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5.1. The relevance of educational work in modern conditions.

(Analyst L. Yaschenko)

In the context of the most complex social and economic changes characteristic of the CIS countries in the last 10 years of the twentieth century, many traditional tenets of our life have been simply rejected. The category of upbringing also turned out to be in this category, which began to qualify as an ideological appendage of the bygone political system that had lost its relevance and vital need.

Upbringing has always focused primarily on the younger generation, the youth. In the current situation, a vacuum was formed in the purposeful influence of the state, its public institutions (family, educational system) on the younger generation.

But the process of socialization, i.e. The personal development of young people is objective and permanent, and therefore this vacuum has filled the element - the spontaneous influence of the environment, new values ​​of social being, as well as the flow of uncontrollable information that has poured into the youth, both from the West and from its own media.

Against the background of the already many problems, our society quickly began to feel serious relapses from the younger generation, which were previously not so typical for it: offenses, drunkenness, sexual freedom, drug addiction, AIDS, suicide, an increase in the decline of spirituality, morality and culture. There has been a serious split between generations.

In fact, having experienced the problems and their consequences not only for today's youth, but also for future generations and society as a whole, in the early 1990s, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus initiated serious research work to rethink approaches to educating the younger generation, finding adequate time its organizational and substantive aspects.

The first thing that has become obvious is that a thorough scientific analysis of the concepts of “education” and “educational work” with respect to new realities of life is necessary. The starting point in the scientific development of the problems of educating students was the holding in February 1997 on the basis of the BSHA International Scientific and Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of Working in Higher Education Institutions", where almost the whole spectrum of the development of educational problems that were available for this period of time in universities of the Republic of Belarus.

The analysis of the conference materials, as well as the results of scientific developments of the problems of the education of students, held in RIVSHU, BSPU. M. Tanka, Mogilev Pedagogical University. A. Kuleshov allowed to formulate a number of fundamental conceptual conclusions.

1. Education as a targeted process of socialization of the individual, is an integral part of a single educational process.

2. The essence of the modern understanding of education is based on the personal and cultural basis: all-round assistance to the full development of the personality in the uniqueness of its appearance through familiarization with the culture of social being in all its manifestations; moral, civil, professional, family, etc.

3. Education - is an interactive process in which the achievement of positive results is ensured by the efforts of both parties, both teachers and educators.

4. The educational process should be provided by professionally trained personnel.

5. The educational process should be built on the basis of taking into account the trends and peculiarities of the personal manifestations of students, as well as the peculiarities of the microenvironment that are personally important for them [1].

The results of research in the field of educational work

Held throughout 1996-1998. The study of sociocultural orientations of 5898 students from 13 universities of the Republic of Belarus has made it possible to establish new trends in their motivation-need and value fields, as well as the features of their interaction in a personally significant microenvironment.

The study allowed to establish new trends in the structure of the needs of Belarusian students: the most important priorities for them are the needs for self-realization, good material living conditions, meaningful communication, cognitive need, need for social recognition, moral need.

At the same time, there is a loss of the need for collective life and activity, an increase in disunity among students. It is important to emphasize that the most important historically established feature of the social and spiritual culture of the Slavs, their mentality is the orientation towards joint activities, community life. This is the source of one of the traditionally strong advantages of the social life of the Belarusians - collectivism with such intrinsic values ​​for it as cooperation, mutual assistance and mutual understanding. The rejection of the collective principles of life, a rigid orientation towards individualism is fraught with irreplaceable moral losses for the younger generation and society as a whole.

The problem of the renewal of collectivism traditions among students is urgent, through the development of collective forms of their joint activities in school, work, leisure, sports, tourism, activating student self-government with ensuring its real rights and opportunities, increasing the role of self-government in organizing educational work. Education of young people, in our opinion, should be aimed at the formation of a humane personality with the combination of pronounced individuality with a collectivist orientation, characterized by awareness of their civic duty, diligence, responsibility, professional and humanitarian culture, as well as the culture of interaction with people around them [2] .

5.2. On the state of development of educational problems of the university

The scientific analysis of this problem by scientists and practitioners has led to the conclusion that education should act as one of the priorities of modern higher education.

However, despite the efforts undertaken by education authorities and, directly, universities, the effectiveness of targeted educational influence on students remains significantly lower compared to the impact of spontaneous environmental factors (pseudoculture, commercialized media, informal communication environment).

One of the primary reasons is the lack of a systematic approach to solving problems of educating students. So far, in the Republic of Belarus, virtually no independent scientific structure has been established that ensures the development of the problems of students and coordinates educational work in universities at the republican level. This does not allow us to consistently integrate the accumulated positive experience of education, to develop and improve it productively.

The current situation can be significantly improved by creating in the structure of the BSU RIVSh an independent unit of educational problems of the university with the following functions:

І. Scientific and methodological function is aimed at:

1. Comprehensive regulatory and technological support of the educational process through targeted work to create a regulatory framework, as well as a bank of educational work technologies, their systematization and implementation in higher educational institutions.

2. Scientific development of programs of sociological and psychological diagnostics, which allow qualified to monitor the personal status of students and the socio-cultural environment of its interaction.

3. Development of criteria for the effectiveness of educational work of the university as a type of educational standards aimed at a real assessment of the state of educational work at a particular university and a comparative analysis of its effectiveness within the republic.

ІІ. A training function, which, together with the RIVS departments , makes it possible to develop teaching and planning documentation on the educational aspects of psychological and pedagogical retraining and advanced training of teachers of higher schools, as well as to directly participate in their organization and conduct.

ІІІ. Information function, including the promotion of conceptual ideas, current trends and technologies of educational work with students through conferences, seminars, round tables, as well as peer review and preparation for publication of publications on the problems of education in higher education.

Thus, we are talking about the allocation of educational work in an independent direction of educational activities of higher education, providing for its purposeful scientific, methodological and regulatory and technological support [3].

5.3. Actual problems of student youth in the context of the activities of social teachers and psychologists

General characteristics

The success of teaching students at a university is largely determined by the actual conditions of their life activity, the nature of the problems arising in the process of studying and the possibilities for their resolution by the administration, teachers, and the services of social pedagogues and psychologists that are currently being formed. In order to correctly determine the educational impact strategy, the teaching staff of a higher education institution must clearly represent the spectrum of the actual problems that occur in the student environment. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the general tendencies of the personal development of modern student youth and the problematic situations that students face in a particular educational institution.

Our study was devoted to identifying the most typical problems for modern students. The main survey method was a questionnaire survey, which covered 3,438 students, representatives of 13 universities of the Republic of Belarus. The survey results show that among the problems arising in the life of students, insufficient material security prevails. It refers to 5-42% of the total number of all respondents.

Traditionally, material support for students depended on two main factors: the size of the scholarship and the help from parents or other close relatives. In recent years, the factor of additional earnings of the students themselves has been added to these sources as quite substantial.

Analysis of students' answers on the use of additional earnings in their free time showed that about a quarter of all respondents apply to them. Moreover, the main forms of additional work of students are those that offer all sorts of market structures: from the service sector (4.2%) and commercial trade (7.5%) to the resale of currency and things (3.5%). The share of construction teams and the organization of auxiliary work at the university is insignificant (2.2% and 2.5% respectively). Only 0.3% of the total array is involved in university contract research.

This leads to serious conclusions about the role of our official institutions of higher education, the state employment service, and the State Committee for Youth Affairs in resolving issues of secondary employment of students. Taking into account the economic difficulties experienced by the state, we can hardly expect a noticeable increase in the size of scholarships or substantial assistance from parents. Therefore, the efforts of state and youth structures should be aimed at expanding secondary employment opportunities for the vast majority of students.

The second place, according to the students, is occupied by the problem of heavy workload of studies. At the same time, if in the case of insufficient material security the difference in the weight of this factor between universities is small, then according to the second factor they differ significantly depending on the profile of students' training.

Judging by the results, students of medical (GGMI - 80.0%) and technical universities (BATU - 75%; BSPI - 70.8%) are the most loaded, or rather, overloaded with training sessions. Among universities with the smallest number of students, indicating a high workload of classes - BSUK (20.9%), BSEU (31.9%), as well as non-state universities: Institute of Modern Knowledge (24.2%) and Humanitarian-Economic Institute ( 33.8%). For other universities, about half of the total number of students surveyed refers to high workload.

The fact is obvious that it is necessary to reform the learning process in higher education, including by reducing the number of compulsory classes in order to give students more time to work independently with educational and scientific literature, and to participate in scientific research.

Students put on the third place among the emerging problems the lack of the necessary conditions for independent work (26.8%). This means that a simple reduction of compulsory classroom studies in favor of independent work will not bring an instant positive result. To solve this problem, it is necessary to have an appropriate educational and methodological base at the university, and to provide regular assistance and advice from teachers.

As the results of the study show, one fourth of the students we surveyed feel dissatisfied with the material and living conditions of life. They are no longer satisfied with the conditions for rest and full leisure activities - 37.1%. 18.1% of the total number of respondents indicated unsatisfactory conditions for physical education and sports. Such a situation can in no way contribute to the creation and strengthening of a healthy lifestyle for students. It is not by chance that 13.4% of the students participating in the survey refer to poor health, as well as significant psychological distress, which they have to endure during the period of study at the university.

The presence of psychological discomfort in the student environment is also confirmed by the results of answering the question about the need to create a service for social and psychological assistance in universities. The first thing that should be noted is the rather pronounced need for this kind of service on the part of students [4].

Functions of the socio-psychological service at the university

What kind of help from the psycho-social service do students need? The largest percentage of the total number of respondents indicated the reasons for the personal and emotional plan. This is assistance in studying their abilities, characteristics of character and behavior (36.9%), counseling on relieving stress and psychological overloads (32.3%), receiving advice in the sphere of personal life (friendship, love, starting a family, family relationships ( 30.8%), as well as the acquisition of communication skills (22.9%). No significant discrepancies were found in the responses by course and gender, except for the need to receive advice on relieving stressful states and psychological overloads (boys - 21.4%, girls - 42.0%).

A separate block presents the need for assistance in resolving conflict situations with fellow students (5.4%), fellow dormitories (6.7%), teachers and the university administration (13.9%). It is disturbing that the proportion of conflicts that take place, according to students, between them and the teaching staff, as well as the university administration, is quite high. The problem of the emotional and psychological state of students seems extremely relevant and should be the subject of special scientific study. The development of practical methods for its solution in the system of higher education is required [5].

The effectiveness of the institution of curators and educators

Despite a number of positive trends emerging in recent years in the organization of educational work in higher education, the institute of curators and tutors does not yet provide the proper educational impact on student youth. So, 14.5% of the number of respondents indicated insufficient attention to themselves on the part of teachers, curators, and educators. This is due to a number of reasons, including the lack of a regulated status of the curator of the student group, and, consequently, the corresponding attitude on the part of teachers to the role of the curator; the lack of proper psychological and pedagogical training of curators and tutors of hostels to work with students; the high workload of teachers in training activities and the need to look for additional sources of income due to low wages.

A significant weakening of the position of the curators and the educational influence they have had on the students has led to a change in the status of the academic group. This is confirmed not only by the results of this survey, where 20.3% of students among the essential problems of student life attributed the “disorganization, disunity of my student group”, but also by using sociometric methods of research of the level of development of relationships in academic groups of the university. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о существенном падении роли академической группы в жизни студентов, что неизбежно влечет за собой ряд негативных тенденций, в том числе утрату чувства коллективизма и взаимопомощи, нарастание тенденций индивидуализма. Повышение авторитета куратора и академической группы с целью их влияния на личностное становление студенческой молодежи должны быть отнесены к числу важных задач воспитательной работы вуза.

К числу проблем, возникающих в студенческие годы, относятся и забота о собственной семье (10,1%). Создание семьи, налаживание семейного быта, рождение ребенка и уход за ним в сочетании, как правило, с завершающим этапом обучения требует не только существенных душевных, физических и материальных затрат, но и должного уровня готовности к обеспечению сложнейшей социальной роли семьянина. Каково отношение студентов к браку и созданию семьи в студенческий период? Анализ результатов нашего исследования показал, что отрицательное отношение к браку выразили лишь 12,3% от всех опрошенных. При общей положительной установке на брак, 58,4% респондента считают его возможным при условии материальной обеспеченности. 11,1% от опрошенных допускают брак при вынужденных обстоятельствах и примерно столько же (11,8%) относятся к идее брака положительно не зависимо от любых обстоятельств [6].

5.4. Education from the perspective of a student-centered approach

До настоящего времени существуют различные позиции относительно назначения воспитания студенческой молодежи. Сторонники традиционного подхода считают, что воспитание должно быть направлено на целенаправленное формирование личности студента в соответствии с заданным общественным идеалом. В другом случае отстаивается взгляд на студента как сложившуюся личность, которая не нуждается во внешнем воспитательном воздействии. Одновременно для современной психолого-педагогической науки и практики все более доминирующее значение начинает приобретать понимание воспитания как средства, направленного на создание условий для саморазвития и самовоспитания личности, максимально полного освоения ею материальных и духовных ценностей, культурой общественного бытия (И.А. Зимняя, Н.И. Кочетов, Ю.М. Орлов, В.И. Слободчиков и др.).

Новая гуманистическая парадигма призвана утвердить следующие позиции: –

по своей сути личность представляет уникальное, неповторимое явление, в целостности реализующее себя в социуме; -

ключевой характеристикой личности выступает стремление к саморазвитию и самореализации. Отсюда необходимость изучать личность не столько с точки зрения достигнутого ею, сколько исходя из учета ее творческого потенциала и стратегии индивидуального жизненного пути; -

в качестве основного способа существования личности выступает система целеполагания, к ведущим условиям реализации поставленных целей относятся потребности и мотивы личности, побуждающие ее к постоянной творческой деятельности; -

изучение личности необходимо проводить исходя из «социальной ситуации ее развития» (Л.С. Выготский), включая как внешние факторы многостороннего социального воздействия, так и ее внутренний, феноменологический мир; -

эффективность внешнего воспитательного влияния на личность будет значительно выше в условиях не прямого, а опосредованного воздействия; -

отношения формирующейся личности с социальным окружением должны строиться на основе партнерского взаимодействия, в котором она выступает и воспринимается как активный субъектдеятельностного саморазвития [7].

Воспитательная работа и ценностные ориентации.

Проведенный анализ структуры инструментальных и терминальных ценностей белорусских студентов подтвердил происходящую в настоящее время радикальную смену их ценностных приоритетов: переориентацию студенчества с общественных на индивидуальные ценности, возрастание самоценности личности, падение престижа таких ценностей, как гражданственность, патриотизм, коллективизм, труд, что может служить свидетельством глубокой перестройки духовного мира современной молодежи. Особенности ценностного сознания молодежи в значительной мере определяются тем местом и ролью, которую она занимает в обществе, возрастной спецификой и характером влияния социального окружения, разнообразными историческими, социально-демографическими национальными факторами, а также воспитательным воздействием со стороны важнейших социальных институтов общества, что в конечном итоге обуславливает реальную социальную ситуацию развития для каждой конкретной личности

Мотивация профессионального выбора студентов характеризуется высоким престижем высшего образования, ориентацией на самостоятельный выбор своей будущей профессиональной деятельности, существенными различиями личностной значимости профессиональных социальных и ситуативных мотивов в зависимости от профиля высшего учебного заведения.

Проведенный анализ структуры микросреды взаимодействия студенческой молодежи, выявил ее доминирующие подструктуры, в число которых вошли: академическая группа вуза, преподаватели, родительская семья и дружеская компания. Получены доказательства устойчиво проявляющейся у студентов приоритетной ориентации на родительскую среду как важнейший личностно значимый социум. Достаточно близко к ней по значению примыкает дружеская компания, которую также можно отнести к числу приоритетной для студенчества неформальной микросреды.

The study showed that unity in friendly groups is achieved mainly through the psychological comfort provided by its members. At the same time there is no productive activity basis, сплачивающая членов группы и обеспечивающая им реальные условия для самореализации. Ведущим мотивом, обуславливающим выбор студентами дружеской компании, выступает возможность быть понятым и принятым, быть таким, какой есть. К числу значимых мотивов относятся такие, как общие взгляды на жизнь, общность интересов к определенному делу, общность социальной принадлежности, возможность вместе провести время, развлечься. Назрела необходимость проведения разносторонних исследований той неформальной среды общения, с которой взаимодействует студенческая молодежь, с целью выявления ее направленности, ценностных ориентаций, содержательного характера деятельности, организационной устойчивости.

В результате, складывается ситуация, когда как в институциональной, так и в неформальной среде отсутствуют условия для полноценного раскрытия личности, ее персонализации. Из одной весьма ограниченной в плане самопрезентации среды студент попадает в другую, не менее локальную в отношении реализации социальных ожиданий общность.

Встает проблема поиска путей выхода из не вполне благоприятной ситуации личностного развития студенческой молодежи в условиях основной микросреды. К числу возможных ее путей можно отнести, прежде всего, реорганизацию учебной деятельности с переориентацией на самостоятельную работу студентов, развитие студенческого самоуправления.


1. Молодежь другая. Она адекватна времени, складывающейся социальной ситуации своего развития.

2. Молодежь стратифицирована и процесс ее стратификации нарастает, т.е. молодежь разная.

3. Молодежи остро недостает перспективных линий социального развития в силу отсутствия четкой стратегии развития общества: структура мотивационно-потребностных приоритетов молодежи свидетельствующей об ее ориентации на достойную жизнь в обществе.

4. В системе ценностных ориентаций молодежь «зависла» между традиционными ценностями нашего бытия (славянский менталитет, коллективизм и т.д.) и западной моделью индивидуального сознания (принцип «твои проблемы»). Отсюда синдром «одиночества в толпе» (его следствия - отчуждение, суицид, наркомания, равнодушие к жизни).

5. Молодежь надо вести (доминанта – целенаправленная социализация (воспитание). Основной принцип: направляемая самостоятельность [8].

5.5. Актуальные проблемы совершенствования воспитательной работы студенческой молодежи

1. Теоретическая разработка модели личности в контексте ее важнейших социально значимых и социально востребованных качеств и свойств.

2. Обеспечение социологического и социально-психологического мониторинга личностного состояния и социальных ориентаций учащейся молодежи.

3. Возрождение работы с лидерами как одаренной молодежью (выявление, отбор и организация деятельности школ лидеров).

4. Мониторинг формальной и неформальной микросреды общения студенческой молодежи (академическая группа, дружеская компания и т.д.) и обеспечение ее психолого-педагогического сопровождения (работа социально-психологических и социально-педагогических служб). Наличие банка данных о тенденциях, характерных для микросреды общения студентов.

Основной акцент в воспитательной работе сделать на коррекцию и развитие таких личностных качеств студенческой молодежи, как:

– нравственность;

– гражданственность;

– коллективизм;

– труд.

1. Наличие комплексной базы данных о наиболее продуктивных направлениях и технологиях воспитательной работы в высшей школе РБ.

2. Разработка правового поля деятельности всех структур и воспитательных служб вуза.

3. Информационное обеспечение вузов имеющейся базой данных по воспитательной работе.

4. Организация и проведения конференций, семинаров, круглых столов, выездных заседаний по обмену опытом воспитательной работы.

5. Создание научно-методического центра по разработке проблем воспитания студенческой молодежи (на сегодняшний день это единственное звено, которое отсутствует в системе воспитательных структур образования).

6. Создание Республиканского координационного совета по проблемам воспитания учащейся молодежи, основной состав которого должен быть представлен руководителями соответствующих воспитательных структур АПО, РИПО, НИО, РИВШ БГУ.

7. Развертывание организационно-методической работы по подготовке, переподготовке и повышению квалификации педагогических кадров всех звеньев системы образования к воспитательной работе со студенческой молодежью.

5.6. Психолого-педагогическое обеспечение воспитательного процесса в высшей школе

Радикальные изменения ключевых основ жизнедеятельности нашего общества повлекли за собой необходимость критического переосмысления сущности и функционального назначения воспитательного процесса в современной высшей школе.

Благодаря усилиям отечественных исследователей и практиков, в образовательной среде Республики Беларусь сформировались достаточно четкие научные представления относительно теоретических аспектов проблемы воспитания учащейся и студенческой молодежи.

В настоящее время практически во всех вузах, где функционируют отделы (управления) воспитательной работы. В поле их деятельности находится работа студгородков, спортклубов,студклубов, студенческих молодежных организаций и т.д. Принципиально новым направлением стало создание на базе отделов (управлений) воспитательной работы социологических и социально-психологических служб, позволяющих профессионально исследовать проблемы студенческой молодежи и содействовать их разрешению.

Задачи воспитания выступают ключевыми для вновь созданной молодежной организации БРСМ и возрождающихся студенческих профсоюзов.

Воспитательные аспекты становления личности специалиста входя в число ключевых функций педагогической деятельности профессорско-преподавательского состава кафедр и руководства вузов. И при этом налицо парадоксальная ситуация: эффективность целенаправленного воспитательного влияния на студенческую молодежь существенно ниже по сравнению с воздействием спонтанных факторов среды.

Возникает вопрос: почему современный вуз, располагая достаточно мощным воспитательным потенциалом, не обеспечивает в полной мере его реализацию? Не претендуя на освещение всех, связанных с этим вопросом проблем, обратимся к рассмотрению тех из них, которые касаются системного обеспечения воспитательного процесса.

1. Координация усилий всех субъектов воспитания, четкая функциональная согласованность их деятельности.

As an example, let us turn to the interaction of the departments of educational work with student youth organizations, including the Belarusian Republican Youth Union. The experience of the functioning of the predecessors of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union - BSM and BPSM - is additional evidence of a well-known truth: to lead a public organization one needs authority and recognition among students. But authority is not introduced from the outside, simultaneously with the mechanical growth of the number of members. Authority must be earned through the active involvement of each member of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union in the daily life of their student body.

Thus, one of the most important points of application of a student asset, the leaders of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, should be a student interaction environment.

Democratization of social reality led to the restructuring of the field of activity and communication of students, manifested in changes in group values ​​and norms, principles of organization of social communities, significance for students of the formal and informal microenvironment, with the growing influence of the latter.

By itself, this variation is an objective factor in the development of civil society. However, when this process is carried out spontaneously, without purposeful regulation by the educational institutions of society, we inevitably face crises in the personal development of the young generation.

Thus, the data of our study indicate a significant reduction in social influence on students of such an important microsocium as an academic group of a university. The characteristic trends of the current state of the group include the underdevelopment of business interaction and its lack of demand on the part of students, the localization of personal contacts within the framework of individual groupings.

The revealed lack of interaction is largely associated with a sharp narrowing of the range of joint activities of group members, the actual dominance of one, essentially individual, educational and professional activity. Such collectively-forming activities traditionally inherent in academic groups as UIRS, labor, social and political activities are not sufficiently represented here and, as practice shows, they are not actively cultivated by the educational structures of the university, including its youth organizations.

As a result, there is a loss of the need for collective life and activities, the base of which was, first of all, labor and social activity, the growth of the tendencies of individualism and disunity among students. It is important to emphasize that the most important historically established feature of the social and spiritual culture of the Slavs, their mentality is the orientation towards joint activities, community life. This is the source of one of the traditionally strong advantages of the social life of the Belarusians - collectivism with such intrinsic values ​​for it as cooperation, mutual assistance and mutual understanding. The rejection of the collective principles of life, a rigid orientation towards individualism is fraught with irreplaceable moral losses for the younger generation and society as a whole.

For its part, a friendly company, serving as a priority environment for informal interaction of students, also does not compensate for the emerging shortage of their meaningful interaction. Its main purpose, according to our data, is to realize the possibility of spending time together, including with the aim of drinking alcohol, using drugs, etc.

How to treat the current situation: is the position of non-intervention valid in this case, or should we talk about combining the efforts of all participants in the educational process, including social pedagogues, psychologists, members of the Belarusian Youth Union to revitalize the student group, and study the informal communication environment of students with the purpose of providing organizational and pedagogical support in the inclusion of socially and personally significant activities.

The problem of the renewal of collectivism traditions among students is urgent, through the development of collective forms of their joint activities in school, work, leisure, sports, tourism, activating student self-government with ensuring its real rights and opportunities, increasing the role of self-government in organizing educational work. Education of young people, in our opinion, should be aimed at the emergence of a humane personality with the combination of pronounced individuality with a collectivist orientation, characterized by an awareness of their civic duty, diligence, responsibility, professional and humanitarian culture, as well as a culture of interaction with people around.

2. Professional approach to the implementation of educational work.

The need for such an approach is determined by the following key factors.

First, a student-centered approach to education, in which the development of a student’s personality serves as the fundamental backbone of higher education.

Secondly, the dynamically changing social situation of the development of modern youth, which implies the need for monitoring studies of the personal status of students.

Unfortunately, at present professionalism in educational work can be characterized with great reservations. And this applies not only to employees of educational departments, leaders of youth organizations, but also the readiness of the teaching staff to implement the educational function, as well as the activities of the sociological, psychological and socio-educational services of the university. What problems do we face here?

First of all, it is used by sociological tools, as well as the technology of its application. Today in many universities there is a perception of the ease and accessibility of conducting sociological research. Arbitrarily, without due scientific substantiation, various kinds of questionnaires are compiled. Unqualified individuals, including teachers, are often involved in conducting surveys. The indispensable requirements of using only approved tools, competent development of the research procedure, correct processing of the obtained data are not taken into account, which ensures the availability of reliable information that contributes to an increase in the efficiency of educational work.

Serious problems exist in the organization of the work of university psychologists. This is the eclecticism of the applied diagnostic methods, excessive enthusiasm for laboratory technicians, replacing the work on updating the real life system of students, creating an active socio-cultural environment at the university.

The problem of the development of integrated integrated computer programs for sociological and psychological diagnostics, which enable qualified monitoring of the students' personal condition and the factors of socializing influence of the environment, is urgent.

3. Comprehensive technological support of the educational process.

With reference to the present, we can talk about the stage of spontaneous accumulation of technologies of educational work in the higher school of Belarus. In a number of universities, innovative educational technologies have been developed and are being effectively used. These may include: psychological service of the Belarusian State University, small forms of educational work in the hostels of BSPU. M. Tank, art gallery of the Academy of Sports, study of curators of BSEU, psychological support of first-year students of BSMU, etc.

The main problem is the lack of purposeful work to create a bank of social technologies with their subsequent systematization and equipment of higher educational institutions. Along with the generalization of the existing empirical experience, special scientific development of separate technologies and technological complexes in such areas as:

- informational work;

- moral, civil, professional, family education of students;

- curator activity;

- student government;

- self-training of students;

- organization of secondary employment, life, free time, etc.

4. Development of criteria for the effectiveness of educational work.

Educational work should have its own quantitative and qualitative indicators and criteria aimed at evaluating its performance. Development of criteria for the effectiveness of education, which can be considered as a type of educational standards, is a delicate and complex work, representing an independent direction of scientific support of the educational process. The absence of those does not allow a relatively objective assessment of the level of formulation of educational work in a particular university, which leads to random, sometimes inconsistent with the true state of affairs, conclusions. Accordingly, there is no due clarity in the holistic view of the state and effectiveness of the educational work of the higher school of the Republic of Belarus.

5. Professional training of all participants in the educational process.

It should be provided through educational channels of higher education and postgraduate retraining and advanced training at the following main levels:

  • - Republican;
  • - regional;
  • - Interuniversity;
  • - intra-university;
  • - in the mode of self-preparation.

There arises the problem of developing a systematic approach to the professional and pedagogical training of each employee in the field of education, ranging from teachers to tutors of the hostel aimed at their continuous growth and improvement. One of the current areas of advanced training is the study of the experience of educational work in universities of near and far abroad.

For a long time we were in the illusion that educational work with students is the lot only of our socialist educational system. In fact, youth education is a multicultural problem. In the West, they have steadily developed as independent scientific directions: the philosophy of education, the sociology of education, the psychology of education, the pedagogy of education. Above this problem, in particular, in Russia, the USA, Germany are working large research centers operating at leading universities or ministries of education.

It is enough to refer to the law “National Goals of Education” adopted in the United States in 2000, according to which goals aimed at improving the education system, taking into account changes in society and the resulting socialization difficulties of the younger generation, were among the 8 priority goals of education development. "(Z.A. Malkova). Solving the issues of integration into the international educational space, we must align this direction of higher education activities.

To date, an independent research center has not been established in the Republic of Belarus, which ensures the development of educational problems for students. This does not allow us to consistently integrate the positive experience of education that has been accumulated in universities, productively develop and improve it.

Thus, there is an urgent need to allocate educational work in an independent direction of educational activities of higher education, providing for its purposeful scientific, methodological and regulatory and technological support. At the same time, the issue of scientific coordination of educational work at the university at the republican level should be resolved [9].


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Pedagogy and didactics

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