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9.2. Strategies and ways of pedagogical interaction


The active one-sided influence, which for many years dominated authoritarian pedagogy, is being replaced at the present stage by interaction, which is based on the joint activity of teachers and students. Its main parameters are mutual understanding, support, trust, cooperation in joint creative activity. The main strategies of pedagogical interaction are competition and cooperation.

Competition involves the struggle for priority, which in its most vivid form is manifested in the conflict. Such a conflict can be destructive and productive. Destructive conflict leads to disagreement, loosening of interaction. It often does not depend on the cause that gave rise to it, and therefore leads to a “personality” transition, generating stress. A productive conflict arises when a collision between the interacting parties is caused by the difference in their points of view on a problem, the ways to resolve it. In this case, the conflict contributes to a comprehensive analysis of the problem and the rationale for motivating the actions of the partner defending his point of view.

With reference to pedagogical interaction, a strategy implemented on the basis of competition is called personality-inhibiting. This strategy is based on threatening means of influence, the teacher's desire to reduce students' self-esteem, increase the distance and establish status-role positions.

Cooperation assumes the feasible contribution of each participant to the solution of a common task. The means of uniting people here are relations arising in the course of joint activities. With regard to pedagogical interaction, a strategy based on cooperation is called personal development. It is based on understanding, recognizing and accepting a child as an individual, the ability to take his position, identify with him, take into account his emotional state and well-being, respect his interests and development prospects. With this interaction, the main tactics of the teacher are cooperation and partnership, giving the student the opportunity to show activity, creativity, independence, ingenuity, imagination. Using this strategy, the teacher has the opportunity to establish contact with children, which will take into account the principle of creating the optimal distance, determine the positions of the teacher and children, create a common psychological space of communication, providing for both contact and freedom simultaneously.

The teacher focused on the personal development strategy builds pedagogical interaction with pupils on the basis of understanding, acceptance, recognition.

Understanding means the ability to see the pupil "from the inside", the desire to look at the world simultaneously from two points of view: your own and the child. Acceptance implies an unconditional positive attitude towards the pupil, respect for his individuality, regardless of whether he is happy with an adult at the moment or not. By such an attitude, an adult recognizes and asserts the uniqueness of a pupil, sees and develops a personality in him; only by going “from the child” can one see the potential of development, originality and dissimilarity inherent in it, which are inherent in the true person. Acknowledgment is the unconditional affirmation of the right of a pupil to be a person, to independently solve various problems, in essence, this is the right to be an adult.


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