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The environment is understood as the space surrounding a person, as a complex system of external circumstances necessary for human life and development. Being an active being, a person in the process of open dynamic and dialogical interaction transforms the environment. The nature of this transformation, the practical influence on the environment, is determined by the peculiarities of the attitude towards it or experience.

Recently, high-tech projects of such an environment (including its specific modules) have been developed by teams of psychologists and teachers led by S. L. Novoselova and V. A. Petrovsky. Psychological and pedagogical thought came to a clear understanding of the importance of the environmental environment for the physical and mental development of children. The results of research on the role of the environment in the formation of the child, in the process of education, are being implemented today in the pedagogy of schools and preschool institutions. Scientists study not only the influence of the environment on the formation of a child of some personality traits, but also study its structuring for obsherazvivayuschego effects, designed to stimulate the diverse activity of children.

So, V.V. Davydov and L.B. Pereverzev defined the requirements that must be met by the environment of the educational institution:

1. The environment must be fairly heterogeneous and complex, consisting of a variety of elements necessary for the formation and optimization of all kinds of child's activities. The heterogeneity and complexity of the environment will allow the child to look for, select, and then independently create (assemble) objects of his motor, sensory, manipulative-cognitive, game and artistic activity.

2. The environment should be sufficiently cohesive, allowing the child to freely move from one activity to another and perform them as interconnected life moments. Due to the connectedness of the environment, the child will perceive various types of their activities as interdependent and complementary. This goal can be achieved due to the multifunctionality of the elements of the subject and natural environment and their inclusion in various functional structures.

3. The environment must be sufficiently flexible and manageable by both the teacher and the child. Flexibility and controllability of the environment will allow the child to show his activity and the desire to transform the world as widely as possible, the teacher - to modify the structure and functions of various objects and objects in accordance with various pedagogical tasks. In this case, the teacher will be able to adjust the activity without interfering with it directly with verbal instructions and instructions. By changing conditions and the objective environment, encouraging children to make independent decisions, the teacher can achieve the goal. The management of the environment should take place as if on behalf of the objects themselves, acting as peculiar partners of the children’s activities.

Authors under the leadership of V.A. Petrovsky formulated the principles of constructing the objective environment. The principles are aimed at creating favorable conditions for the realization of personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child: the principle of distance, position in the interaction; the principle of activity, independence, creativity; principle of stability-dynamic developing environment; the principle of integration and flexible zoning; the principle of emotional environment; the principle of combining the usual and extraordinary elements in the aesthetic organization of the environment; the principle of openness-closeness; the principle of taking into account the age and sex differences of children.

In the 80s in the center "Preschool childhood" them. A.V. Zaporozhtsa scientists under the leadership of S.L. Novoselova developed the concept of a developing subject environment. The concept as a whole is based on the activity-age system approach and relies on modern ideas about the objective nature of the activity, its development and importance for the mental and personal development of the child.

The author of the concept draws attention to the fact that the socio-cultural environment and the objective environment are a powerful enriching factor in children's development. The concept specifies the requirements for the subject environment. First, to ensure a truly creative development of the child, the unity of the developing subject environment and meaningful communication between adults and children is necessary. Secondly, the enriched environment presupposes the unity of social and natural means of ensuring the child’s diverse activities. Thirdly, all components of the objective environment should be related to each other in content, scope, and artistic solution. The presence of mobile, transforming and stationary facilities and objects of activity in the conditions of educational institutions create an opportunity for each child to independently choose the activity, pace, terms and conditions for its implementation.

The initial requirement for the objective environment, as S. L. Novoselova notes, is its developing character. Objectively, through its content and properties, it should create conditions for the creative activity of each child, serve the goals of actual physical and mental development and improvement, and provide a zone of proximal development.

Thus, in the theory and practice of pedagogy, a significant potential has been accumulated about the use of the possibilities of the environment as a means of educating, teaching and developing a child. At the same time, special attention is paid to the nature of structuring, the organization of the environment, the potential of which must be “launched”.



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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics