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Violations of behavior in children are already apparent at preschool age. The process of personality formation in preschool age is just beginning, and behavioral disorders are not yet persistent, therefore, in relation to the preschool age, the concept of deviant (deviant) behavior is usually not used. However, it is in preschool childhood that the prerequisites for behavior deviations are formed, and it is during this period of the child's life that preventive and corrective measures are effective.

The most frequent behavioral abnormalities are: social disorientation, negative self-presentation, departure from activities, aggressive behavior of children, lies and theft.

Social disorientation is a psychological syndrome, which manifests itself in the fact that mastering the rules of behavior is extremely difficult for a child. As a result, there is uncontrollability, aggressive actions are possible, the child does not understand the prohibitions, can break valuable things. With social disorientation, the cause of behavioral deviations is the lack of social norms, and not their conscious violation.

Prerequisites for social disorientation may be: lag in the child’s development (at an early age, slower mastery of subject activity; at preschool age, disruption of play activity; in visual activity, there is no pattern typical for this age, patterns of the house, person, etc.). The development of the syndrome is also promoted by a sharp difference in the rules and requirements imposed on the child at home and in kindergarten, the lack of flexibility of the surrounding adults.

The behavior of such a child is characterized by the fact that he is “out of sorts”, “hooliganism”, does not react to the prohibitions of adults, does not distinguish between “his own and others’s”, etc. negative (“I'm bad”). All this further increases the likelihood of the child developing an antisocial behavior.

At preschool age, social disorientation is quite amenable to correction. For this you need:

- clearly formulate the requirements; they should be simple and understandable to the child;

- use fewer restrictions (only the most severe negative manifestations);

- to encourage positive actions and good behavior, to rely on the positive in the child;

- explain the child "bad" behavior, its consequences for others; discuss with the child stories and tales about the good and the bad. To overcome social disorientation, it is important to carry out work on purposeful formation and socialization of all types of activities (to teach a child to draw, sculpt, play, work), relying on the positive and encouraging even insignificant efforts and efforts of the child, creating a "situation of success.

Negative self-presentation is a high need of some children for attention to themselves (that is, pronounced demonstrativeness). Its manifestations are one of the most common causes of complaints about bad behavior. This form of behavior in preschool age often acts in the form of pampered and capriciousness. With a negative self-presentation, in contrast to social disorientation, the violation of generally accepted rules of behavior are conscious. Rudeness and other negative manifestations are not the result of a purely accidental, unintentional violation of social norms. These forms of behavior are for the child a means to attract the attention of others. The behavior of the child is characterized by a high degree of conflict in relations with adults, and in communication with parents, it is often reduced to mutual scandals, interrupted by short reconciliations.

A prerequisite for the emergence of such a syndrome is an atmosphere of increased attention to the child from others at an early age, later giving way to a lack of attention. This change is often caused by admission to a preschool institution. Such manifestations often occur in children, brought up mainly by grandparents. Probably, due to age-related decline in activity, it is sometimes difficult for older people to establish a genuinely businesslike contact with a child.

The pronounced demonstrativeness can be characterized as the position of the ““ terrible ”child”, “hooligan”. The main feature of the child’s activity is violation of the rules of behavior. Negative self-determination develops due to the inability to find other ways of meeting a particularly high need for attention to oneself.

With the right approach to the child, a negative self-presentation is amenable to correction. The basic principle is a clear distribution, regulation of attention to a child not when he is bad, but when he is good (when he is invisible, when he is not scandalous and does not try to attract attention by hooligan antics). It is necessary to abandon the bright emotional reactions, because this is what the child is seeking. The main way to correct the behavior of such a child is to deprive him of communication with peers and for some time with an adult. So, during the scandal - coldness and indifference, a little later - warmth and attention. But in no case can not leave a child without attention at all. It is better to show attention and interest to him when he behaves well or somewhat better than usual.

If the offense is so serious that it is impossible to disregard it, then the punishment must be extremely unemotional. For example, to deprive a child of watching TV, remove the cord and quietly retire, not paying attention to the cries of the child. It should not be reminded of the scandals, arranged by the child earlier, it does not allow him to become better.

It is necessary to find a sphere in which the child can realize his demonstrativeness (performing at matinees, on holidays and preparing for them, in productive activities).

One of the manifestations of deviant behavior is aggression - this is the tendency to cause others moral or physical damage. In the early years, aggression can manifest itself in bouts of childlike stubbornness, with which it is difficult to cope with an adult. Sometimes it can be flashes of anger, anger, accompanied by impulsive movements, biting, pugnacity, the destruction of buildings, toys, handicrafts. A. Basho and A. Darki distinguish five types of aggression: physical (physical actions against someone); verbal (threats, screams, swearing, etc.); indirect - directed (gossip, anger, jokes) or non-directed (cries in the crowd, stomping, etc.); irritation (hot temper, rudeness); negativism (oppositional measure of behavior). Aggression can be defensive, destructive, demonstrative.

The reasons affecting the manifestation of aggression are:

- the introduction of adult educational measures, the use of prohibitions and restrictions that do not allow the child to carry out his plan or realize their desires;

- lack of arbitrariness and awareness of behavior or emotional disorders;

- hereditary and characterological factors (predisposition to aggressive behavior, psychopathic, epiliptoid affective-excitable behavior of parents or relatives);

- some somatic diseases, brain diseases (minimal brain dysfunction, brain injuries, etc.);

- The influence of the social environment (family, surrounding children, mass media).

The most common reason is the style of the child’s relationship with the parents: the parents themselves show physical or verbal aggression towards the child; parents apply too harsh punishment incompatible with misconduct; parents do not pay attention to the aggressive behavior of the child; parents do not allow the child to show the ability to self-select, prohibit any form of manifestation of children's anger; parents show aggression towards others in the presence of a child; conflicts between parents, divorce, demonstration of aggressiveness to the spouse.

Correction of the child’s aggressive behavior is most effective when using individual or group play therapy. Effective methods are playing situations with subsequent analysis; use of drawing techniques; sand therapy (playing with sand and water); work with soft material (dough, clay, clay, where everything is allowed - to sculpt, knead, knock on clay with a fist, tear up just-fashioned figures); using water to relieve tension (bathing, dousing, knocking balls floating in water, sinking a ship, knocking a toy with a stream of water, etc.); conversations with children about the physical sensations of aggression.

An important means of preventing aggressive behavior in children is to work with parents, which is advisable to build in two directions: informing about the problem (conversations, lectures, messages at parent meetings, in the form of visual information); teaching effective ways to communicate with the child, which can be carried out by both the teacher and the educational psychologist.


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