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Seminar classes in the course "Theoretical Pedagogy"


Lesson 1. Pedagogy in the system of humanities and human sciences

Lesson 2-3. Pedagogical methodology

Lesson 4. Holistic pedagogical process

Lesson 5-7. Learning theory

Lesson 8-10. Theory of education

Lesson 11. The final lesson

Lesson 1. Pedagogy in the system of humanities and human sciences

Questions for the preparation of messages and discussion at the seminar

1. Pedagogy as a science. The object, subject, functions and tasks of pedagogy.

2. The relationship of educational science and practice.

3. The relationship of pedagogy with other sciences.

4. The structure of pedagogical science.

5. Categorical conceptual apparatus of modern pedagogy.

Educational Discussion "Pedagogy - is it science or art?"

Previously, students independently prepare for the following task.

Select the arguments for the protection of one of the statements:

1) Pedagogy is a science.

2) Pedagogy is an art.

Practical tasks

Write out different definitions of pedagogy from different textbooks and scientific sources. Formulate a conclusion that highlights the general and the particular in these definitions.

Draw the links between the categories of pedagogy in the form of a diagram, explain the diagram.

Write a mini abstract or a short article on the topic “Relationship of pedagogics with ...” (choose a science or area of ​​human activity, social interaction, check the topic and requirements for the abstract or article from a teacher).

Write an essay on the topic:

“Why do we need pedagogical science, if there is a folk pedagogy proven by centuries?”

Lesson 2-3. Pedagogical methodology

Questions for the preparation of messages and discussion at seminars

1. Methodology of pedagogical science and activity.

2. Methods of pedagogical research.

3. Empirical methods of pedagogical research.

4. Theoretical methods of pedagogical research.

5. Use in pedagogical research of mathematical methods.

6. Organization of pedagogical research.

Group discussion "Research that I would like to conduct"

Previously, students independently prepare for the following task

You are offered the following topics in pedagogical research:

a) Pedagogical conditions of the organization of training and education of "difficult" adolescents ".

b) The organization of individual work in the classroom with gifted children.

c) Formation of skills of self-knowledge among high school students.

Analyze these topics, formulate the main methodological characteristics of the study (relevance, object, subject, goal) and justify a set of adequate research methods.

Note! There is no need to disclose ways to solve the problem, you need to think over and justify the relevance of the research, describe what needs to be investigated, why and how you would begin to conduct a study of this problem.

Practical tasks

Give a description of the main modern teachings, acting as the philosophical level of the methodology of pedagogy.

Expand the essence of the systems approach as a general scientific methodology of pedagogy.

Make a table with graphs: research method; advantages of the method; disadvantages of the method; conditions for success in its use. For the characteristics take any 3-5 methods of pedagogical research.

Write a small article that reveals the essence of one of the research methods or a specific case of its application. Subject to the topic and requirements for the article with the teacher.

Lesson 4. Holistic pedagogical process

Questions for the preparation of messages and discussion at the seminar

1. Education as a value, process and result.

2. The essence of the pedagogical process.

3. Basic theories of the pedagogical process.

4. The integrity of the pedagogical process.

5. Pedagogical interaction as the basis of the pedagogical process.

6. Age-related pedagogical process.

7. Competence approach to the construction of the pedagogical process.

Educational discussion "ZUN or competence?"

Group discussion

Divide into 3 groups (“Baby”, “Youth”, “Teenager”) and prepare 5 pieces of artwork describing the features of children of the selected age group. Be prepared to analyze fragments prepared by other groups in terms of age characteristics and requirements for the organization of the pedagogical process.

Practical tasks

Write a summary on any of the topics.

  • Holistic pedagogical process, its intensification and optimization.

  • The unity of the processes of training and education.

  • Pedagogical system and its types.

  • General characteristics of the education system.

Prepare a table in which junior school, junior adolescence, middle adolescence, senior adolescence, adolescence are characterized by the parameters:

  • age limits

  • basic physiological characteristics

  • main psychological neoplasms,

  • leading activity

  • who is the authority

  • value priorities,

  • prevailing learning motivation,

  • typical problems

  • effective ways of educational work.

Prepare answers to questions.

How does the activity of the subject teacher, based on the competence-based approach, change?

How is the activity of the class teacher, based on the competence approach?

Lesson 5-7. Learning theory

Questions for the preparation of messages and discussion at seminars

Learning Theory and Learning Process

1. Didactics - the theory of learning.

2. Essence, driving forces, contradictions and logic of the learning process.

3. The main functions of the educational process.

4. Patterns of the learning process.

5. Principles of learning.

6. Modern didactic concepts.

Educational content

1. The content of education.

2. State educational standards.

3. Regulatory documents governing the content of general education.

4. Different approaches to the design of educational content at different levels of education.

5. The variety of educational programs.

Organization of educational process

1. Methods, techniques and learning tools.

2. Classification of teaching methods.

3. Means of learning.

4. Forms of education. The lesson as the main form of education in modern school.

5. Types of training.

6. Training systems.

Educational discussions on the topic “Education Standards: Pros and Cons”

Practical tasks

Write or format in the form of a diagram (table, mental map) a comparative characteristic of modern didactic concepts.

Select the elements of various training systems (bell-Lancaster, Mannheim, Batavia, etc.) that are now integrated into the classroom system.

Write a summary or a short article on one of the suggested topics. (The following are approximate topics, the wording of topics may vary, therefore, you should first agree on the topic and requirements for the article with the teacher.)

  • Types of training (a certain type of training).

  • Learning systems (specific learning system).

  • The structure of the process of learning material.

  • The activities of the teacher and students in the learning process.

  • Principles of constructing the content of education.

  • Levels of presentation of educational content.

  • Factors shaping the content of school education.

  • Forms of organization of training in school.

  • Formation of learning motivation.

  • Additional forms of training.

  • Forms of extracurricular work on subjects (a certain form of extracurricular work).

Classes 8-10. Theory of education

Questions for the preparation of messages and discussion at seminars

Educational process

1. The concept of the educational process.

2. Driving forces, contradictions and logic of the educational process.

3. The purpose and content of education.

4. Patterns of the educational process.

5. Principles of education.

Organization of the educational process

1. Methods, techniques and means of education. Classification of education methods according to their focus.

2. Characteristics of the methods of formation of personality consciousness.

3. Characteristics of the methods of organizing activities and the formation of behavioral experience.

4. Characteristics of incentives and motivation.

5. Forms of education.

6. Student team as a subject and object of education.

7. Educational systems. The structure of educational systems.

8. Development of educational systems.

9. A variety of educational systems.

Educational discussions on the topic "Should the school teach or educate?"

Educational discussions on the topic “Does the team suppress the personality or contribute to its development?”

Practical tasks

Familiarize yourself with some definitions of the concept of “education”. What definition do you agree with, what not? Explain why.

  • Education is purposeful, organized by a professional pedagogue, raising a child to the culture of modern society, developing a student’s ability to live in society and consciously build his or her life worthy of a person. (N.E. Shchurkova)

  • Education is a process of human study, proceeding as a purposeful regulation of the development of a social roles system by a person. (N.M. Talanchuk)

  • Education is a pedagogical component of the socialization process, which involves targeted actions to create the conditions for human development. (MI Rozhkov)

  • Education - the process of pedagogical assistance to the child in the development of his subjectivity, cultural identification, socialization, life self-determination. (E.V. Bondarevskaya)

  • Education is a socially organized process of presenting socially approved values, normative personal qualities and patterns of behavior. (O.S. Gazman)

  • Upbringing is a teacher's activity aimed at creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for satisfying the basic needs of a student. (V.P. Sazonov)

  • Education is the purposeful management of the process of personal development. (L.I. Novikova)

Study one of the educational systems or authoring concepts of education. Preliminary agree on the topic and the presentation of the result with the teacher (this may be a report, presentation, video, article, abstract, etc.).

Lesson 11. The final lesson

Purpose: to generalize and systematize the educational material on the course of theoretical pedagogy.

The form is determined at the discretion of students and teacher.

Possible forms: business game, quiz, team competition, training solution tests, graphical visualization, etc.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics