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Didactic games are games with rules specially created by adults for the purpose of bringing up, developing and educating children. Questions of the theory and practice of the didactic game were developed by many researchers: A. P. Usova, E. I. Radina, F. N. Bleher, B. I. Khachapuridze, 3. M Boguslavskaya, A. I. Sorokina, V. N. Avanesova and others. Didactic games are aimed at the development of children's voluntary attention, observation, comparison, primary forms of analytical and synthetic activities, the development of curiosity and cognitive interests. A didactic game for children, according to A. P. Usova, is an “explosion of surprise” from the perception of something new, sometimes “search and discovery” and always the game is a joy, the way of children to a dream. Learning in a game is such that, demanding the effort of thought, it does not require tension, does not cause fatigue, fear, or unwillingness to learn before the child goes to school.

Features of the game activity in a didactic game have their own characteristics:

- in the game, the child reflects the results of human cognitive activity, learns to highlight the signs of objects, summarizes, classifies their features;

- a didactic game - has ready-made content, it is impossible to change something in it, but, acting in general terms, the child can creatively approach the method of solving the problem;

- the independence of children in a didactic game is limited by its content, rules, first children play under the guidance of an adult, then, at the senior preschool age, they can play independently;

- In a didactic game, children get satisfaction from winning and interacting with peers and adults.

A didactic game is a complex phenomenon, but it clearly shows the structure of the game activity, i.e. the main elements characterizing the game as a form of learning and playing activity at the same time.

One of the main elements of the game is the didactic task, which is determined by the purpose of the teaching and educational influence, it is determined by the educator and reflects his teaching activity.

The structural element of the game is a game task carried out by children in a play activity. Two tasks - didactic and game - reflect the relationship of learning and play. In contrast to the direct formulation of the didactic task in the classroom in a didactic game, it is carried out through the game task, determines the children's play activities, becomes the child’s own task, stimulates the desire and need to solve it, activates the play actions.

Game actions form the basis of the didactic game. The more varied and meaningful the game actions, the more interesting the game itself for children and the more successfully the cognitive and game tasks are solved. In the game actions the motive of the game activity is manifested, the active desire to solve the set game task. In their complexity, they are different and due to the complexity of cognitive content and game tasks. Game tasks are not always almost external actions, when you need to consider, compare, disassemble it and complex mental actions expressed in the processes of purposeful perception, observation, comparison, recalling the previously learned, mental actions expressed in the processes of thinking.

One of the components of the game are the rules of the game. Their content and orientation are determined by the general tasks of forming the personality of the child and the team, cognitive content, game tasks and actions in their development and enrichment. The rules have a training, organizational, disciplining nature. Learning rules help to reveal to children what and how they should be done, they relate to game actions. Strengthen their role, reveal the way of action. The rules organize the cognitive activity of children: something to consider, think, compare, find a way to solve the problem. Organizing rules determine the order, sequence of play actions and relationships of children.

The result of the game is twofold: the game is a win, the right solution to the problem, the didactic is the improvement of knowledge and ways of working.

Didactic games can be classified by content, by tasks of mental education, by the nature of game actions and rules, etc. V. N. Avanesova proposed the following classification of didactic games: task games based on the interest of children in actions with toys and objects (pick up, expand, insert, etc.); games with hiding and searching; games with guessing and guessing; competition games based on the desire to quickly achieve a result (who is more, who is first, etc.); games with ghosts. With such a conditional classification, the beginning of the game and the actions of the game stand out more clearly and the game does not lose its characteristic features.

In most cases, researchers adhere to the traditional classification of didactic games according to the nature of the material used: games with objects, desktop-printed, verbal and musical-didactic. Didactic games are subject and plotless.

The management of the didactic game consists in the correct definition of a didactic task - cognitive content, in the definition of a game task and the realization of didactic tasks through it; in thinking through game actions that are interesting for children. Encourages them to play, to determine game rules, to anticipate learning outcomes.

Special caregiver care requires the creation of a "material center" of the game - the selection of toys and materials.

The actual management of the game involves several stages;

Stage 1 - the teacher chooses the game, invites the children to play, starts inviting the children herself.

Younger age: a visual explanation of the entire course of the game in the process of playing together with an adult.

Middle age: clarification of 1-2 rules; private ones are given as the game progresses in a joint activity with an adult; a trial course of the game can be used where the tutor clarifies the rules.

Older age: verbal explanation of the rules before the game, explanation of the meaning of the rules; if complex, then demonstration and trial moves are used.

Stage 2 - the teacher controls the game. Fixes the ability to play, monitors the implementation of the rules, using a reminder, additional explanation, evaluation, questions, tips.

Younger age: the tutor plays the role of lead, connects game actions with rules during the game.

Middle age: the educator acts through the rule and does not prompt playful actions.

Older age: rules are explained before the game, children are involved in explaining their content.

Stage 3 - the management of the didactic game as an independent activity of children, the influence on the variation of the game, control over its result and evaluation, the teacher can take on the role of a partner. This stage is typical for work with children of senior preschool age.

The strategy of interaction of an adult with children during the games with the rules was identified by N. Ya. Mikhaylenko, N. A. Korotkova. So, from 2, 5 to 4 years in children it is necessary to form general schemes of interaction, the ability to act arbitrarily according to 1-2 simple rules; 4.5-5.5 years - to form an idea of ​​winning, installation on it. The ability to use the rules for determining winnings, the ability to mutually control the observance of the rules in the game; 5.5-7 years old - to form the ability to invent new rules of the game, to agree on common rules.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics