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2.3.4. On ideological aspects when teaching technical subjects


It seems that when teaching physical, technical and other special disciplines, it is advisable to reflect the following directions for educational purposes.

a) History and priority of domestic science and technology. It is clear that our country, after other European countries, took the path of economic, scientific and technological progress. In this sense, it cannot “compete” with historically older countries. However, it is unacceptable to hush up or assign to other countries the discoveries and inventions that have been made with complete certainty in our country.

b) Achievements of modern concrete researchers and engineers . Modern scientific and technical achievements should not be disclosed in the abstract, but “tied” to the names of specific individuals who made the appropriate contribution. It is unreasonable to be guided by the statement that “the prophet lives only in a foreign country”. Creative people live and work with us. They are many and educationally wrong to reduce the matter to the knowledge of the names of two or three persons.

c) The ratio of the achievements of modern domestic science and technology with foreign achievements . From an educational point of view, general references to the priority of national science or the lag of technology are not enough. Future leaders and organizers should know the specific correlation on specific issues in the field of technology they are studying.

d) The ratio of science and technology. The prestige of science, including theoretical, in our country is extremely high. However, future engineers should clearly understand that science is not an end in itself, but a means of developing the knowledge of science and technology in order to improve the welfare and defense capability of the country. It is necessary to raise the prestige of the engineering rank.

e) The ratio of personal contribution and social prestige of the engineer and researcher . Using the examples of their colleagues, members of collectives of departments and faculties, it is necessary to show students that prestige and high social standing in science and technology are achieved by continuous daily creative work. In this sense, the matter is not in the profession, specialty and rank, but in relation to the assigned task.


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)