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"Team" from the Latin. collido "unite", collectivus - "collective, indicating the unification of people." This is a group of people mutually influencing each other and interconnected by a community of socially determined goals, interests, needs, norms and rules of conduct, jointly performed activities, community of activities, unity of will, expressed by the leadership of the team, which therefore reaches a higher level of development. than a simple group. In the pedagogical literature, the concept of “collective” means a group of students, distinguished by a number of important features: a common socially significant goal; joint activities, relationships of social dependence; general elected body.

The concept of “children's collective” in relation to children of preschool age is very peculiar, the group of preschool children is in the formative stage and does not have a number of the listed signs, therefore in preschool pedagogy it is customary to designate it as “children's community”. At preschool age, the features of collectivity in the process of joint communication of children in various activities are just beginning to take shape. The children's community is a group of children united by common activities (play, work, artistic and aesthetic, etc.) under the guidance of an educator who has certain responsibilities and is responsible for its organization.

The following features are characteristic of the child community :

- organizer and leader of the children's community: adult - educator

- collective ties at preschool age are still unstable, they only add up, therefore they easily arise in various types of activity and can also easily disintegrate;

- in the children's community, personal rather than business relationships prevail, based on sympathy and situational interest in a peer;

- there are no self-government bodies, that is, an active “asset”, as, for example, in a group of schoolchildren;

- in the children's community there is no developed system of interpersonal and business relations, public opinion.

Thus, it is possible to ascertain the weak generating function of the collective, when they do not develop their own norms and rules of behavior. This function is primarily in the hands of the caregiver.

The main goal of the preschoolers team is to form in their environment the model of relations with which they will enter into life and which will allow them as soon as possible with minimal loss to join in the future process of social maturation, to reveal their intellectual and moral potential.

The development of the children's community is carried out in stages.

At the first stage, under the guidance of an educator, children form ideas about the norms of relationships in the children's community, there is a steady interest in activities, peers, and the cohesion of children is enhanced. As a result, persistent playgroups of 3-5 people may arise. Small groups - this is the initial stage of the consolidation of the children's community. The teacher brings children together in interesting activities, but the level of children's relationships is still not high enough.

In the second stage, it is important to make these associations more stable and long lasting. More complex objectives of joint activities (for example, collective work in a corner of nature) are being advanced. The teacher organizes the children's community, helps to distribute responsibilities, teaches children to show a sense of kindness, sensitivity, responsiveness, friendship, responsibility in relationships, and the natural process of uniting small groups takes place. Children show greater autonomy, the composition of associations becomes more sustainable.

The third stage is characterized by the growth of children's autonomy. The number of members of the children's community is increasing. Children themselves often unite at their discretion in a variety of activities, independently distribute roles in the game, responsibilities in work activities, and themselves regulate relationships in the group. The third stage involves the development of children's self-organization skills: from mastering the elements of self-organization, which are random in nature, to the awareness of the need to have organizational skills and abilities (the ability to plan their activities, to be aware of their responsibilities, to achieve the goal, to reckon with his friends). At this stage, it is possible to combine several small subgroups into one large group for joint activities of children: a role-playing game, combining several plots, a collective, joint work. It is very important that the motives of such activities are socially significant. Every child in such a community feels like a member of a team. The position of the caregiver changes significantly at this stage. With the development of children's self-organizing skills, the educator proceeds from a direct impact on children to indirect methods of guiding the children's community.

The most effective children's community will be formed under the following psychological and pedagogical conditions:

1) the organization of a teacher interesting and meaningful life in a group;

2) the main place in the organization of the children's team belongs to the play activities of children;

3) the organization of collective and joint labor;

4) the participation of children in the preparation and conduct of various holidays and entertainment.

The tasks of collectivism education in preschool children:

- to form humane relationships in the peer group (friendships, attention, respect for the opinions of others, mutual assistance, etc.);

- to encourage children to live and work together, play and work together with all the children in the group;

- teach to reckon with the interests of each other, subordinate their interests to the interests of the team;

- teach care, help each other, promote and maintain friendship between children.

Thus, with purposeful guidance of an educator, a gradual formation of a children's community takes place - from interpersonal communication and cooperation, the emergence of small groups to the establishment of relatively stable friendly relationships that contribute to the inner community of children.


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Pedagogy and didactics

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