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The program is the main document, which reflects the content of training and education of children of preschool age. Analyzing the current state of the organization of the pedagogical process and the regulatory software of preschool institutions, it is advisable to make a brief excursion into the history of the problem.

At the III (1924) and IV (1928) congresses on pre-school education, the question of the program for kindergarten and the principles of its construction was highlighted in a special section. In 1928, under the direction of N. K. Krupskaya, the first draft of the program was created, which was discussed by scientists-specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology. In 1929, the methodical letter of the People's Commissariat of Education “On the relationship of preschool institutions with the school and on planning work” was issued. After this, work begins on the creation of a “Program for Preschool Institutions”. In 1932, such a program was adopted as a guide when planning the educational process. In 1934 a document was published “Program and the internal schedule of the kindergarten”. It differed from the previous one in the form and arrangement of the material and was much simpler and more convenient in structure. In 1945, a guide for educators was developed, which was republished in 1948 with minor changes.

The first mandatory document was the new Guide for Kindergarten Educators, published in 1953.

The rapid development of preschool pedagogy as a science and child psychology led to the creation of a more advanced document for the practice of preschool education. In 1962, it was approved and recommended for use by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR as the main state document for pre-school institutions “Kindergarten education program”. Over the improvement of the program worked research institutes of preschool education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences and leading departments of preschool pedagogy. From 1962 to 1989 the program was reprinted 9 times. In 1978, regular changes were made, and the program was named the Model. The creation of a new “Model program of upbringing and education in kindergarten” (1984, edited by R. Kurbatova and N. N. Poddyakov) was due to the social development of society, the achievements of pedagogical science, the requirements of the “Basic guidelines for the reform of general education and vocational schools” . The program was developed by the Scientific Research Institute for Pre-School Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, the USSR Ministry of Education and the Office for Pre-School Education. On the basis of this program, the programs of the Union republics were developed, and in 1985 the RSFSR published the “Kindergarten education and training program” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva. In 1987, the program was finalized, and its second edition was released.

In 1989, the State Committee on Public Education of the USSR approved a new concept of preschool education (by V.A. Petrovsky and V.V. Davydov), which gave a critical analysis of the state of preschool education and the prospects for its development in the direction of humanization of preschool education.

In 1991, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR approved the “Provisional Regulation on Preschool Institutions”, which noted that a single program inevitably led to uniformity of the forms, content and methods of the pedagogical process. The provision canceled the order of the program as a single educational document, now preschool institutions were entitled not only to choose the program on which they would like to work, but also to make their own changes to its content.

In the methodological recommendations prepared by N.Ya. Mikhaylenko and N.A. Korotkova (1992) presents an analysis of the state of preschool education during the period of its reform. The authors noted that the existing program does not fully meet the requirements of training a new generation. It is too ideologized, designed mainly for the average child, does not take into account regional characteristics that are important for the formation of the child’s personality.

In connection with the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (1992), many research teams have begun to develop copyright, variable programs for pre-school education. Later, in 1995, the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation approved the “Model Provision on Preschool Educational Institution”, which enshrined the right of DOWs to independently choose programs from a set of optional programs recommended by state educational authorities, make changes to them, as well as develop their own ( copyright programs in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard.

All programs can be divided into complex and specialized. Comprehensive (or general developmental) programs are aimed at developing universal abilities of the child and their development to a level corresponding to the age-related abilities and requirements of modern society. These include the following programs: “Rainbow” (scientific adviser T.N. Doronova); “Development (team of authors under the leadership of L. A. Wenger); “Childhood” (authors group of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after AI Herzen under the editorship of TP Babayeva); "The program of education and training in kindergarten" (edited by MA Vasilyeva); “Kindergarten is the home of joy” (N. M. Krylova, V. T. Ivanova) and others.

Specialized (local or partial) programs include one or more areas of child development. These include: "Seven-color" (V.I. Ashikov, S.G. Ashikova); “Our home is nature” (N. A. Ryzhova); "Young Ecologist" (S. N. Nikolayev); “Musical masterpieces” (O. P. Radynov); “Theater — creativity — children” (T. S. Komarova, A. V. Antonova, M. B. Zatsepin); “I am a man” (S. A. Kozlov) and others.

The choice of the program depends on the type of pre-school educational institution, approved by the “Provision on pre-school educational institution”.



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