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Purposefulness is one of the main characteristics of education. The purpose of education is an expected change in a person (or group of people), carried out under the influence of specially prepared and systematically conducted educational actions and actions. The process of formulating goals, as a rule, accumulates the attitude of the educator (group or the whole society) to the personality of the educator that has developed in culture. There are two levels of goals of education: a social goal, reflecting those qualities that should be formed in all people, and a personal goal, depending on the characteristics of the individual.

The goal expresses the general direction of education. In practical implementation, it acts as a system of specific tasks. The goal and objectives are related as a whole and part, the system and its components. There are usually many tasks defined by the goal of education, the goal of a particular educational system is always the same. It is goals that determine the difference in educational systems. In the modern world there are a variety of goals of education and the corresponding educational systems.

What factors determine the choice of goals of education? First of all, it is the needs of society in a certain type of person. Therefore, the goal of education always reflects the achieved level of development of society.

The proof of this is a change in the goals of education in different socio-economic formations. Thus, in the period of feudalism, the goal of educating feudal children for children was to educate a gentleman who possesses “knightly virtues.” The purpose of education in the period of capitalism: education of the enterprising owner, entrepreneur.

Another factor is ideology, the policy of the state and the ruling classes. There is not a single state, even the most democratic, where the goals of upbringing would not be aimed at strengthening the established social relations and would be divorced from the politics and ideology of the ruling class. In addition to these factors, the pace of scientific, technical and social progress, the level of development of pedagogical theory and practice, the possibilities of educational institutions, etc., affect the goals of education.

At the same time, over the centuries, such eternal moral values ​​as “good” (behavior for the benefit of another), “truth” (as a guide in evaluating actions and deeds), and “beauty” have been taken as the goals of education.

They received the most complete disclosure in the goal of educating a comprehensive and harmoniously developed personality. Its formulation was first proposed in the works of ancient philosophers (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle). In the future, the concept of comprehensive harmonious development of personality was invested with a different meaning.

In the modern interpretation, the goal of humanistic education sounds like the creation of conditions for self-development and self-realization of the individual in harmony with itself and society. Such a goal setting presupposes the harmony of the self and the social nature of the individual. The self reflects the inner plan for the development of personality, the comprehensiveness of its “I”. Sociality reflects the external world of personal development, primarily social ties. Self and sociality are two interrelated aspects of personal manifestation and, accordingly, two directions of its self-creation and self-development. It should be emphasized that such a formulation of the goal of education is deeply humanistic, because it allows one to recognize the priority of a person’s individuality, opens up the possibility for a person to be responsible for his life, for the disclosure of his abilities and his creative potential. The second feature of such a goal of humanistic education is its dynamism, which is associated with the concepts of self-development and self-realization, which emphasize the need for activity and movement towards the achievement of an ideal.

This goal is reflected in the goals of educational institutions. In a modern general education (complete) school, the purpose of education is as follows: to promote mental, moral, emotional and physical personality development, to fully disclose its creative possibilities, to form humanistic relations, to provide various conditions for the flourishing of the child’s individuality, taking into account his age characteristics.

This goal is implemented in the specific tasks of education. So, in the field of mental education of schoolchildren, such tasks as: the formation of a scientific worldview, the development of mental strengths and abilities of students, the development of cognitive interests and the formation of cognitive activity, the formation of readiness for continuous self-education, come to the fore. These tasks are solved in moral, labor, aesthetic, physical education.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics