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The children's team is the main base for the accumulation of social experience by children. In it, under the guidance of a teacher, the child gains experience in collective behavior both in positions of subordination and leadership. This leads to the formation of such socially valuable personal qualities as citizenship, humanism, initiative, responsibility, etc. The team also develops personal characteristics: self-esteem, level of aspirations and self-esteem, that is, acceptance or non-acceptance of oneself as an individual. Collective activity provides opportunities for the realization of the physical, artistic potential of the individual. The role of the collective also lies in the fact that it enables the practical development of democratic forms of life organization through active participation in children's self-government and diverse social life.

The development of the idea of ​​educating the individual in a team took shape in the national pedagogy in the 20s of the 20th century. In those years, this idea was most clearly expressed in the articles by A. V. Lunacharsky and N. K. Krupskaya, and was practically embodied in the experience of the first communal schools (in particular, in S. T. Shatsky’s school). A. Makarenko made a particularly significant contribution to the development of the theory and practice of the team. He first substantiated the theory of the educational team, revealed the principles and conditions for its construction, based on the humanistic ideas of faith in the child, in the possibility of his re-education. The main provisions of his theory were used and received practical confirmation in the work of a correctional labor colony for juvenile delinquents. Further development of the idea of ​​personal development in a team can be traced in the works of V. A. Sukhomlinsky, O. S. Bogdanova, T. E. Konnikova, and others. The attention of scientists was aimed at identifying the most effective forms of organizing children's collectives, encouraging collective activities, and developing the functions of self-government etc. The modern concept of a children's team regards it as a means of achieving the educational tasks facing the society, and for the child it acts as a kind of habitat and learning experience. previous generations [L. I. Novikova, A.V. Mudrik].

The concept of "collective" means a collection of people, their community. In pedagogy, the definition is used by A. S. Makarenko, who by collective means a group of children that are united by common, socially valuable goals and joint activities organized to achieve them. In this regard, important signs of the collective are: a common socially significant goal; common joint activities to achieve it; relations of mutual responsibility and dependence between team members; government body. No less significant are the signs such as: the presence of positive traditions in the team; cohesion; atmosphere of mutual assistance, trust and demandingness; conscious discipline. Only a highly developed team has all these characteristics and is capable of performing its social functions. These functions include: organizational - the children's team becomes the subject of managing their socially useful activities; educational - the team becomes the carrier and promoter of certain moral attitudes (values); incentives - the team regulates the behavior of their members, their relationships.

The process of team building goes through several stages. For the first time they were substantiated by A. S. Makarenko, who believed that the main means of the formation of a collective is a requirement.

At the first stage of the development of the collective, such a means is the sole requirement of the teacher to the students. An indicator of the emergence of a team from an unorganized group is the selection of a real active asset from among the most enterprising children.

At the second stage, the asset becomes the conductor of student requirements. Here, the law of parallel action comes into force, when the teacher's requirements for the student are transmitted not directly, but through an asset. In this case, the asset itself must have real authority.

The third stage is almost merged with the second. Its distinguishing feature is that the requirements for an individual member are set by the team. This testifies to the self-management system that has developed in the collective.

At present, there are other approaches to determining the stages of development of a collective (L. I. Novikova, A. N. Lutoshkin).

In the development of the collective, a special role belongs to joint activities, which should be built in compliance with a number of conditions, such as making demands, forming healthy public opinion, organizing promising aspirations, creating positive traditions.

Pedagogical requirement is an important factor in the formation of the team. It helps to quickly organize children, strengthen relationships. When implementing it, one should take into account the mood of the pupils, the public opinion of the team, and rely on it. Public opinion in a team is a set of those social assessments that are given among the pupils to various phenomena and facts of collective life. The maturity of public opinion is manifested in real life conditions or through the creation of situations of free choice.

Of great importance is the organization of promising aspirations of students or the “law of movement of the collective” (A. S. Makarenko). The development of a collective means setting it up and gradually complicating the prospects: close, medium and far. A stop in the movement of a collective means its disintegration.

An important condition for the development of a collective is the organization of self-government . The main requirements for its optimal functioning are: periodic replacement of self-government bodies and their reporting; the presence of attributes, game elements.

In the development of the collective, traditions play an important role , which most vividly, emotionally and expressively embody collective relations and public opinion of the collective. Their accumulation and development is an important factor in the development of the collective.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics