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9.3. Conditions for increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction


The importance of pedagogical interaction as a means of influencing the cognitive, emotional-volitional and personal spheres of the subjects of the educational process makes the problem of its effective organization relevant.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature there are a number of conditions that increase the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction: 1) setting the nearest pedagogical tasks in working with each student; 2) creating in the team an atmosphere of mutual goodwill and mutual assistance; 3) introduction to the life of children of positive factors that expand the scale of values ​​recognized by them, enhancing respect for universal values; 4) the teacher's use of information about the structure of the team, the personal qualities of students in different positions in the class; 5) the organization of joint activities, enhancing the contacts of children and creating common emotional experiences; 6) assisting the student in the performance of educational and other tasks, fair, equal attitude to all students and an objective assessment regardless of the already established interpersonal relations, assessment of success not only in educational activities, but also in its other forms; 7) the organization of collective games and other events that allow the student to express themselves positively from an unfamiliar side; 8) taking into account the specifics of the group in which the student enters, her attitudes, aspirations, interests, and value orientations.

In addition, there are a number of factors contributing to the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction.

The praise of the beloved teacher, the positive attitude expressed by him can significantly increase the student's self-esteem, awaken the desire for new achievements, and please him. The same praise expressed by the teacher who is not accepted by the students may turn out to be unpleasant to the student and even perceived by him as censure. This happens when the teacher is not recognized as an authoritative person, not only by this student, but also by the whole class.

When assessing student success, the demands of the teacher are especially important . In an undemanding teacher, students are discouraged, their activity is reduced. If a student perceives the teacher’s demands as too high, then the failures associated with this may cause him an emotional conflict. Whether a student is able to perceive the requirements correctly or not depends on how much the teacher’s pedagogical strategy takes into account the level of students ’claims, planned life perspectives, established self-esteem, status in a class, i.e., the whole motivational sphere of a person without which productive interaction is not possible .

Studies show that mature pupils in senior classes, as a rule, positively characterize teachers, taking into account not so much the character, the attitude of the teacher, but his professional qualities. However, the number of “loved ones” after graduation is usually called not the most intelligent or professionally developed teachers, but those with whom we have a trusting and good relationship; those for whom these students were also "favorites", that is, accepted, elected, highly appreciated.

It is established that teachers often pay attention to those students who cause them to have one or another emotional attitude - sympathy, concern, dislike. A student who is indifferent to a teacher is not interested in him. The teacher is more inclined to relate to “intellectual,” disciplined and executive students, in second place are passively dependent and calm, in third place are students who are influential, but poorly managed. The most disliked are independent, active, self-confident students.

In the studies of A. A. Leontiev, the signs that identify the stereotypical negative installation of the teacher are highlighted:

• the teacher gives the “bad” student less time to respond than the “good”, that is, does not give him time to think;

• if an incorrect answer is given, the teacher does not repeat the question, does not offer a hint, and then immediately asks another or gives the correct answer himself;

• the teacher “liberal”, positively assesses the incorrect answer of the “good” student, but at the same time more often scolds the same “bad” student for the same answer and, accordingly, less often praises the correct answer;

• the teacher tends not to respond to the response of the “bad” student, calls the other, without noticing a raised hand, sometimes does not work with him in class at all, rarely smiles at him, looks less into the eyes of the “bad” than the “good”.

The most important factor in increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction is its organization as a joint activity of a teacher and students. This makes it possible first of all to switch from a monological style of communication (“teacher - students”) to a dialogical one, from an authoritarian form of relations to a democratic one. In addition, this changes the social position of the student: from a passive (student), it turns into an active (teacher's) position, which allows the child to move along "zones of his nearest development" (L. S. Vygotsky). Finally, in the process of joint activities, the mechanisms of influencing a group and a person are actualized through the reference person, which contributes to the child experiencing other people's anxieties, joys and perceptions of other people's needs as their own.

As a student develops, the structure of his interaction with the teacher changes: being initially passive object of pedagogical influence, he gradually becomes a creative person, not only capable of performing regulated actions, but also ready to set the direction for his own development.


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Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work

Terms: Theory of education. Organization and methods of educational work