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Preschool pedagogy is a multi - valued term. By it is meant:

- a particular specific area of ​​social life, which largely reflects the ideology of the development of society, with the specificity of preschool pedagogy determined primarily by the peculiarity of the age of children (preschool) and the attitude of society to children of this age;

- The science of the upbringing, training and education of children from birth to admission to school;

- The branch of age pedagogy, which studies the patterns of development, upbringing and elementary forms of education for children at the age preceding school entry.

The ancestor of preschool pedagogy as an important branch of pedagogical science is Ya. A. Komensky. In his book "Maternal School" for the first time the system of preschool education was presented. Many of the theory of Comenius relevant for modern pedagogy.

Like any other science, preschool pedagogy has its own subject of study and categorical apparatus. The subject is what the thought is directed at, what constitutes its content. The subject of preschool pedagogy as a science is the study of the laws governing the upbringing and education of children as a phenomenon of social life from birth to admission to school.

Modern preschool pedagogy studies: the process of education and training, its goals, objectives, content, forms of organization, methods, techniques and means of implementation; the influence of this process on the development of the child, the formation of his personality. Preschool pedagogy also performs an applied function — it develops new, more advanced programs and methods of education and training. Being a social science, preschool pedagogy is closely connected with the requirements of modern society in the field of education of the younger generation. The predictive role of preschool pedagogy is unquestionable, since it studies the trends and prospects for the development of the educational system and the organization of education. On the basis of the scientific forecast, new concepts of education are being created, educational standards are being developed, the theoretical foundations and technologies for raising children in the family and pre-school institutions are being studied, the features of the educational process in pre-school institutions of various kinds, including alternative ones, are being studied.

The main tasks of preschool pedagogy are:

- development and maintenance of personality-oriented education and upbringing of children in preschool educational institutions and in the family;

- justification of the types of creative activity of children and the possibilities of its organization in such a way that when they enter the school they do not lose the creative potential that they acquired in the kindergarten;

- justification of the laws of education, training and development of a child of preschool age;

- on the basis of the studied patterns - the development of pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques of pedagogical influence on children.

Preschool pedagogy as a science is closely connected with other human sciences: philosophy, psychology, anatomy and physiology, branches of medical sciences and other sciences.

Thus, at the present stage of development of society, the solution of the problems of education, training, education by the forces of one pedagogy will not give the desired result, an interdisciplinary scientific approach to them is required.

Preschool pedagogy operates in such categories as upbringing, development, formation, education, and childhood.

Category (from the Greek. Kategoria - statement; sign) is a scientific concept expressing the most essential properties and relations of a certain phenomenon of reality.

Formation is the process of formation of the child’s personality as a result of the objective influence of heredity, environment, upbringing and personal activity of the person.

Development refers to the process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the body, mind, intellectual and spiritual sphere of a person, due to the influence of external and internal factors, controlled and uncontrollable. Development is a process of movement, change, transition from the old to the new qualitative state.

Education - (in the social sense) is understood as a social phenomenon, the function of society, which is to prepare the younger generation for life. Education (in a broad pedagogical sense) is a process of purposeful personality formation in the conditions of a specially organized educational system that ensures the interaction of the educator and the educated. Education (in a narrow pedagogical sense) is a special educational activity aimed at the formation of certain qualities, properties and attitudes of a person.

Education of preschool children is a specially organized process of interaction between the teacher and children, aimed at developing cognitive abilities, transferring to them in an accessible form of knowledge, skills, skills, actions stipulated by the program of education and training, as well as the development of curiosity and cognitive activity.

Education as a process - mastering pre-school, general, vocational and additional education in institutions, as well as as a result of self-education of the system of knowledge, skills, experience, cognitive and practical activities, value orientations and relationships; as a result, the achieved level in mastering knowledge, skills, abilities, experience and relationships; as a system, a set of successive educational programs and state educational standards, a network of educational institutions that implement them, and educational management bodies.

Childhood is a stage in human development preceding adulthood; characterized by intensive growth of the body and the formation of higher mental functions.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics