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Language is a system of signs, speech is a language in action. The language is both assimilated and continuously updated in its functioning, i.e., in speech.

The method of speech development is a pedagogical discipline that studies the patterns of pedagogical activity aimed at shaping speech in children of preschool age. The subject of study in the methodology is the process of mastering children native language and skills of speech communication in conditions of purposeful pedagogical influence.

Great influence on the issues of methods of development of speech of children of preschool age had a scientific study of children's speech. The first printed works on the problem of the study of children's speech in Russia appeared in the 80s of the 19th century: the article by A. Aleksandrov (1883) highlights the results of studying the speech of young children (up to three years old), the article by V. Blagoveshchensky (1886) is devoted to speech development child up to seven years. Representatives of experimental psychology and pedagogy: V.P. Vakhterov, T. Labunets, P.F. Kapterev, and others, explore the speech of children of preschool age. The merit of V.P. Vakhterov is that he was the first in Russia to attempt to give, on the basis of his own many years of observation, a complete picture of the development of a child’s speech from an early age to twelve and a half years. He sought a connection between the use of language means and the mental development of a child at a certain age.

The study of children's speech clearly traces several areas: the study of the specifics of children's speech in comparison with the normalized literary speech (K. I. Chukovsky, E. I. Tikheeva, N. A. Rybnikova, S. N. Tseitlin); psychological direction in which children’s speech was studied in broad generalizations (L. S. Vygotsky, P. P. Blonsky, N. I. Zhinkin, F. A. Sokhin, A. M. Leushina); linguistic direction, covering the study of the ontogogez of children's speech (A. N. Gvozdev, A. M. Shakhnarovich, N. M. Aksarina, M. I. Lisin); studies of individual differences in indicators of speech development both in the personal plan and in general trends (V. A. Dobromyslov, V. S. Filatov).

In 1960, the Laboratory for the Development of Children's Speech was established at the Scientific Research Institute for Preschool Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (head of the laboratory is Felix Alekseevich Sokhin (1929-1992) - Rubinstein's student, a profound expert in children's speech, linguist and psychologist). His name is associated with the development of methods at a new qualitative level. The focus is on the development of the semantics of children's speech, the formation of linguistic generalizations, and elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech.

The results of these studies were reflected in the new model program ( 1983-1984), (edited by R. A. Kurbatova and N. N. Poddiakova). It is based on the activity approach (requirements for speech skills and abilities are reflected in all sections and chapters of the program). The program linked the RR with acquaintance with the environment, took into account the age characteristics of children, assumed continuity in the content of speech education in age groups, and perspectivity (at each stage the foundations are laid that will be developed further); continuity between kindergarten and school.

On the basis of the model program, programs of education and training were created in the Union republics. In the Russian Federation - "Program of education and training in kindergarten" (1985), ed. M.A. Vasilyeva. It preserved fundamental approaches to the development of children's speech, the content of program tasks and the sequence of their complication, taking into account the specifics of the cultural and national conditions of Russia.

The development of the methodological theory by F. A. Sokhin included psychological, psycholinguistic, linguistic, and pedagogical aspects. The focus is on the development of the semantics of children's speech. On the basis of the development of these questions, a program was developed for children's speech development ( 1992-94), a textbook for educators, which traces an integrated approach to speech development and the acquisition of speech as a creative process.

At the same time, studies were conducted on various aspects of children's speech development.

Currently, psychological and pedagogical studies of children's speech are carried out in three directions (classification F. A. Sokhina):

  • - structural - examines the formation of different structural levels of the language: phonetic, lexical, grammatical;
  • - functional - the problems of developing language skills in a communicative function are investigated: connected speech;
  • - cognitive - the problem of forming an elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech is studied: literacy training.

The research results have changed the approaches to the content and forms of education. Actual speech tasks are separated from familiarization with those around you, knowledge of the elements of linguistic reality is singled out (which ensures the linguistic development of the child); complex classes are being developed (where the leading task is monologue speech training); integrative activities that combine different activities (musical, speech, motor, visual art).

Emerging and developing new variable programs, among which the most recognized are:

“Rainbow” (edited by T.N. Doronova). - One of the most important means of development of preschool children is the creation of a developing speech environment; selected literary repertoire for reading and storytelling.

“Development” (ed. A. Wenger) - it defines the directions of speech work: - familiarization with fiction; - development of special means of literature of speech activity (means of artistic expression, development of the sound side of speech); - the development of cognitive abilities (on the basis of familiarization with fiction); - literacy training from the middle group; - learning to read with the older group.

“Childhood” (V.I., Loginova, T.I. Babaeva, and others) contains special sections: “developing the speech of children”, “child and book” - at the end of each section, criteria are proposed for assessing the level of speech development; - defined speech skills in various activities.

"The program of speech development" (O. S. Ushakova) - deepens, supplements, and clarifies the typical program. The program is based on an integrated approach to speech development in the classroom.

Thus, to date, the development of speech is an integrative discipline that considers the linguistic, psychophysiological, psycholinguistic and didactic foundations of the development of speech of children of preschool age.


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