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The pedagogical process is a specially organized, purposeful interaction of teachers and pupils, focused on solving developmental and educational tasks.

In the pedagogical literature of past years, instead of the notion of “pedagogical process”, the concept of “educational process” was used. However, the works of P. F. Kapterov, A. I. Pinkevich, and Yu. K. Babansky proved that this concept is narrowed and does not reflect the main feature of the pedagogical process - its integrity and commonality of the processes of upbringing, training and personal development. The essential characteristic of the pedagogical process is the interaction of teachers and pupils about the content of education using a variety of pedagogical tools.

The pedagogical process is considered as a dynamic system that includes interrelated components and interacts with the broader systems into which it is included (for example, the school system, the education system). The pedagogical process includes target, informative, activity and effective components.

The target component assumes the existence of the whole variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity - from the general goal of creating conditions for the diverse and harmonious development of an individual to the tasks of a specific lesson or event.

The content component reflects the meanings of each task, their educational and ideological content.

Activity - includes various levels and types of interaction between teachers and pupils, the organization of the pedagogical process, without which the final result cannot be obtained.

The effective component reflects the effectiveness of its course, characterizes the progress achieved in accordance with the goal. Of particular importance in the pedagogical process are the links between the selected components. Among them, an important place is acquired by relations of management and self-government, cause-and-effect relations, informational, communicative, etc.

According to the definition of M. A. Danilov, the pedagogical process is an internally connected set of many processes, the essence of which lies in the fact that social experience melts into the quality of a person being formed. However, this process is not a mechanical combination of the processes of upbringing, training and development, but a new quality, military education, subject to special laws. All of them are subject to a single goal and form the integrity, commonality and unity of the pedagogical process. At the same time, the pedagogical process preserves the specificity of each separate process. It is found in the allocation of their dominant functions. Thus, the dominant function of education is the formation of relations and the social and personal qualities of a person; learning - learning how to work, the formation of skills and abilities; development - the development of a holistic personality. However, in a single process, each of these processes performs related functions. Education provides developmental and educational functions, learning is unthinkable without education and development.

The integrity of the pedagogical process is also revealed in the unity of its components: the purpose, content, means, forms, methods and results, as well as in the interrelation of the stages of flow.

Patterns of the pedagogical process are considered as objective, stable repetitive connections between various phenomena. The main regularity of the pedagogical process is its social conditionality, that is, dependence on the needs of society. In addition, it is possible to identify a pedagogical pattern, such as the progressive and successive character of the pedagogical process, which manifests itself, in particular, in the dependence of the final learning outcomes on the quality of intermediate ones. Another regularity emphasizes that the effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on the conditions of its flow (material, moral, psychological, hygienic). No less important is the pattern of compliance of the content, forms and means of the pedagogical process with the age possibilities and characteristics of the students. Objective is the pattern of communication of the results of education or training with the activities and activities of the students themselves. In the pedagogical process there are also other laws that then find their concrete embodiment in the principles and rules of the construction of the pedagogical process.

The pedagogical process is a cyclical process involving movement from a goal to a result. In this movement, we can distinguish general stages: preparatory, main and final. At the preparatory stage , goal-setting is carried out on the basis of diagnosing the conditions of the process, forecasting possible means of achieving goals and objectives, designing and planning the process.

The implementation phase of the pedagogical process (main) includes the following interrelated elements: the formulation and explanation of the goals and objectives of the upcoming activities; interaction of teachers and students; use of intended methods, means and forms of the pedagogical process; creating an enabling environment; the implementation of various measures to stimulate the activities of schoolchildren; providing links to other processes. The final stage involves the analysis of the results achieved. It includes the search for the causes of the discovered deficiencies, their understanding and building on this basis a new cycle of the pedagogical process.


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics