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The education of patriotism and citizenship has always occupied one of the leading places in pedagogical science. The problem of patriotic education is one of the most difficult problems in pedagogy in general and in preschool pedagogy in particular. The complexity of solving this problem is primarily connected with the age of children, with the very concept of patriotic education, with the content that is invested in it in a certain period of time and which determines the methods, means, and forms of work with children.

Patriotism is love for the Motherland, nature, people, culture of its people. Patriotism as a personal education includes affection, empathy, empathy, responsibility and other qualities, without which a person cannot take place as a person. Citizenship is an affiliation to the permanent population of a given state, an empowerment of a set of political rights and obligations. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in its structure and content. It includes responsibility, desire and ability to work for the good of the fatherland, to preserve and multiply the riches of the Motherland, this is a whole palette of aesthetic feelings connected with the love for the native city, native nature.

The theme of love for the fatherland, native land was examined in the pedagogical heritage of K. D. Ushinsky, L. N. Tolstoy, and N. K. Krupskaya wrote about the need to educate the fundamentals of citizenship. The problem of the patriotic upbringing of preschool children in pedagogical studies of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods is reflected in the studies of R, I. Zhukovskaya, F. S. Levin-Chirira, S. A. Kozlova, M. I. Bogomolova, L. I. Belyaeva, E. K. Suslova, E.S. Ni-konova and others.

The fundamentals of patriotic education are reflected in modern programs: “Origins”, “Childhood”, “From childhood - to adolescence”, “Muscovite”, “Heritage”, “I am a Man”, etc.

Every person is born in a certain environment, he is biologically connected with his mother, who seeks to create for him conditions for emotional well-being and peace. Therefore, the foundations of patriotic education are laid from early childhood, primarily in the family. Life in a certain mesa-environment allows a child to “absorb” the culture of his people: from childhood he hears native language, lullabies that mom sings, fairy tales; he plays folk games, follows folk traditions and customs. Therefore, the feeling of love for the Motherland and its people begins with love for their native home. Home is a complex and multifaceted concept. It includes: the family where the child was born and raised; the atmosphere of the hearth, which is largely determined by family traditions; the house where he lives; his first friends; surrounding nature. The image of the home at the beginning is associated for the child with family members, and, above all, with the mother. A home is both the apartment where the child lives and the house where she is located. Therefore, since childhood, it is necessary to form in each child a personal attitude toward home as a common human value.

Gradually, the concept of "home" for the child expands. It is already a native street, its kindergarten, hometown, village, later not only a small (native land), but also a large multinational Motherland, of which it is a citizen, and, finally, planet Earth is our common and, at the same time, native house. Thus, the teacher gradually enriches the child’s knowledge of the home country.

Means of patriotic education: the environment, fiction and art, folklore, practical activities, visiting museums, exhibitions, meetings with interesting people, etc. An important part of patriotic education is familiarizing children to family traditions, as well as the traditions and customs of their people, country to art. Children should not only know about them, but also participate in them, accept them, get used to them. The choice of means should be adequate to each stage of education.

Methods of patriotic education: reading fiction, stories, conversations with children, ethical conversations, viewing illustrations and paintings, explanation, excursions into nature, on the sights of his native city or village, observation, examples from works of art and personal example of an educator, methods of stimulation. These methods increase the cognitive activity, the emotional perception of preschoolers, correct the ideas about the Motherland that are formed in children, and coordinate various activities. For successful patriotic education methods are used comprehensively and are selected depending on the content and age characteristics of children.


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Pedagogy and didactics

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