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One of the main means of speech development is learning - a purposeful, systematic and systematic process, in which children, under the guidance of an educator, master a certain range of speech skills and abilities (A. M. Alekseev, V. I. Yashin).

The role of education in mastering a child’s native language was emphasized by KD Ushinsky, EI Tikheeva, A. P. Usova, E. A. Flerina and others. Teaching the native language is widely considered in the methodology: as a pedagogical influence on the speech of children in everyday life and in the classroom. Speaking about learning the language in everyday life, they mean promoting the child’s speech development in the joint activities of the educator and the children and in their independent activities.

The most important form of organization of speech training in the methodology is considered to be special classes.

Some methodologists believe that special speech development classes should be abandoned, leaving them only in the senior and preparatory groups as preparatory literacy classes. The tasks of speech development need to be addressed in other classes. It is impossible to agree with this point of view, it contradicts the scientific data on the role and nature of teaching native language. A whole series of speech skills and abilities that form the basis of linguistic ability is formed only under special training conditions: the development of the semantic aspect of a word, the mastering of the systemic relations between words, the mastery of the skills of coherent monologue speech.

The need for classes is determined by a number of circumstances:

- Without special training sessions, it is impossible to ensure the proper development of the speech development of children. A. P. Usova believed that the learning process contributes to the speech development of children such qualities that, under normal conditions, develop poorly. Classes help to overcome the spontaneity of speech development, to solve the problems of speech development in a planned manner, in a certain system and sequence;  

- classes help to realize the possibilities of language development in preschool childhood, the most favorable period for mastering the language.

- in the classroom, the child’s attention is purposefully fixed on certain linguistic phenomena that gradually become the subject of his or her awareness. In everyday life, correction of speech does not give the desired result;

- in kindergarten, in comparison with the family, there is a lack of verbal communication with each child, classes help to a certain extent to compensate for this deficiency.

The peculiarity of speech classes is that the main activity on them is speech, which is closely connected with mental activity, with the child's speech activity.

The typology of classes takes into account: the leading task (classes for the development of a dictionary, the formation of a grammatical system, etc.); the use of visual material (the use of real objects, observations, etc .: examining objects, observing animals, excursions); stage of learning (the initial stage of learning, its consolidation or automation); didactic goals (classes for the communication of new material, consolidation of knowledge, synthesis and systematization, control classes, combined classes, integrative classes, complex classes), the number of participants (group, individual, frontal).

Classes for the development of speech should meet the general methodological requirements:

- thorough preliminary preparation for the lesson;

- determination of the optimal load (according to the material of the occupation of the age-related possibilities of the mental and speech development of children);

- educational nature of the lesson;

- the emotional nature of the lesson;

- a clear structure of employment;

- a clear response to the program material, tasks, means and methods of work;

- ensuring the repetition of the material, a combination of frontal and individual forms of work;

- ensuring the speech activity of each material;

- accounting of the results of classes.

Under the methodical principles understand the general initial position, guided by which the teacher chooses the means of learning. It reflects the specifics of teaching native speech, complements the system of general educational principles and interacts with them and with each other.

In the method of speech development, methodical principles of teaching native speech are defined. The main ones among them are:

· The principle of the relationship of sensory, mental and speech developed children. It is based on the understanding of speech as verbal thinking, the formation and development of which is associated with the knowledge of the surrounding world. Speech is based on sensory perceptions that form the basis of thinking, and develops in unity with thinking.

· The principle of communicative - activity approach to the development of speech. It is based on the understanding of speech as an activity, consisting in the use of language for communication. It follows from the goal of children's speech development and is one of the main ones.

· The principle of development of language intuition ("language feelings"). Linguistic flair - unconscious mastery of the laws of language. In the process of repeated perception of speech and the use of similar forms in one's own statements, analogies are formed on a subconscious level in the child, and then he also learns patterns. Here the ability to memorize and use new language units in constantly changing situations of speech communication is manifested. With the development of a sense of language is associated with the formation of language generalizations.

· The principle of formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language. It is based on the fact that the basis for mastering speech is not only imitation, imitation of adults, but also unconscious generalization of the phenomena of language. At preschool age, randomness of speech is first formed, and then its components are singled out. Awareness is an indicator of the degree of formation of speech skills.

· The principle of interrelation of work on various aspects of speech, the development of speech as a holistic education. The implementation of this principle consists in the construction of work in which the development of all levels of a language is carried out in their close relationship - the process of mastering the language system. In the process of development of one of the sides of speech, others develop simultaneously. The teacher’s focus should be the work on a coherent statement, which summarizes all the child’s achievements in mastering the language.

· The principle of enrichment of speech activity motivation. From the motive depends on the quality of speech and ultimately a measure of the success of training. Important tasks are the creation by the teacher of positive motivation for each child’s action in the learning process, as well as the organization of situations causing the need for communication. This should take into account the age characteristics of children, use a variety of interesting child techniques that stimulate their speech activity and promote the development of creative speech skills.

· The principle of ensuring active speech practice for children. The language is absorbed in the process of its use, speech practice. Speech activity is one of the main conditions for the timely speech development of a child. The repetition of the use of language means in changing conditions allows you to develop strong and flexible speech skills. Speech activity is not only speaking, but also listening, speech perception. When working on speech, you should use various factors that ensure the speech activity of all children: emotional-positive background, subject-subject relations, individual-directed techniques, extensive use of visual material, game techniques, change of activities, tasks addressed to personal experience, and others

So, a kindergarten teacher should master the method of conducting classes, corresponding to general teaching and methodological principles, the ability to interact with children, taking into account their characteristic form of communication.




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