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At preschool age, the formation of the main activities, including labor, takes place. Therefore, the labor education of children of preschool age is one of the leading directions in the pedagogical process of preschool education. At present, the place of work in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten has been determined, its content has been developed.

Labor education is a purposeful process of formation in preschool children of a conscious attitude and propensity to work as the basic vital need, as well as the formation of the habit of work by including the child in active labor activity. The goal of pre-school child labor education is to form children’s ideas about adult work activities, to form labor skills and abilities, and to cultivate diligence as a personality.

Various researchers offer their wording tasks of labor education. We give some of them. So, V.I. Loginova identifies the following tasks: the formation of attitudes towards labor; nurturing the need to work; the assimilation of labor knowledge, skills, skills in the main types of labor. V.G. Nechaev in the tasks of labor education includes: the formation of labor skills and abilities; education attitude to work, the desire to assist adults; education of moral and volitional qualities of the individual; mastering the skills of work; education attitude to work adults. Diligence manifests itself in the child's need to engage in work, the ability to experience joy in its process, to achieve the goal.

Preschool pedagogy emphasizes the originality of the work activities of preschoolers, since there are some differences between child labor and adult labor. The specificity of child labor is as follows:

- the child does not create socially significant material values ​​in his work; there is no result in child labor;

- Labor satisfies the child’s need for self-assertion, for knowing one’s own abilities;

- the work activity of children of preschool age is closely connected with the game. In fulfilling the task of work, children often switch to the game and vice versa. During the game, the child often reflects the work activities of adults, performing a variety of work activities;

- work of children of preschool age is situational and non-binding;

- the peculiarity of child labor is the fact that this activity is in the development stage and necessarily involves the participation and assistance of an adult;

- children do not know how to set goals independently in work, because do not possess the ability to keep in memory the whole process and result;

- the child’s actions are not focused, but procedural in nature: they can be repeated many times without pursuing a specific task;

- the motives of preschool children are also peculiar (the desire to get a positive assessment of their actions from an adult, to assert themselves, to enter into communication with adults, socially significant motives);

- children cannot independently carry out the process of planning work activities, often they plan only the process of execution, “forgetting” about the organization of labor;

- children are attracted by the process of activity itself, but not by the result of labor;

- The results of preschool children also differ in their originality. For a child, he has not a material, but a moral aspect, most often expressed in the positive assessment of an adult. Only in the older preschool age can satisfaction appear from an independently achieved result in labor.

According to its content, the work of children of preschool age is divided into four types: self-service; household work; labor in nature; manual and artistic work.

Self-service - child labor, aimed at serving themselves: dressing, undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures.

The quality and awareness of the actions of different children is different, so the task of building self-care skills is relevant at all ages of preschool age.

The content of self-service work varies at different age stages and as children master their work skills.

Household work involves the ability to maintain order in a group room, at home, on the site, participation in the organization of household processes. A characteristic feature of this type of labor is its social orientation.

It is necessary to form among preschoolers an idea of ​​the significance of household and everyday labor for all and personally for everyone. This type of work involves the formation of skills of household work acquired by children in preschool institutions and in the family.

In a special kind of labor is labor in nature. The maintenance of such labor is caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden, planting the plot, participating in cleaning the aquarium, etc. Labor in nature has a beneficial effect not only on the development of work skills, but also on the education of moral feelings, laying the foundation for the environmental culture of preschoolers. This type of labor has its own characteristics: the result may be a material product (vegetables grown by a child, a tree planted by him, etc.), this brings children to work closely with the productive labor of adults; work in nature most often has a delayed result; it makes it possible to simultaneously develop the cognitive interests of preschoolers (children observe the growth and development of living objects, learn about the characteristics of some plants and animals, experiment, learn about non-living nature); This kind of work gives children the opportunity to bring joy to other people. Thus, labor in nature contributes not only to labor education, but also to moral, aesthetic, mental, and physical development.

Manual and artistic work for its intended purpose is a work aimed at meeting the aesthetic needs of man. Its content includes the manufacture of handicrafts from natural material, paper, cardboard, fabric, wood.

This work contributes to the development of imagination, creativity; develops the small muscles of the hands, contributes to the education of endurance, perseverance, the ability to bring the work begun to the end.



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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics