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The method in translation from Greek means “way”, “way”. In philosophy, the method is considered as a way to achieve goals, in a certain way ordered activity. In pedagogy, the learning method is understood as “a way to achieve the goal of learning, which is a system of consistent and orderly actions of a teacher, organizing practical and cognitive activities of students to master social experience using certain means” [I. J. Lerner].

In the structure of the teaching method stand out techniques. Acceptance is an element of a method, its component, a separate step in the implementation of a method.

The teaching method is a complex multidimensional education. There are objective and subjective parts in it. The first does not depend on teachers and reflects the laws and principles of education. The second is due to the personality of the teacher, the specific conditions of use of a particular method. It is the subjective part that opens space for pedagogical creativity.

Given the multidimensional nature of teaching methods, there are many classifications of them. The classification of teaching methods is an ordered system according to a certain attribute. The most well-known classifications include the separation of methods according to the source of knowledge. It distinguishes the following groups: verbal methods (explanation, explanation, story, conversation, lecture, dispute, etc.); visual methods (illustration, demonstration, observation, demonstration); practical methods (experiments, exercises).

The classification of methods according to the type (character) of cognitive activity has become quite widespread (I. Ya. Lerner, M. N. Skatkin). In this classification, the following methods are distinguished: explanatory and illustrative; reproductive; problem statement; partially search (heuristic); research.

The most widespread in didactics is the classification of teaching methods by Yu. K. Babansky, in which three groups of teaching methods are distinguished: methods of organizing and carrying out educational and cognitive activity, methods of stimulating and motivating educational and cognitive activity, methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of educational and cognitive activity .

There are other approaches to the classification of teaching methods.

Questions of choice of training methods are the most important task of the teacher. Based on the studies of Yu. K. Babansky, M. I. Makhmutov, and other scientists, the following criteria should be considered when choosing methods :

• their compliance with the goals and objectives of learning and development;

• compliance with the content of the lesson;

• compliance with the real possibilities of schoolchildren;

• compliance with the conditions and time allotted for training;

• compliance with the capabilities of the teachers themselves, their level of qualification.

The successful selection of teaching methods contributes to a comparative analysis of their effectiveness for the realization of various learning objectives. For example, visual teaching methods most contribute to the development of observation and increased attention to the issues being studied. Their use is possible if the content of the material itself can be presented in a visual form and visual aids are available. Verbal methods are effective for the formation of theoretical and factual knowledge and are used if the material is primarily informational for theorists, if the teacher owns them better than others.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics