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Work with parents in elementary school


The family is the first collective of the child, the natural environment of its development, where the foundations of the future personality are laid. From the moment when the child enters an educational institution, a “pedagogical triangle” arises (teacher - student - parent). Achievements in the upbringing and development of children depend on how the relations between teachers, students and their parents develop. The family becomes not only an object, but also a subject of interaction. It is the responsibility for the upbringing and education of children that the family must become a socially active participant in the educational process.

“Only the heart is sharp-sighted,” said Saint Exupery long ago. There are so many situations in a teacher's life, when only a keen sensitive heart can help to sort things out, find a solution from seemingly intractable problems ... Meeting with the students' parents is just the case. How difficult it is sometimes to melt the caution and distrust of parents, how difficult it is to find a topic of conversation, during which I would like to share something expensive.

I hold parent meetings not only to keep parents informed and help them in raising their children, but also to help solve the problems that parents unsuccessfully try to cope with themselves.

In preparation for parental meetings, I adhere to the following rules:

  1. A parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children.
  2. The theme of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of children.
  3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.
  4. The meeting should not engage in the discussion and condemnation of students' personalities.

My principles of communication with parents:

  • Remember that their children - the most expensive in life. Be smart and tactful. Try not to offend or humiliate their dignity.
  • Each meeting should be useful and effective for parents. Each meeting - equip them with new knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology, learning process.
  • Only in collaboration with parents can good results be achieved.

The basis of my educational work is the union of a teacher, parents and a child. It is in elementary school that the contact between teacher and parents is so important. After all, a child is not only an object, but also a subject of the educational process. And therefore, the main goal in working with parents is to achieve interaction with all available means, agreement with parents in raising a common culture, in creating an emotionally-friendly climate, orienting to human values.

Based on the goal of educational work with parents, I identified the following tasks:

  1. To organize the psychological and pedagogical education of parents;
  2. To create conditions for the successful interaction of all participants in the educational process - teachers, children and parents;
  3. To instill a culture of being parents, to master the methods of education and interaction with children.

Work with the family - impact on the educational potential of the family; the object of attention is not the family itself, but family education. Here you need the following: the study of the family atmosphere surrounding the student, his relationship with family members.

Without the use of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, it is impossible to constructively plan educational work in a children's team, to work with the parents' team. Diagnostics in the work of the class teacher helps to identify problem situations in individual families, enables the class teacher to choose the right course of behavior with the parents of those students, the situation in the family is extremely difficult.

Using diagnostics, I, as a class teacher, remember the moral aspects of all my research and follow certain rules.

  1. If parents shared information with their class teacher, it should not be accessible to everyone.
  2. Diagnosing the problem involves remedial actions by the class teacher on the problem studied.
  3. Diagnostic testing should not aim at labeling.
  4. Diagnostic research should be carried out correctly and have to further communication with the class teacher.

Fifth Rule For a detailed study of the problem of a single diagnostic study is not enough, it is necessary to use various types of diagnostics in order to obtain reliable material.

Cooperation with parents can not be built "by eye", focus only on intuition, it is necessary to know the features of the modern family, its attitude to school and changes in education.

Why does the class teacher need information about the family?

  • For “tracking” and “accompanying” a family, this will make it possible to find out its features and use the ability to influence a child.
  • To involve parents in class work
  • To conduct outreach work with parents, as well as to create information materials for parents, “parental leaflets”.

What does an elementary school teacher need to know about the families of his students?

Socio-demographic portrait of the family.

  1. The composition of the family.
  2. Surnames, names and patronymic of father and mother, their age.
  3. Occupation of parents and other family members (employment of parents: the scope of professional activity and skill level).
  4. The financial security of the family.
  5. Cultural potential of the family: the presence of a library, cultural leisure items; attitude to art, literature; basic spiritual needs of family members.
  6. Interests, hobbies of family members.
  7. Family lifestyle.

Organization and principles of family education.

  • Intra-family relations: the dominant relationship style (democratic, authoritarian, mixed), family microclimate, customs and traditions, leadership in the family, adult authority.
  • Educational position. Prevailing methods and forms of education. The level of pedagogical culture and self-education of parents.

The relationship of parents with the class.

  • The participation of family members in the life of the class.
  • The nature of interaction with teachers, with the class teacher.

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents. To the psychological and pedagogical education of parents I attract specialists from various fields: a doctor, a psychologist, a speech therapist. In order for the psychological and pedagogical education of parents to arouse their own interest, take into account the suggestions and wishes when choosing topics for parents. I organize this direction using the following forms of work:

  • solemn assembly;
  • individual counseling;
  • round tables;
  • conversations;
  • training trainings;
  • parent - student skirts;
  • conferences;
  • opinion exchange;
  • training workshops;
  • oral journals;
  • workshop workshops;
  • registration notes for the parent).

Involving parents in the educational process is directed through the following forms of work:

  • days of creativity of children and parents;
  • open lessons and extracurricular activities;
  • assistance in organizing and conducting extracurricular affairs and strengthening the material base of the class;
  • joint holidays;
  • creative laboratories of parents;
  • hikes, excursions into nature;
  • competition games.

When holding parental meetings, meetings, I adhere to the rules and know ten secrets of a successful parental meeting:

  1. For the parents' meeting, I choose the most favorable day and time, and I try to ensure that neither me nor the parents of my students have important events, interesting TV programs, etc. for this time.
  2. I identify one of the most important problem concerning the students of my class, and on its discussion I build a conversation with my parents.
  3. I pay special attention to the placement of parents in the classroom. For example, you can arrange the tables and chairs in a circle so that all participants in the parent meeting can see and hear each other well.
  4. I prepare business cards with the names of the parents, if they do not know each other well enough.
  5. Together with parents, we come up with rules for meeting participants. For example:
  • take off outdoor clothing is required;
  • not to be silent when discussing the problem;
  • rejecting the proposal (opinion), it is necessary to make a counter;
  • call each other by name and patronymic or just by name, etc.
  1. Shore time people invited to the meeting. For this purpose, I establish the rules and strictly monitor its observance.
  2. During the meeting I use games and group forms of organization of interaction between parents.
  3. I make communication at the meeting easy and frank with a cup of tea.
  4. When discussing problematic issues, I rely on the life and pedagogical experience of the most authoritative parents, on the opinion of the members of the parent committee and the school board.
  5. I strive to make concrete decisions at the meeting.

The implementation of activities aimed at organizing interaction with parents in educating the younger generation allows you to:

  • Increase the pedagogical culture of parents as the basis for the disclosure of the creative potential of parents;
  • To contribute to the revival of the best domestic traditions of family education and the restoration of the traditional way of life;
  • Develop a system of cooperation with the family in the interests of the child;
  • To form common approaches to education;
  • To develop a system of joint study of the child’s personality, his psychological characteristics;
  • To develop close in essence requirements for the level of education of the child;
  • To organize assistance in learning, physical and spiritual development of the student;
  • Create a favorable climate in the family, emotional comfort for the child at school and outside.


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