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Advanced training


Advanced Learning is a type of learning in which the brief basics of a topic are given by the teacher before the study of the program begins. Brief basics can be given as abstracts when considering related topics, as well as being unobtrusive references, examples, associations. It is assumed that advanced training is effective when studying a difficult topic for perception. Advanced education implies the development of students' thinking, which is ahead of their age possibilities.

Different definitions

A clear definition in the works of specific teachers or encyclopedias is not given. Nevertheless, in the works of L.V. Zankova and S.N. Lysenkova gives incomplete definitions and special cases of application of advanced training in practice are described.

  • In theory of learning L.V. Zankova, the author comes very close to the definition of "advanced training". According to his theory, the entire effective organization of training is aimed at enhancing the development of the student’s mental activity, developing the ability to independently acquire knowledge in cooperation with other students, i.e. to develop yourself. But a clear definition of "advanced training" L.V. Zankov does not give.
  • Another attempt to formulate a definition should be considered the work of S.N. Lysenkova [1], who was one of the first to put forward the need for advancing when teaching schoolchildren. The basics of advanced training according to the theory of S.N. Lysenkova [1] [2] are:
  1. Commented management, as the possibility of establishing teacher-student feedback, saving time in the classroom, fostering self-reliance, attention, and ability to focus.
  2. Supports: large supports - schemes, small supports - cards. The scheme is a pillar of the student's thought, a pillar of his practical activity, a link between the teacher and the student. Supporting schemes are designed in the form of a drawing, a drawing, conclusions that are born at the moment of explanation. They allow you to include each student in active work in all the lessons; bring ideas on the topic under study to the formation of concepts, sustainable skills.


  1. Lysenkova S.N. My life is a school, or the right to creativity. - M .: Publishing house "New school", 1995.
  2. Lysenkova S.N. I read, I believe, I write. - M .: School-Press, 1997


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