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The game is a historically arisen type of activity of children, consisting in reproducing the actions of adults and the relations between them. The game as one of the types of human activity, as a complex and interesting phenomenon attracts the attention of teachers and psychologists, philosophers and historians. In science, there are different points of view on the nature of children's play. C. Gross and others. Supporters of biologizing trends in psychology have argued that the game is peculiar to the child as every primitive creature and acts as a preliminary adaptation of instincts to future conditions of existence.

Domestic science emphasizes, above all, the social nature of the game as a reflection of real life. KD Ushinsky defined the game as a way for the child to enter the entire complexity of the adult world. The imaginative reflection of real life in children's games depends on their impressions, the emerging value system. According to A.V. Zaporozhets, N.YA. Mikhaylenko et al., The game is social in the way it is implemented, since it is not invented by the child, but is given to adults who learn to play (how to use a toy, build a plot, obey the rules, etc.). The child summarizes the game methods and transfers them to other situations. So the game acquires self-movement and becomes a form of its own creativity, and this determines its developmental effect.

According to L. S. Vygotsky, “the game is a source of development and creates a zone of proximal development.” Essentially through the game activity and the development of the child moves. Only in this sense can a game be called a leading activity; determining the development of children. A. N. Leont'ev considered that purely quantitative indicators are not a sign of a leading activity, a leading activity is not just an activity most often found at this stage of development, but an activity to which the child gives the most time. The game is qualitatively heterogeneous, there are various types of it: creative, games with rules, games, entertainment, etc. D. B. Elkonin proposed to consider the plot-role-playing game as the leading activity of the child.

Game as an activity distinguishes:

• its unproductive nature, i.e. its focus is not on achieving the highest goal, but on the process of the game itself;

• in the game, an imaginary plan prevails over the real, therefore the game actions are carried out not according to the logic of the objective values ​​of the things involved in the game, but according to the logic of the game meaning they receive in an imaginary situation.

As an activity, the game has the following structural components:

• motives - they can be different: vivid impressions of life events, new toys, friendship motive, the desire to become the subject of their own activities;

• the goal in the game depends on its type - if these are creative games, then the children set goals (for example: “swim to the island by ship”), if they are didactic, then you must fulfill both the game goal and the didactic etc .;

• actions in the game are twofold: they can be both real and playable;

• the result depends on the type of game - in creative games it is subjective, in games with rules it can be a gain.

Traditionally, games are divided into two types: creative (plot-role-playing, dramatized, construction-constructive) and games with rules (didactic, mobile, folk, fun).

In modern studies of the game there are new classifications. So S. L. Novoselova proposes to allocate the games arising on the initiative of the child (games experimentation, plot-mapping, directing and theatrical); games initiated by adults and older children (didactic, mobile, computer, entertainment, etc.); games coming from the historically established traditions of the ethnos (folk games).

In the life of a child there are various types of games, therefore in the totality of their varieties the game is the predominant activity and becomes a form of organization of children's life activity.

Attempts to organize the life of children in the form of a game were present both in many pedagogical works and in the practice of kindergarten (F. Frebel, M. Montessori, A. Simonovich, etc.). The scientific substantiation of the game as a form of organization of the life and activity of children is contained in the works of A.P. Usovoy. In her opinion, the teacher should be in the center of children's life, understand what is happening, delve into the interests of the children playing, and skillfully guide them. In order for the game to play an organizing role in the pedagogical process, the educator needs to be well aware of what tasks of education and training can be solved with the greatest effect in it. However, directing the game to the solution of educational tasks, it should be remembered that it is a kind of independent activity of a preschooler.

As a form of organizing the life and activities of children, the game must have its specific place in the daily routine and in the pedagogical process as a whole. In day mode, there must be time for children to independently develop play activities.

Thus, being the main activity, the game occupies a leading place in the child's life.


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Pedagogy and didactics

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