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The main form of systematic teaching children to exercise is physical training.

The importance of training lies in the complex formation of a culture of movements, the systematic implementation of recreational, educational and educational tasks, the fulfillment of which provides physical development, functional improvement of the organism, strengthening the child’s health, acquiring correct motor skills, educating physical qualities, and all-round personality development.

The content of the classes are physical exercises, determined by the program for each age group. The structure of the classes is the sequential performance of children exercise. It is determined by the tasks and features of the health of the nervous system.

The lesson consists of three interrelated parts: preparatory, main and final. The task of the preparatory part is to organize the children for class and functionally prepare the body for higher loads in the main part. To do this, use - drill and general developmental exercises, running and jumping, exercises for the formation of correct posture, coordination movements. The task of the main part of the lesson is the solution of the main educational tasks: the formation of motor skills and the development of physical qualities. The selection of exercises is determined by the development of basic types of movements (running, jumping, climbing, throwing), the inclusion of exercises with objects, a moving game, rhythmic gymnastics complexes, and relay races. In the final part, the solution of problems is associated with a decrease in physical activity and bringing functional indicators to the initial level. This may be a sedentary game, round dance, game tasks, curly marching, walking with a song.

In order to create conditions for convenient and repeated repetition of movements, the teacher uses different methods of organizing children depending on the tasks of the lesson, the size of the room, and the availability of equipment.

With the frontal method, all children do the exercises at the same time. This method provides a high motor density classes. The teacher has the opportunity to individualize the load for individual children, to assist.

Shift method is that children do exercises in shifts of several people at the same time, while the rest are watching. At the beginning of training, when the teacher must control the actions of each, the exercises are performed in shifts of 2-3 people.

Group method. The teacher distributes children into 3-4 subgroups. One, under the supervision of a caregiver, is learning a new exercise, for example, climbing, the others are doing familiar exercises on their own. Then the children change places. Group method makes it possible to learn new exercises with a small number of children, individually work with individual children, and promotes the development of independence.

Stream method. All children perform movements "stream" when one child has not finished the task, and the other has already begun. This method is used when children have sufficient motor skills.

Providing a certain way of organizing children, the teacher also thinks over the rhythmic accompaniment: tambourine, tape recorder, video recording, the use of musical accompaniment. When exercising, it is necessary to provide insurance to prevent child injuries. Exercises such as climbing, running jumps, balance exercises and with elements of acrobatics require special attention.

Morning gymnastics in pre-school is considered as an element of the children's movement mode. Systematic conduct of it under the guidance of a caregiver fosters the habit of physical exercise in children. The value of gymnastics is diverse: it increases the vital activity of the body, disinhibits the nervous system after sleep, reduces the transition from sleep to wakefulness. Performing physical exercises enhances the excitability of the cerebral cortex, as well as the reactivity of the entire nervous system.

Selection of exercises in the complex provides for an increase in the vital activity of the organism through the gradual involvement of the main muscle groups in intensive work, their development and strengthening in order to bring up correct posture.

The content of each complex consists of exercises, arranged in a specific order, involving the involvement in the intensive work of various muscle groups.

Gymnastics as well as physical training, consists of three parts: preparatory: it starts with walking and light running, jumping exercises, exercises for posture and exercise exercises; the main one is a set of exercises, consisting of 10-12 physical exercises; final - walking, curly marching, walking with a song. The duration of gymnastics is determined by age group: from 5 to 15 minutes. In younger groups, the tutor explains, shows, and performs exercises with the children; in the older groups, the children can explain the tutor and do the exercises independently.

Outdoor games

The value of mobile games is recognized by educators around the world. Games create an atmosphere of joy and therefore make the most effective comprehensive solution of health, educational and educational tasks.

Play activity is one of the basic means and methods of physical education. Situations on the playground, which are changing all the time, teach children to use motor skills and abilities, ensuring their improvement. Physical qualities are naturally manifested - quickness of reaction, agility, eye, balance, skills of spatial orientation.

The need to obey the rules and respond appropriately to the signal, organizes and disciplines children, teaches them to control their behavior, develops motor initiative and independence.

The outdoor games expand the general outlook of children, stimulate the use of knowledge about the world, human actions, animal behavior, improve mental processes.

For the physical development of children, elementary outdoor games and sports games are used: basketball, volleyball, hockey, football and others. With preschoolers use elementary outdoor games. They are distinguished by their motor content (running games, jumping games, and others). According to the figurative content, they are divided into plot and plotless. Roles with actions are typical for plot, while the plot can be figurative (“Hares and Wolf”) and conditional (“Lovishki”) examples of plotless games - “Find yourself a pair”, “Think up a figure” and others. By the nature of game actions, games of a competitive type are distinguished; according to dynamic characteristics, games of small, medium and large mobility.

In the method of physical education, the method of conducting games is defined.

Collect children on the game. First of all, you need to make a layout of the playground. The collection of children should be quick and interesting: with the help of zazvyvalochek, counters, the use of non-standard sound signals, surprising moments. The organization of children requires great resourcefulness from an educator because they must also be taught to play.

The explanation of the game should be short and clear, interesting and emotional. In the younger group, the explanation may be in the form of a motor narrative. The sequence of explanations: to name the game, its intention, to briefly outline the content, emphasize the rules, remind movement, assign roles, distribute attributes, place players on the court, start playing actions.

The distribution of roles in the game. Roles determine the behavior of children in the game. The leading role is always a temptation for a child. Therefore, conflicts occur during the assignment of roles. The choice of the main role children should perceive as encouragement, but the choice of the educator should be motivated. For assignment to the leading role is often used and counters that prevent conflicts. You can assign roles using a magic wand, all kinds of turntables, using interceptions.

Guide the progress of the game. In general, the control of the game is aimed at the implementation of its software content. This determines the choice of methods and techniques. The teacher needs to keep track of the movements of children: to encourage successful execution, suggest the best way to act, and help by example. Sometimes children break the rules of the game, especially in plot games. Do not blame them for it, especially to exclude from the game. Better to praise the one who acted correctly. The repetition and duration of the game depends on the actual situation, and the tutor determines the time of the game. The outcome of the game should be optimistic.


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Pedagogy and didactics

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