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Like any science, pedagogy has its own terminological apparatus, based on the main categories and developing within the framework of specific areas of research of the subject. A category is a scientific concept expressing the most common properties and connections of phenomena of reality. The development of the categorical apparatus is of fundamental importance for pedagogy, since the content of the concepts reveals a certain view on the pedagogical reality and the degree of its knowledge.

In the period of formation of pedagogy as a science, three fundamental categories were defined: education, training and education.

“Education is a social, purposeful creation of conditions (material, spiritual, organizational) for human development. Describing the scope of the concept, many researchers highlight education in a broad, social sense, including in it the impact on the personality of society as a whole (i.e., identifying education with socialization), and education in the narrow sense - as a purposeful activity designed to form a quality system in children personality, attitudes and "observations" [Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. - M., 1993. - T. 1].

Training in traditional pedagogy is considered as a “purposeful pedagogical process of organizing and stimulating students' active learning activities in mastering scientific knowledge ...” [Kharlamov I. F. Pedagogy. Lecture course. - Minsk. 1979].

Education is considered as “the process and the result of mastering students' knowledge, skills and abilities, the development of worldview ...” [ibid.].

How do the three main categories of pedagogy relate?

For a long time in the history of pedagogy, “upbringing” acted as a general category, which included “training” and “education”.

At the present stage of development of pedagogical science, the universal category is “education”. In the Law "On Education" it is defined as a purposeful process of training and education in the interests of the individual, society and the state.

In the context of the modern understanding of the subject of pedagogy, the leading concept is the “pedagogical process”, which unites upbringing, training and education into a single whole. The pedagogical process is organized and investigated by science within the framework of a specific pedagogical system. Currently, there is a variety of pedagogical systems, which include: the system of preschool, school, vocational education (in accordance with the level of education); the system of a specific educational institution (school, lyceum, classical university). Often the pedagogical system is personified by the name of the author, who is its creator (for example, the system of A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, Sh. A. Amonashvili, etc.). All of these systems have a common structure and operate under the same laws. Therefore, a single definition of pedagogical systems is possible.

A pedagogical system is understood as a set of interrelated structural components, united by a single educational goal of personality development and functioning in a holistic pedagogical process (TSP).

The components of the pedagogical system coincide with the components of the pedagogical process, which can also be considered as a system.

From this point of view, the pedagogical process is a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils (pedagogical interaction) about the content of education using the means of training and education (pedagogical means) with the aim of solving the problems of education aimed at meeting the needs of society and the individual its development and self-development.

Any process, including pedagogical, can be considered as a successive change of one state by another. In the pedagogical process, this change is the result of pedagogical interaction. Pedagogical interaction is the essence of the pedagogical process. Unlike any other interaction, it is a deliberate contact (long or temporary) of the teacher and pupils, the result of which are mutual changes in their behavior, activities and relationships. Pedagogical interaction does not exclude, but includes the pedagogical influence (influence) as the first step and its integral component. The basis of the modern pedagogical process is subject-subject relations between the teacher and the pupil, based on the activity of each participant in this process.

The main methods of the pedagogical process are education and training.

Education then is understood as a specially organized activity of teachers and pupils for the realization of the goals of education in the conditions of the pedagogical process.

Training is a specific way of education, aimed at the development of the individual through the organization of learning of scientific knowledge and ways of activity by students.

Training and education characterize a certain pedagogical technology or a consistent, interdependent system of teacher's actions related to the use of one or another set of methods of education and training and carried out in the pedagogical process to solve various pedagogical problems.

The pedagogical task is a unit of the pedagogical process and is a materialized situation of education and training (the pedagogical situation), characterized by the interaction of teachers and pupils with a specific goal.

The solution of pedagogical tasks is the essence of pedagogical activity, which is considered as a special type of social (professional) activity aimed at the realization of educational goals.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics