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The need for interconnection between different aspects of speech when teaching one language is recognized by many researchers, who consider the interrelation of all aspects of the structure of a native language (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar) a necessary condition for mastering the main function of the language - communicative.

Studies by A. N. Gvozdev, F. A. Sokhin, O. S. Ushakova and others have shown that each side of speech development has its own lines of interaction with a coherent speech.

First of all, it is necessary to note the interrelation of the development of coherent speech with vocabulary work. The enrichment of the dictionary includes the expansion of its scope, raising children's attention to the content side of the word, clarifying its meaning, because in a coherent speech the semantics of an individual word interacts with the semantics of the whole utterance.

In the process of vocabulary work, patterns and peculiarities of mastering children’s vocabulary are taken into account . At each age stage, the child’s understanding of the meaning of a word is distinguished by significant features (L.S. Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, S.L. Rubinstein, and others). So, the child from random, irrelevant signs when memorizing words goes to the essential. Thus, vocabulary work should be closely connected with the development of the child’s cognitive activity, the accumulation of ideas about the surrounding reality.

Hence the conclusion about the need to master the word in the unity of its meanings based on active use in speech. Allocate quantitative and qualitative sides of this process. The quantitative side is the growth of the dictionary from year to year. Qualitative side - gradual mastering children fixed meaning of the word and its appropriate use.

Taking into account the peculiarities of lexical development, the main tasks of vocabulary work are distinguished : enrichment of a children's dictionary; consolidation and refinement of the dictionary; dictionary activation; elimination of non-literary words from the speech of children.

Emphasizing the relationship of vocabulary work with the development of coherent speech of preschoolers, it should be noted that the work on both the quantitative and the qualitative side of the dictionary affects the ability to select words when building a coherent utterance.

Studying the rules for constructing connected statements, the researchers emphasize the importance of working on the grammar of the native language (F. I. Buslaev, K. D. Ushinsky, A. A. Lyublinskaya, D. N. Bogoyavlensky, D. B. Elkonin). In their research it is noted that the formation of grammatical operations is closely related to the development of thought processes. Awareness of the grammatical phenomena of the language occurs on the basis of learning, a sense of language, an ability to generalize, begins to form.

Knowledge of the relationships and relationships of the surrounding reality is the basis for mastering the grammatical structure of the language. The laws governing the mastery of the grammatical structure of speech by children are disclosed in the works of A. N. Gvozdev, S. L. Rubinshtein, F. A. Sokhin, and other researchers. According to A.N. Gvozdev, the child masters the grammatical structure of the language in stages: Stage 1 — the development of one-word and two-word sentences; Stage 2 - the formation of different forms for the expression of syntactic relations (up to 3 years), Stage 3 - the period of mastering the morphological structure of the language, the design of grammatical categories (up to 7 years).

Based on the above, in the methodology of speech development the tasks of work on the formation of the grammatical side are defined, which are considered in three directions:

1) to help children master the morphological system of their native language;

2) to help children master the syntactic side;

3) to report knowledge of certain norms of the formation of forms of words.

The ways of formation of grammatically correct speech are determined:

creating a favorable language environment; special education of children in difficult grammatical forms; the formation of grammatical skills in the practice of speech communication; correction of grammatical errors.

D. B. Elkonin noted that the development of a coherent speech in a child and the closely related assimilation of the grammatical system are impossible without mastering the sound system of the language. The sound culture of speech includes the phonetic and orthoepic correctness of speech, its expressiveness and clear diction.

The work on the education of the sound culture of speech is conducted in two directions: the education of the culture of speech pronunciation (the formation of the pronunciation of sounds, words, clear diction); development of speech hearing (auditory attention, phonemic and rhythmic hearing). In the normal course of speech development, no later than by five or six years the child must master the correct pronunciation of all the sounds of speech.

The role of each element of sound culture in building a coherent utterance is that, firstly, the child does not assimilate the sounds in isolation, but in the process of gradually mastering the skills of pronouncing individual words and whole phrases; secondly, each articulatory complex sound is assimilated by the child as if in several stages.

Researchers associate the child's speech development with the process of mastering the intonation system of the language: understanding the coherent utterance depends on the rate of speech, its loudness, and the semantic perception of the spoken utterance also depends on diction. And understanding of the features of the sound side of speech depends on the awareness of speech in the broad sense of the word - as the awareness of the phenomena of language and speech by preschoolers, as a condition for the formation of arbitrary speech.

Systematic work on the cultivation of sound culture and the work on the sound analysis of speech influence the eradication of the deficiencies in the production of sounds. Sound production is advisable to give in the classroom, the preparatory work prior to sound production is outside the classroom.

The development of coherent speech is considered in the methodology as part of the general speech work. Connected speech incorporates all the child's achievements in mastering the native language. Two requirements are imposed on it: 1) it must be built intentionally, arbitrarily; 2) it must be planned. The formation of these abilities occurs in various forms of coherent speech in stages.

The first form in which there is a coherent speech is situational speech. The conditions for its formation: the presence of a common situation; need for communication. The next form of connected speech is contextual speech. Conditions of its formation: the need for communication; the meaningful life of children; child arming rules. The study of A. M. Leushinoy reveals the patterns of development of coherent speech of children from the moment of occurrence. She showed that the development of speech goes from mastering situational speech to mastering contextual, then the process of development of these forms of speech proceeds in parallel.

The tasks and content of learning monologue speech are determined by the peculiarities of the coherent speech of children and the peculiarities of the monologic utterance.

Questions of the formation of coherent speech in children are considered in two directions: the training of dialogic and monologue speech. The objectives of the development of coherent speech: to teach children to understand speech; teach children the proper design of speech; to teach children aesthetic communication; introduce a planning, explaining the functions of speech.

The formation of dialogic speech is realized in the process of conversations of the teacher with the children in everyday communication and in the form of specially prepared conversations.

A means of learning monologue speech is telling children. Any coherent monologic utterance is characterized by a number of features: integrity (unity of the topic); structural design (beginning, middle, end); the volume of the statement; fluency (no long pauses when telling). There are 3 main types of monologues: description, narration, reasoning.

Gradually, children acquire the ability to make up stories of various kinds: stories on perception (about a toy, a subject, a picture); stories from memory (retelling, from collective experience, from individual experience); stories on imagination (about a toy, on a picture, on a subject basis).

So, the work on the development of children's speech, enriched in content and built on the basis of the interconnection of all parties, that starts at an early age, has a great effect by the end of raising and educating children in kindergarten. All the tasks of the development of the speech of children of preschool age (the development of the dictionary, the formation of the grammatical system, the sound culture of speech) will not achieve their goal, unless they find the final expression in the development of coherent speech.


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