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The main trends in the development of educational content include: humanization, democratization, improvement of the culture of school education, wide differentiation of educational content and its standardization.

The standardization of education is caused by the need to maintain a single level of general education in the context of a variety of types of educational institutions and the variability of curricula. The standard (in English “measure”, “sample”) of education determines the content of education at each of its stages, providing the necessary educational preparation of the student; requirements for the mandatory minimum preparation of students in the framework of the specified content; the maximum allowable amount of study load on schoolchildren. The Law "On Education" (Article 7) states that the Russian Federation establishes state educational standards, including federal, regional (national-regional) components, as well as a component of an educational institution.

The federal component defines those standards, compliance with which ensures the unity of the pedagogical space of Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the world educational space.

The national-regional component contains regulations that are within the competence of the regions (for example, in the field of learning the native language, literature, history, art, etc.).

The component of an educational institution reflects the specificity and orientation of education in a particular educational institution (lyceum, gymnasium).

The state educational standard is the basis for an objective assessment of the level of education of graduates, regardless of the form of education.

Further regulation of the content of education takes place; in curricula, programs and textbooks that are used in schools.

The curriculum is a regulatory document reflecting the requirements for the content of education of a certain level and orientation, a list of academic disciplines, their distribution and the sequence of study by year of study, the number of hours to study them during the entire training period, the duration of the school year, the duration of quarters and holidays, number of exams, etc.

There are basic curriculum, which is included as an integral part of the state standard of a particular field of education. It serves as the basis for the development of model curricula that are recommendatory in nature. Thus, the school curriculum is developed on the basis of the basic and typical, but taking into account the specifics of a particular educational institution.

The curriculum is based on the curriculum. This document reveals the content of knowledge and skills on an academic subject, the logic of presentation of educational material with an indication of the sequence of topics, time for their study. Training programs can be typical, working and copyright. The first ones are developed on the basis of the requirements of the state educational standard for a certain educational area, they are of a recommendatory nature. On their basis, school curricula can be created in the school to take into account specific material, methodological, and other conditions. Author's programs, also based on the state educational standard, may have a different presentation logic, their own approaches to the phenomena studied. More often they are used in the teaching of elective courses.

The structure of any program includes an explanatory note (goal, objectives, requirements for results), the content of education (thematic plan, the content of topics, basic concepts, types of activities) and guidelines for the teacher and students for its development.

The construction of training programs can be carried out on the basis of a linear or concentric arrangement of educational material. The linear method provides an ascending line in the difficulty of learning, systematic and consistent learning of the new. The concentric method involves a return to the study of the same material at different levels of training, but in different volumes and with different depths. These methods complement each other.

The textbook most specifically specifies the content of education on the subject. It must comply with the standard curriculum. Its main purpose is to present the fundamentals of science and at the same time to organize the students' independent activity in their development. Therefore, didactic, psychological, aesthetic, hygienic requirements are imposed on textbooks. A good textbook should be informative, encyclopedic, stimulate self-education, etc. As a supplement to the textbook, there will be textbooks and reference materials.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics