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The dramatized game is by its nature one of the types of creative play of children of preschool age. Theatrical games are playing in the faces of literary works and are divided into two main groups: role-playing (dramatization) and directorial. In the game-dramatization, the child, playing the role as an artist, creates an image on her own using means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness. The types of drama game are: a game-imitation of images of animals, people, literary characters, role-playing dialogue based on a fragment of text, a performance of a passage or a whole work, a performance based on one or more works.

In the directorial game, the artists are toys or their substitutes, and the child organizes the management activities as a “scriptwriter and director”. “Voicing” the characters and commenting on the plot, the preschooler also uses various means of verbal expression. The types of directorial games are determined in accordance with the variety of theaters used in kindergarten: table-top and surround table theater, toy and picture theater, puppet theater (bibabo, finger, puppet), etc.

The originality of drama games is determined by the plot invented by the author of a literary work. The content of the game, the words they pronounce, the sequence of events, the creation of a certain scenery, attributes, the selection of musical accompaniment, etc. depend on the content of the dramatized work. The actions performed by children in a drama game are more complex than in a role-playing game in imitation of what they see in life. Here the child needs not only to recreate any of the objects encountered in life, but also to put it in the conditions proposed by the author of the literary text. The literary work suggests what actions should be performed, but there are no indications about the methods of their implementation - movements, facial expressions, intonations. This, in turn, initiates the manifestation of children's creativity in the selection of expressive and graphic means of the created images. Keeping the author’s intention and the main idea of ​​a work of art, children bring their impressions of the surrounding reality into the plot, they realize their life experience.

The process of play-dramatization, according to teachers, is possible if the child:

- has the experience of perception of literary works, their experiences and reflection;

- has experience of interaction with theatrical art, i.e. knows what theater is, performance, and how it is born; has experience of perception and experience of theatrical action, owns a specific language of theatrical art;

- is included in the game activities according to their abilities and capabilities.

In pedagogical literature offers different approaches to the organization of theatrical games in kindergarten. The first approach is most traditional for the methodology and practice of theatrical play. Its authors (PG Samorukov, LV Artyomova, NS Karpinskaya), considering the dramatized game as an activity of reproducing a familiar literary text, considered teaching based on imitation of an adult to be the main method of pedagogical work. First, the teacher picked up the text, read it several times to his children, conducted conversations, drawing on its content, made attributes and scenery, memorized excerpts from the text and invited the children to play with it, showing interest and a number of theatrical techniques. Such a guide often led to the children repeating stereotyped movements and intonations of the adult.

The second approach is presented in the works of A.I. Burenina, N. Sorokina, L.S. Furmina, where a series of creative tasks and etudes are offered for the development of intonational and plastic expressiveness of children. Their works rightly affirm the expediency of developing the creativity of children in the process of individual variations in creating images of the heroes of a theatrical game. However, it should be noted that the development of theatrical play of preschoolers is impossible only by means of sketches. The child must learn to independently choose the expressive means of incarnation of the hero, master a number of other playing skills: build a plot in accordance with the text, subordinate his plan to the general course of the game, etc.

Analysis of theoretical studies in the field of theatrical games, teachers' work experience suggests the need for both hard work of a teacher with children on the text of a literary work, analysis of it from a moral, artistic side, and on the creative work of a teacher on the development of artistic abilities of children, on their emotional impressions and the development of expressive means.

Of particular importance in the development of this type of game is the developing objective environment. The presence of different types of theaters, availability, proper location in space is one of the conditions for children to master the director's games.

So, the main purpose of pedagogical guidance is to arouse the imagination of the child, to create conditions for the children themselves to show as much creativity as possible.


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Pedagogy and didactics

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