methods of unfinished sentences.

2 block
Involvement of parents in cooperation with the school (preliminary diagnosis)

Information requests from parents; orientation of parents in the field of education, availability of free time, material and professional opportunities

Questionnaires for parents.
Conversations with parents.
Discussion meetings.
Conducting "round tables".

3 block
Outreach work with parents
(preliminary and operational diagnostics)

Legal, psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the problems of training and education.

Questioning and testing of parents.
Conversations with parents.
Discussion of pedagogical situations.
Business and plot-role-playing games.
Psychological and pedagogical counseling.
Trainings, workshops ...

4 block
Intra-school monitoring
(final diagnosis)

Parental satisfaction with the quality of educational work

Questionnaires for parents.
Methods of unfinished sentences.
Conversations with parents.
"Round tables" ...

Preliminary diagnosis
Profile «Meeting with parents.
Absent acquaintance with the child "

1 option

• What is your first impression about the school and teaching staff where your child will have to learn?

• How do you see your child’s class teacher?

• How would you like to see the class in which your child will learn?

• What traditions and customs, in your opinion, should be developed in the children's team?

• How can you help the class teacher in creating a children's team?

• What upbringing problems cause you serious concern and anxiety?

Option 2

• Which of the adults in the family does your child most likely spend his free time with?

• Which of the adults in the family is your child most candid with?

• How does your child respond to praise?

• How do you encourage your child? What forms of promotion are better, which are worse?

• How does your child react to censure?

• What forms of censure are most effective?

• Does the child have ongoing household responsibilities? What kind?

• Who is your child friends with?

• How often are your child's friends at home?

• How does your child prefer to spend his free time?

• What activities does your child have the most propensity for?

Rapid diagnosis
Methodology of unfinished sentences
for objective diagnosis of relationships
(preventing or preventing the development of conflict situations)

For students:

• - School for me is ...
- The class in which I study is ...
“Teachers for me are people who ...”
“My classmates are ...”
“The lessons for me are ...”
- Doing homework for my child is ...
“The items I like are -”
“Items that I don’t like are ...”

For parents:

• - The school where my child is studying is ...
- The class in which my child is studying is ...
“My child's classmates are ...”
“The lessons for my child are ...”
- Doing homework for my child is ...
“The items my child likes are ...”
“The things I don't like about my child are ...”

Questionnaire to identify the level of interest
parents learning a child

1. How many subjects does your child have in this school year?
a) 8 b) 10 c) 12 g) ____

2. How many parent meetings have you attended this school year?
a) all or missed (a) one;
b) missed (a) two;
c) did not visit any for various reasons

3. How many teachers in the class do you know?
a) all; b) some; c) only the class teacher

4. How many times did you look at your child’s notebooks and textbooks this year?
a) systematically b) periodically c) never

5. If you find that a child is experiencing difficulties in some subjects and you are not able to help him, what will you do?
a) I will ask for help from teachers and other people;
b) go to the school principal;
c) I will force the child to study more difficult subjects difficult for him.

6. What do you do when a child’s friends come to you to work together?
a) I accept them and help in classes, if necessary, I create conditions for
b) I accept them, despite the fact that it bothers me;
c) I prefer my child to study alone.



Key for processing results:

• Calculate which item most often matches your answers:

• A) 4-6 replies. You do not share the opinion that your child is already big and can be left to himself. You understand perfectly well that at any age there are many difficulties in his path, and he needs your help not only in his studies, but in everything else.

• B) 4-6 answers. You do not really care about your child’s studies. However, remember that learning disruptions can lead to destabilization in the rest of the child’s activities.

• B) 4-6 answers. Remember that the first person who should come to the rescue in matters of study is you and the rest of the adult family members. Try to do everything so that all questions you can honestly and confidently give answers under the letter A.

Final diagnosis
Study of parental job satisfaction
educational institution

Evaluation Criteria:
4 - totally agree
3 - agree
2 - hard to say
1 - disagree
0 - completely disagree

• The team in which our child learns can be called friendly.
4 3 2 1 0

• In the midst of his classmates, our child feels comfortable.
4 3 2 1 0

• Educators are kind to our child.
4 3 2 1 0

• We have a feeling of mutual understanding in contacts with the school administration.
4 3 2 1 0

• We have a feeling of mutual understanding in contacts with school teachers.
4 3 2 1 0

• We have a feeling of mutual understanding in contacts with the class teacher.
4 3 2 1 0

• Educators rightly evaluate our child’s learning progress.
4 3 2 1 0

• Teachers take into account the individual characteristics of our child.
4 3 2 1 0

• The school holds events that are useful and interesting to our child.
4 3 2 1 0

• The school has various clubs, clubs, sections where our child can study.
4 3 2 1 0

• Educators give our child a deep and solid knowledge.
4 3 2 1 0

• The school cares about the physical development and health of our child.
4 3 2 1 0

• The educational institution contributes to the formation of a decent behavior of our child.
4 3 2 1 0

• The administration and teachers create conditions for the manifestation and development of the creative abilities of our child.
4 3 2 1 0

• The educational institution really prepares our child for independent living.
4 3 2 1 0

• Our child is not overloaded with schoolwork and homework.
4 3 2 1 0

Processing Results:

• Parents 'satisfaction with the work of an educational institution is defined as a quotient obtained by dividing the total score of all parents' answers by the total number of answers.

• If the coefficient is 3 or more of this number, This indicates a high level of satisfaction.

• If it is equal to or greater than 2, but less than 3, then we can state the average level of satisfaction.

• If the coefficient is less than 2, then this is an indicator of the low level of parental satisfaction with the activities of the educational institution.

Diagnostics is not a panacea, but a tool that can help make the problem trouble-free.

Parenting system (presentation)

School parents survey results

1. Совместная работа специалистов школы по реализации образовательной программы обеспечивает педагогическое сопровождение семьи на всех этапах школьного обучения, делает родителей действительно равноответственными участниками образовательного процесса. Деятельность родителей и педагогов в интересах ребенка может быть успешной только в том случае, если они станут союзниками, что позволит им лучше узнать ребенка, увидеть его в разных ситуациях. Семья и школа – два общественных института, которые стоят у истоков нашего будущего, но зачастую не всегда им хватает взаимопонимания, такта, терпения, чтобы услышать и понять друг друга. Как изменить такое положение? Как заинтересовать родителей в совместной работе? Как сделать общение с родителями живым и предметным? Сегодня наши размышления будут всецело посвящены этим актуальнейшим вопросам.

Сейчас я передаю слово Рузанне Миннигалеевне Хамидуллиной, руководителю проблемной творческой группы, которая занимается вопросами системного взаимодействия школы с родителями. Она проведет некоторый экскурс в теорию вопроса, а затем наши педагоги представят свой опыт взаимодействия с родителями по разным аспектам образовательного процесса.

2. Прежде чем представить анализ анкет, которых поступило лишь 25% от общего количества семей, я хочу остановиться на тех вопросах, которые были заданы родителям:

- нам было интересно мнение родителей о том, кого они считают ответственными за воспитание детей – семью или школу и кто занимается воспитанием ребенка в их семье;

- как часто посещают они родительские собрания, чего ожидают от них, что разочаровывает, что они предлагают для оптимизации взаимоотношений;

- были вопросы, помогающие понять, хорошо ли родители знают своих детей, их способности, интересуются ли их внутренним миром, их социальной и творческой направленностью, видят ли их реальные перспективы?

Проанализировав анкеты 9 (1а, 2а, 3б, 4а, 6б, 7а, 9а, 9б, 10а) классов из 24, можем сделать некоторые выводы:

1. Подавляющее число родителей считают, что главенствующая роль в воспитании детей все-таки принадлежит семье, школа является реальным помощником, соратником и другом, причем роль школы существенна. Присутствуют единичные мнения, что школа вовсе не занимается воспитанием и оказывает на ребенка отрицательное воздействие, которое проявляется в неуважении к родителям, девиантном поведении и потребительстве.

2. Выявлено, что руководящая роль в воспитании детей в семье в основном принадлежит матери – 56%; роль отца ниже – она составляет всего 10%; воспитание осуществляется гармонично, с равной долей обоих родителей в 25% семей; в 1% семей руководящая роль отдана церкви (причем, мы не знаем, какого направления эти религиозные организации); в отдельных случаях воспитание осуществляется бабушками, братьями, другими родственниками или опекунами – 8%. Еще раз оговорюсь, что обработаны всего 25% анкет от общего числа семей.

3. Наши родители в вопросе «регулярно ли они посещают родительские собрания?», распределились следующим образом – 81 и 19%. Основная причина непосещений – производственная занятость. Как видим, 2,2% родителей считают собрания неинтересными и однообразными.

4. На вопрос, что бы они хотели обсудить с педагогами на родительских собраниях, мы получили большое количество разнообразных ответов, которые позволяют судить о степени заинтересованности родителей в вопросах развития детей:

· как правильно помочь ребенку в учебе

· как правильно вести себя с ребенком во время возрастных кризисов (переходный возраст)

· отношение к проблемам общества

· досуг ребенка во внеурочное время

· как раскрыть таланты ребенка

· о вреде и пользе интернета и сотовых телефонов

· что важнее ругать или хвалить

· занимательные задачи и упражнения для занятий с ребенком дома

· как воспитать гражданина и патриота

· повышение качества обучения детей через обучение родителей

· правильная подготовка к экзаменам

· перспективы Российского образования

· какой себя видит наша школа в будущем

· как уберечь ребенка от наркотиков, алкоголя и никотина

· правильное, здоровое питание и режим, ЗОЖ

· встречи с учителями ИЗО, музыки, труда, физ-ры

Эти ответы родителей можно взять за основу при проектировании системы родительских собраний на целую пятилетку.

5. Родителям интересны многие формы школьных собраний, где всерьез решаются реальные вопросы обучения и воспитания детей, взаимодействия семьи и школы:

· «любые, мне все интересно...»

· «все о моем ребенке...»

· 100% присутствие родителей класса

· где обсуждаются взаимоотношения в классе

· в неофициальной обстановке вне школы

· совместное принятие всех решений

· индивидуальные беседы в отдельные часы

· общешкольные собрания

· собрания вместе с детьми

· отношения между детьми и родителями

· «собрания должны нас чему-то учить...»

· «перед собраниями проводить концерты детей, а может и совместно с педагогами»

· собрания в выходные дни.

6. В вопросах об условиях для успешной самореализации детей в учебной деятельности родители придерживаются классических вариантов ответов, но встечаются и не совсем адекватные, заставляющие пристальнее взглянуть на ситуацию в семье и при необходимости помочь ребенку.

7. Родители предлагали мероприятия, которые могли бы заинтересовать учащихся, демонстрируя тем самым тонкое знание интересов своего ребенка, его направленности, перспектив развития:

· интеллектуальные конкурсы, игры

· экскурсии, поездки за город, походы в театр, цирк, кино

· день именинника

· совместные празднования: учитель – ученики - родители

· подготовка к экзаменам, профориентация

· побольше трудовой деятельности

· литературные вечера

· выступления детей

· посещение спортивных мероприятий

· тематические классные часы

· турниры по спортивным играм

· беседы об отношениях между сверстниками, между детьми и родителями

· о вреде наркотиков, алкоголя, табакокурения.

В целом, можно сделать следующие выводы по результатам анализа анкет:

1. Родители в основном правильно понимают распределение ответственности: школа обучает, семья воспитывает, вместе – развиваем детей, обучая и воспитывая.

2. Родителей интересуют вопросы сохранения здоровья, обучения, воспитания и успешной социализации детей; они готовы к взаимодействию по самым различным аспектам образовательного процесса.

3. Необходимо активно использовать разнообразные формы взаимодействия с семьей, прислушиваться к мнению родителей, выделять больше времени общению в удобное для них время.

4. Важно четко и аргументированно информировать родителей о проблемах школы, класса (в т.ч. и материальных) и находить оптимальные пути их решения совместно с родителями.


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