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Education is one of the leading concepts in pedagogy, which is used in a broad and narrow sense. Education in a broad sense is considered as a social phenomenon that ensures the transfer of social experience from the older generation to the younger. In this case, it is practically identified with socialization. Education in the narrow sense is understood as a specially organized activity of teachers and students to realize the goals of education in the conditions of the pedagogical process. This activity is called educational work.

Education has a number of features that distinguish it from the learning process. These include: a) the multi-factorial nature of education, which characterizes the influence of many objective and subjective factors on the process of education and its final result; b) the impossibility of obtaining a quick result, since the qualities of the person are not formed as quickly as knowledge or skills; c) the duration and continuity of education; d) complexity; e) variability and ambiguity of results.

There is a wide variety of areas and types of education. In the most common species classification, mental, moral, labor, and physical education are distinguished. In the areas of educational work in the school, civil, political, international, moral, aesthetic, labor, physical, legal, environmental, and economic education are distinguished. Depending on the institution of socialization of the child, family, school, out-of-school, confessional (religious) education, education in the community (community-based in American pedagogy), education in children's and youth organizations, education in special educational institutions are distinguished. According to the style of relations between educators and students, authoritarian, democratic, liberal, free education is distinguished. Depending on the philosophical foundations of education, pragmatic, individualistic, collectivist education is distinguished.

Modern scientific ideas about education are based on the provisions of theories of education, formed in the history of pedagogy. Already in the Middle Ages, a theory of authoritarian education was formed, which continues to exist in various forms at the present time. Its provisions are most vividly represented in the works of the German teacher I. F. Herbart, who reduced education to managing children and suppressing their natural playfulness. The main methods of authoritarian education are the threat, supervision of children, orders and prohibitions.

The theory of free education, advanced by the French enlightener J.-J. Rousseau in the 18th century, was an alternative to authoritarian education. Its main purpose was to stimulate the natural development of the child, the upbringing of his spiritual forces, the leading principles - respect for the child, recognition of the right to his independence and freedom of choice of behavior. This theory was widely spread in various countries of the world, had a significant impact on domestic pedagogy and the practice of upbringing the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries, in which the ideas of free upbringing of a child were popular (L. N. Tolstoy, N. N. Wentzel, etc.) .

The system of educating a person in a collective and through the collective of A. S. Makarenko was implemented in Russia from 1930 to 1980. She gained fame throughout the world as a system of communist education. Its main task was to educate a collectivist man, for whom public interests were always higher than personal ones. This process is considered and really organized in accordance with the collective development stages developed by A. S. Makarenko. At the first stage, there is a low level of development of the team. Priority in setting goals for activities, choosing forms of collective activities and evaluating results is given to the educator as an organizer and leader of the team. At the second stage, the management of the team is partially transferred to its most initiative members — the asset and the leaders. At the third, highest stage of the development of a collective, self-government becomes the main link in the management of all work. The importance of public opinion is increasing in order to educate each member and the leading role of the educator is weakened. Each collective in its development is based on the “laws of movement of the collective” (principles): the principle of parallel action, the system of promising lines, the major tone of the life of the collective. The main indicators of the success of education in this system were such moral qualities of the individual as collectivism, discipline, diligence, responsibility to the team, communist determination, conviction, and a sense of pride.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics