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Regularities are steadily repetitive, objective connections that manifest themselves in the educational process. Among the many laws of humanistic education, the main one is the link between upbringing and personal development. Education becomes an important factor in the development of personality, if, according to L. Vygotsky, it is focused on the “zone of proximal development”. Other regularities of food are: the dependence of the results of upbringing, the level of the basic humanitarian culture of the individual on the interaction with human culture; communication education and activities; dependence of upbringing with the activity of the personality itself; personal interaction of the teacher in the educational process; the connection between the self-development of the individual in the course of education and the degree of individualization and creative orientation of the educational process; the relationship between the results of education and the humanity of the participants in this process, their responsibility for the fate of other people.

These patterns are the basis for the formulation in modern pedagogy of the principles of humanistic education.

The guiding principle is the principle of continuous general and professional development of the individual. It requires that upbringing be based on objectively necessary basic qualities for personal development at each age stage. The remaining principles in their essence provide internal and external conditions for its implementation.

The culturological principle implies taking into account the cultural and historical traditions of the people in their upbringing, their unity with the universal culture, heightened attention to the upbringing of spirituality in man.

The principle of education in activity emphasizes the leading role of activity in the development of the personality, in the transformation of external influences into the internal convictions of the personality. The inclusion of the pupil in a diverse and productive activity allows him to effectively master the universal human values ​​and culture of behavior, activity, communication.

The personal approach (principle) requires the attitude to the pupil not as an object of educational influence, but as a subject of upbringing capable of self-selection of goals and means of self-improvement. In this case, each child is considered as a unique, unique personality, representing an independent value for surrounding adults, and not a means to achieve their goals.

The principle of subject-subject interaction means the establishment of a dialogue, an exchange of subject experience of an educator and pupils, which makes it possible to enrich the personality of each participant of this interaction, to stimulate the desire for self-development.

The principle of the individual-creative nature of education involves taking into account the individual preferences of students and the creation of conditions for self-expression, self-realization of the individual, the development of their creative capabilities.

Humanistic education is largely associated with the implementation of the principle of professional and ethical mutual responsibility , which presupposes respect for the personality of the pupil, adherence to the norms of pedagogical ethics, and pedagogical tact in relations with children and other participants in the educational process.

These principles are interrelated, form a single dynamic system and operate in any educational situations.

Patterns of the educational process
The patterns of education are usually understood as insufficiently known laws, the ordering of known phenomena that arise in the educational process of relations and dependencies, as well as factors affecting the educational process. For the practice of upbringing, it is most important to link the effectiveness of the upbringing process with those components that have the greatest impact on the quality of upbringing by regular relationships. Thus, the laws of education can be defined as the dependence of the effectiveness of education on certain factors and conditions.

The effectiveness of education depends ...

1. From the existing educational relations. The same educational impact can lead to different results if you do not take into account the relations that have developed between the teacher and the pupil.

2. From the conformity of the goal and the organization of actions that help to achieve this goal. The concept of "organization" includes a specially ordered set of influences, relationships, conditions, forms and methods of work. If the organization does not meet the goal, the educational process does not succeed.

3. From the conformity of social practice and the nature (orientation, content) of educational influence on pupils. The educational process is accompanied by the fact that a person thinks and acts, receives knowledge and acquires practical experience, assimilates the norms and rules of social behavior and immediately checks them in practice. At the same time, it is necessary that the teacher’s word does not diverge from the deed, but that which the teacher teaches finds confirmation and application in the life and experience of the child.

4. From the combined action of objective and subjective factors. Subjective factors include personal characteristics of teachers and pupils, affecting the interaction between them. Objective factors reflect the conditions of education: material, pedagogical, etc.

5. From the intensity of education and self-education. For the success of self-education, it is important that the pupil learns to evaluate himself correctly, that he can notice positive qualities and shortcomings in himself, and overcome by force of will the obstacles that impede the realization of his life plans. The presence of these skills in a person is the result of education.

6. From the activity of its participants in pedagogical interaction.

7. From the effectiveness of the processes involved in upbringing: development and training. The more efficiently the training is organized, the more successful the development of the personality is, the higher the educational results.

8. The quality of the educational impact. The pedagogical impact of educators on pupils implies a purposeful organization of their activities, communication, systematic and systematic development of intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres in accordance with the goal.

9. From the intensity of the impact on the "internal sphere" of the pupil. “Internal sphere” is a system of motives, needs, emotions, intelligence of a person, considered as a holistic entity. In the educational process, external influences are transformed into the internal achievements of the student.

10. From the intensity and quality of the relationship between the pupils themselves. Mutual education influences the formation of personality precisely because it is brought up by peers and friends. In this case, the goals and content of upbringing are not only better understood, but often accepted uncritically and immediately.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics