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Labor education of preschool children is carried out with the help of a number of means: own labor activity; familiarization with the labor of adults; artistic means.

Children's own work activity is a necessary means of labor education. Children learn concrete labor skills and abilities in it, achieve visible results, satisfy their need for real involvement in the adult world. With the help of this tool applied, practical tasks of labor education are solved.

Familiarization with the labor of adults allows you to expand the child's understanding of the content of human activity, the social significance of labor, and attitude to work. Acquaintance with the labor of adults is aimed at solving the intellectual and moral tasks of labor education.

By the artistic means of labor education of preschoolers include: fiction, music, visual arts.

The role of artistic means in the labor education of preschoolers is peculiar. You can not teach a person to work while listening to music, a story, a fairy tale or looking at a picture of work. Nevertheless, it is through artistic means that children can be interested in work, a desire to be like those who work, to understand the importance and social significance of work.

All the above-mentioned artistic means are effective in the pedagogical process, if they are used systematically, in conjunction with each other and with the organization of the work activities of preschoolers.

The main methods of labor education for preschoolers are: display; explanation; discussion of the labor process and its results; assessment; training in individual ways to perform labor operations.

The content of labor is implemented in different forms of organization. In science, various forms of the organization of work of children of preschool age have been developed and put into practice: instructions; duty roster; common, joint, collective work.

Orders are the request of an adult to a child to perform any labor action. An assignment is the first form of work organization. Labor orders may vary in the form of the organization (individual, subgroup, general); by duration (short-term or long-term, permanent or one-time); content (correspond to the types of labor).

Duty involves the work of one or more children in the interests of the whole group. In duty, to a greater extent than in the assignment, the social orientation of work, real, practical care of several (one) children about others, stand out, therefore this form contributes to the development of responsibility, humane, caring attitude to people and nature.

In preschool practice, the duties of the canteen, in the “Corner of Nature”, in preparation for classes have already become traditional. Duty contributes to the systematic inclusion of children in the labor process. The duration of duty is different, depending on the type of work, the age of the children, the educational goal.

Common, joint, collective work contributes primarily to the solution of problems of moral education. It is united by common, joint and collective work socially oriented goal of children's activities. This means that the result of labor is always the benefit for all. Common, joint and especially collective work creates favorable conditions for the formation in children of the ability to coordinate their actions, help each other, establish a single pace of work.

General work involves such an organization of children's work, in which, with a common goal, each child performs some part of the work independently.

Joint work involves the interaction of children, the dependence of each on the pace, quality of work of others. The goal, as in general labor, is one.

Collective can be called a form of work organization in which children, along with labor, solve moral tasks: agree on the division of labor, help each other, if necessary, “get sick” for the quality of common, joint work. Collective form contributes to the purposeful education of collective relationships. So, not every common or even every joint work is collective. But each collective work is common and joint. It is important that the teacher be able to organize the truly collective work of children. General work is possible already in the middle group of pre-school institutions, joint and collective work in the senior and preparatory school. Keeping children's interest in collective work is promoted by the conscious acceptance of his motive and goal. Traditionally, collective work is organized once a week.

Labor education of children of preschool age can be effective under certain conditions, which include: emotionally positive atmosphere; material environment and labor equipment; metered load; consideration of individual interests, inclinations to a particular type of labor.

In order for children to work with pleasure, it is necessary to create an emotionally positive atmosphere. Emotional intensity rises when adults, especially parents, work with children. A good emotional atmosphere and create a discussion of the results of labor, awarding awards. The reward for work may be moral, but it may be material.

The condition for the educational success of work is the organization of the material environment and labor equipment. There are certain requirements for labor equipment and for the organization of work of preschoolers. It is imperative to follow these requirements, since this is a guarantee of the health of children, and sometimes their lives.

Work for a preschooler is a useful and important activity. It affects the overall development of the child: the cognitive sphere, volitional, emotional development; contributes to the education of aesthetic feelings, moral qualities, affects the development of self-esteem.


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Pedagogy and didactics

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