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Complex test tasks for the course "Theoretical Pedagogy"


When performing all test tasks, you must select one answer option .

  • Pedagogy in the system of humanities and human sciences
  • Pedagogical methodology
  • Theory of the holistic pedagogical process
  • Learning theory
  • Theory of education

Pedagogy in the system of humanities and human sciences

Pedagogy is ...

  • science of personality development
  • science of working with children
  • teacher activity aimed at shaping the child's personality
  • science of education and training
  • interaction of adults and children in the pedagogical process

The founder of scientific pedagogy.

  • Aristotle
  • Francis Bacon
  • Yan Comenius
  • Erasmus Rotterdam
  • John locke
  • Johann Pestalozzi

The categories of pedagogy are ...

  • basic concepts of educational science
  • set of regularities of the pedagogical process
  • system of pedagogical principles
  • object and subject of pedagogy
  • main sections, branches of pedagogical science
  • the relationship of the main functions and tasks of pedagogy

The source of the enrichment of pedagogical science teaching practice.

  • The introduction of pedagogical theories in the practice of education
  • Innovative pedagogical experience
  • Scientific summary of advanced educational experience
  • Forecasting the development of the pedagogical process

Source of enrichment of pedagogical practice of pedagogical science.

  • Obtaining empirical data on the pedagogical process
  • Experimental verification of scientific hypotheses
  • Development of new training and education systems
  • Publication of scientific works on pedagogy

The subject of pedagogy.

  • Child's identity
  • Man, his individual properties
  • Phenomena and objects affecting the development of personality
  • The set of properties that a person acquires in the process of its development
  • Pedagogical process

The function of pedagogy, reasonable prediction of the development of pedagogical reality.

  • Prognostic
  • Explanatory
  • Transformative
  • General theoretical

Section of general pedagogy.

  • Defectology
  • Ethnopedagogy
  • Preschool Pedagogy
  • Androgogika
  • Learning theory

Section of special pedagogy.

  • Social pedagogy
  • Deaf pedagogy
  • School studies
  • Gerontogogika
  • Pre-school pedagogy

Creating a comfortable and safe educational environment is ensured thanks to the connection of pedagogy with…

  • philosophy
  • history
  • ergonomics
  • math
  • economy

An integrated approach to man as an object of education is provided by the connection of pedagogy with…

  • physiology
  • psychology
  • medicine
  • anthropology
  • sociology

It does not apply to sectoral pedagogy ...

  • military pedagogy
  • sports pedagogy
  • engineering education
  • legal pedagogy
  • school pedagogy

Features of the organization of education in different countries of the world are studying ...

  • comparative pedagogy
  • ethnopedagogy
  • educational philosophy
  • history of pedagogy

Categorical conceptual apparatus of pedagogical science.

  • All concepts considered in pedagogical sciences
  • The set of categories of pedagogy
  • Research tool
  • The method of definition and classification of pedagogical concepts

The function of pedagogy, which is to improve pedagogical practice, to develop new methods, means, and forms of organization of the educational process.

  • Cultural
  • General theoretical
  • Practical
  • Prognostic

When predicting fertility, the age structure of the population with the aim of planning teacher training, pedagogy interacts with…

  • economy
  • demographics
  • psychology
  • political science
  • physiology

The most durable and productive are the links of pedagogy with ...

  • informatics
  • technical sciences
  • psychology
  • philosophy
  • physiology

Science, the subject of study of which is folk pedagogy, the laws of formation and development of traditional cultures of education.

  • Andragogy
  • Social pedagogy
  • Culturology
  • Special pedagogy
  • Enopedagogy

Pedagogical methodology

The method involves the active intervention of the researcher in the pedagogical process in order to create the best conditions for the study of pedagogical phenomena.

  • Pedagogical testing
  • Observation
  • Pedagogical experiment
  • Questioning
  • Comparison of independent characteristics

Research in the field of pedagogy aimed at obtaining new knowledge about ...

  • patterns of education
  • abilities and capabilities of the child
  • child health

The system of knowledge about the foundations and structure of pedagogical theory, about the principles of the approach and ways of obtaining knowledge that reflect the pedagogical reality, is called ...

  • technique
  • pedagogy methodology
  • learning theory
  • method of pedagogical research

Methods of pedagogical research include methods ...

  • stimulate activity and motivate behavior
  • control and self-control
  • personality formation
  • learning pedagogical experience

Methods for studying pedagogical experience

  • Observation, conversation, study of school documentation
  • Registration, scaling
  • Annotation, note taking
  • Deduction, theoretical analysis

Theoretical methods of pedagogical research.

  • Observation, questioning
  • Pedagogical modeling, induction
  • Factor analysis, plotting
  • The study of school documentation, the method of expert assessments

Mathematical methods of pedagogical research.

  • Ranking, registration
  • Comparison of independent characteristics, the method of expert assessments
  • Questioning, pedagogical testing
  • Annotation, compilation of bibliographies

Method, in the process of which the subjects perform certain actions on the instructions of the researcher.

  • Pedagogical experiment
  • Pedagogical modeling
  • Expert evaluation method
  • Pedagogical testing
  • Comparison of independent characteristics

Methods of logical reasoning, built when analyzing the data.

  • Chatting, questioning
  • Induction, deduction
  • The study of school documentation, the study of photographic, audio and video documents
  • Spelling out

The method of creating and researching mentally presented or materially implemented systems that adequately reflect the subject of study of pedagogical reality.

  • Pedagogical modeling
  • Pedagogical testing
  • Pedagogical experiment
  • Comparison of independent characteristics
  • Observation

The level of scientific methodology, which includes the methodology and technique for collecting and processing scientific data.

  • Philosophical
  • General scientific
  • Concrete science
  • Technological

Ways to study pedagogical reality.

  • Principles of pedagogical research
  • Methods of pedagogical research
  • Organization of pedagogical research
  • Methodology of pedagogical science
  • Methodology of pedagogical activity

The features of the scientific model do not apply

  • Ideal system optimized for learning
  • Adequately reflects the object of study
  • Capable of replacing the object being modeled
  • Random selection of components in the model
  • The study of the model provides new information about the subject of study.

The correct sequence of stages of pedagogical research.

  • Conducting experiment

Conduct a transformative experiment

Analysis, interpretation and presentation of research results

Hypothesis research

  • Hypothesis research

Conducting experiment

Conduct a transformative experiment

Analysis, interpretation and presentation of research results

  • Conducting experiment

Hypothesis research

Conduct a transformative experiment

Analysis, interpretation and presentation of research results

The set of theoretical principles on the knowledge and transformation of pedagogical reality, the principles of the construction of research activities in the field of pedagogical sciences and methods of organizing pedagogical research.

  • The logic of pedagogical research
  • Organization of pedagogical research
  • Pedagogy Methodology
  • Methodology of pedagogical activity
  • Pedagogical activity
  • Scientific and pedagogical research

Theory of the holistic pedagogical process

The essence of education as values.

  • Education - a set of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, values, experience
  • In education, intellectual, spiritual and moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person takes place.
  • Education is a socially significant benefit.
  • Education - a single purposeful process of education and training

The content integrity of the pedagogical process is manifested in the unity ...

  • education and training
  • tasks and components of educational content
  • design and implementation of the pedagogical process
  • content and organizational aspects

Purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the person, society, state.

  • Education
  • Personality formation
  • Human development
  • Studying proccess
  • Socialization

The relationship and interaction of educational and educational processes is included in the structure ...

  • educational content
  • holistic pedagogical process
  • human person
  • pedagogical activity

The organizational integrity of the pedagogical process is manifested in the unity ...

  • pedagogical goals and objectives, functions, content and organization of the pedagogical process, subjects of the pedagogical process
  • teachers and pupils, goals, results, content, organization of the pedagogical process
  • training processes and education
  • pedagogical adaptation of educational content, teacher and pupil interaction, self-education and self-education

Feedback is carried out constantly, inseparably from the pedagogical influence in the following example.

  • At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gives the children a task to work independently for the whole lesson. While students are working on assignments, he checks their independent work performed in the past lesson. At the end of the lesson, the children pass the assignment to the teacher.
  • The teacher explains the new material in the dialogue mode, stimulating the activity of the students: asks them to continue the thought, find a mistake, give their examples.
  • The class teacher is faced with the problem of poor student discipline. At the parents' meeting, he invited parents to solve this problem together. As a result of the meeting, it was decided that parents should increase control over their children.
  • To study the interests of students, the class teacher conducted a survey in the classroom.

Pedagogical influence prevails in the following example.

  • The teacher poses a problem for the students and organizes their independent activity in mastering the knowledge and experience of the activity. In the course of independent work, pupils observe them, it helps only in case of difficulties that are insurmountable for the pupil. At the end of the activity, organizes a discussion in the class of the results achieved.
  • In explaining the new material, the teacher monitors the students' reaction to their actions, answers their questions (including unspoken, guessed by non-verbal reactions).
  • The class teacher organized in a team of students a discussion of the plan of educational activities for a quarter. The final version of the plan was approved as a result of the voting of the whole team.
  • When studying the rules, the teacher demonstrates samples, activity algorithms, and the child memorizes and reproduces them. If played back incorrectly, the teacher explains the mistakes, demonstrates the sample again, and the child remembers and reproduces it again until he understands this rule.

The complex of physical and psychological properties characteristic of most people of the same age.

  • Individual characteristics
  • Age features
  • Age-specific pedagogical process
  • Patterns of age development

Historically, the age-specificity originates in principle ...

  • nature conformity
  • cultural conformity
  • visibility
  • humanization of education

Specially organized interaction of teachers and students, aimed at solving educational, educational and developmental tasks.

  • Pedagogical task
  • Pedagogical activity
  • Pedagogical process
  • Pedagogical theory

Representatives of the behavioral theory of the pedagogical process.

  • G. Marcel, U. Barrett
  • J. Wilson, L. Colberg
  • A. Maslow, C. Rogers
  • J. Watson, B. Skinner

Education as an adaptation to life, relying on the children's own activity, practical orientation and usefulness of the activities performed by children in the pedagogical process are characteristic of ________________ theory of the pedagogical process.

  • neotomistic
  • neopositivist
  • pragmatic
  • behaviorist

The leading activity in high school age is _________ activity.

  • training
  • educational and professional
  • communicative
  • subject-gun

The formation of self-esteem, a critical attitude towards others, the desire for adulthood and independence and the ability to obey the norms of collective life are important neoplasms of __________ age.

  • preschool
  • primary school
  • middle school
  • high school

General ability based on knowledge, experience, values, inclinations that are acquired in the process of education.

  • Competence
  • The system of knowledge and skills
  • Experience of creative activity
  • Relationship experience

The driving forces of the pedagogical process are based on its ...

  • purposes
  • basic functions
  • patterns
  • contradictions
  • values

Learning theory

Didactics as a “universal art of teaching everyone everything” appeared ...

  • in the XV century
  • in the 16th century
  • in the 17th century
  • in the XVIII century
  • in the XIX century

The term "didactics" in the sense of "the art of learning" introduced ...

  • Socrates
  • V. Ratke
  • I, A. Comenius
  • J. Locke
  • I.G. Pestalozzi
  • KD Ushinsky

For the emergence of the contradiction driving force of the educational process is not real.

  • Contradiction is perceived by the student as requiring resolution.
  • Resolution of contradiction is feasible for a student of this level of development.
  • Without the resolution of the contradiction there is no further process of cognition.
  • Contradiction is a logical link in the system of contradictions requiring gradual resolution.

Fundamental provisions that reflect the general requirements for the organization of the educational process.

  • Learning rules
  • Learning patterns
  • Principles of learning
  • Laws of learning
  • Learning objectives

The subject of didactics.

  • Educational and cognitive activity
  • Teacher's activities
  • Knowledge, skills
  • Student identity
  • Studying proccess

The principle of learning, which meet the requirements: to use in teaching real life situations; Achieve self-understanding from students.

  • Availability
  • Strength
  • Science
  • Consciousness and activity

The principle of learning, which meet the requirements: correct the actual mistakes of students; apply the latest scientific terminology; encourage student research.

  • Theory Connections with Practice
  • Availability
  • Science
  • Visibility

The principle of learning, which meet the requirements: based on the level of preparedness of students, based on their capabilities.

  • Availability
  • Visibility
  • Theory Connections with Practice
  • Science
  • Consciousness and activity

The principle of learning to which the requirements correspond: to use plans, schemes, to carry out a synthesis of what has been studied, in order to ensure that the student learns the knowledge system

  • Consciousness and activity
  • Strength
  • Theory Connections with Practice
  • Consistency
  • Science

Orderliness arising from the training of relationships and dependencies, as well as factors affecting the learning process

  • Laws of learning
  • Learning patterns
  • Principles of learning
  • General requirements for the educational process
  • Learning situations

The main contradiction of the learning process is manifested between ...

  • internal needs of the individual and the requirements for it by society
  • the mass nature of the training and the individual development of the student
  • content of educational material and the knowledge and skills that the student will need in real life situations
  • emerging cognitive and practical tasks that need to be addressed, and students' knowledge and skills, mental and personal development

Joint purposeful activities of the teacher and students in the course of which the education, upbringing and development of the individual is carried out.

  • Studying proccess
  • Cognition process
  • Development process
  • Personality formation
  • Pedagogical interaction

Reflects the path of knowledge, which goes the student in the learning process.

  • Pattern of the educational process
  • Principle of learning
  • The logic of the educational process
  • Object of learning theory

The sequence of actions in the traditional logic of learning.

  • Education representations -> synthesis of individual representations -> perception of specific objects and phenomena -> the formation of general concepts
  • The perception of specific objects and phenomena -> the formation of representations -> the synthesis of individual representations -> the formation of common concepts
  • Formation of general concepts -> education of representations -> generalization of individual representations -> perception of specific objects and phenomena
  • Formation of general concepts -> perception of specific objects and phenomena -> formation of representations generalization

From the standpoint of the theory of _______, learning is seen as a means of developing the abilities, cognitive interests of students, their attention and memory.

  • formal educational content
  • material content of education
  • didactic pragmatism
  • encyclopedic

The concept of teaching younger schoolchildren, which is based on the principles: learning at a high level of difficulty; fast paced study of the material; leading role of theoretical knowledge.

  • The concept of phased formation of mental action
  • Problem learning concept
  • Concept of meaningful learning
  • Concept lv Zankova

The didactic concept, which is characterized by the execution of an external action with material objects, the subsequent transfer of the action to the verbal level and its fixation in the internal plane.

  • The concept of phased formation of mental action
  • Problem learning concept
  • Concept lv Zankova

The didactic concept, according to which the teacher creates difficulties for students and organizes awareness, acceptance and overcoming of these learning situations.

  • Concept of meaningful learning
  • The concept of phased formation of mental action
  • Problem learning concept

The peculiarity of modern didactic concepts.

  • Developing character, active-activity way of learning
  • Focus on the formation of a knowledge system
  • Strictly regulated communication between teacher and student
  • Targeted and systematic pedagogical impact

Creating a problem situation can not help ...

  • Lack of knowledge to complete the training task
  • The emergence of new conditions for the application of existing knowledge and skills
  • The contradiction between theoretical possibility and practical feasibility
  • Detailed, comprehensive presentation of educational material by the teacher
  • The contradiction between the obtained practical result and the lack of knowledge to explain its causes

The sequence of steps to solve a learning problem.

  • 1) analysis of the situation and the formulation of the problem;

2) hypotheses, their consistent testing;

3) validation of the decision.

  • 1) осознание проблемной ситуации;

2) обсуждение и решение проблемы;

3) подведение итогов, оценивание учащихся.

  • 1) осознание проблемной ситуации;

2) анализ ситуации и формулирование проблемы;

3) выдвижение гипотез, выбор способа решения;

4) проверка правильности решения.

  • 1) постановка проблемы;

2) осмысление проблемы;

3) решение проблемы;

4) проверка правильности решения;

5) формулирование выводов.

Авторы концепции содержательного обучения.

  • AND I. Лернер, М.Н. Скаткин
  • V.V. Давыдов и Д.Б. Эльконин
  • P.I. Гальперин и Н.Ф. Талызина
  • T.V. Кудрявцев, А.М. Матюшкин, М.И. Махмутов

Система знаний и опыта их практического применения в различных ситуациях, усвоение которой должно обеспечить формирование всесторонне развитой личности.

  • Учебный процесс
  • Учебный материал
  • Образовательный стандарт
  • Содержание образования

Система основных параметров, принимаемых в качестве государственной нормы образованности.

  • Государственный образовательный стандарт
  • Educational program
  • Нормативно-правовая база управления образованием
  • Государственная аккредитация образовательных учреждений
  • Единый государственный экзамен

Основные компоненты содержания образования, согласно требованиям ФГОС к результатам освоения основной образовательной программы основного (2010) и среднего (полного) общего образования (2012).

  • Теоретический, практический
  • Личностный, метапредметный, предметный
  • Знания, умения, навыки
  • Знания, умения и навыки, опыт творческой деятельности, ценностные отношения

К личностному компоненту результатов освоения основной образовательной программы основного и среднего (полного) общего образования относится…

  • владение межпредметными понятиями
  • владение научной терминологией, ключевыми понятиями, методами и приемами
  • способность использования в учебной, познавательной и социальной практике универсальных учебных действия (регулятивных, познавательных, коммуникативных)
  • способность к осознанию российской идентичности в поликультурном социуме

К метапредметному компоненту результатов освоения основной образовательной программы основного и среднего (полного) общего образования относится…

  • наличие системы ценностных отношений, отражающих личностную и гражданскую позицию в деятельности, социальные компетенции, правосознание
  • виды деятельности по получению, преобразованию и применению нового знания в рамках учебного предмета
  • способность к построению индивидуальной образовательной траектории.
  • готовность и способность к саморазвитию и личностному самоопределению

The subject component of the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic and secondary (full) general education is ...

  • ability to set goals and make life plans
  • independence of planning and implementation of educational activities and organization of educational cooperation with teachers and peers
  • skills specific to this subject area
  • formation of motivation for learning and targeted cognitive activity

The system of sequential interrelated actions of the teacher and the student, allowing to achieve the goal of learning.

  • Reception training
  • Learning tool
  • Type of training
  • Teaching method

Objects used as tools for the activities of the teacher, as well as information carriers in the educational process.

  • Means of education
  • Learning systems
  • Forms of study
  • Types of training

Materialized learning tools.

  • Учебная книга, дидактический материал
  • Учебно-наглядные пособия
  • Технические средства обучения, лабораторное оборудование
  • Речь учителя, деятельность обучающихся

Функция средств обучения, которая заключается в восполнении обучающимся нехватки опыта.

  • Адаптивная
  • Компенсаторная
  • Информативная
  • Интегративная

Функция средств обучения, которая заключается в приспособлении учебного материала к возрастным и индивидуальным особенностям обучающихся.

  • Адаптивная
  • Компенсаторная
  • Информативная
  • Интегративная

Форма обучения…

  • является частью метода обучения
  • представляет собой единичное действие
  • реализуется с помощью комплекса методов, приёмов и средств обучения
  • связана с применением определённого средства обучения

В классификации методов обучения по характеру учебно-познавательной деятельности отсутствует…

  • практический метод
  • репродуктивный метод
  • метод проблемного изложения
  • исследовательский метод

Метод обучения, при котором учитель объясняет, организует восприятие и осмысление, используя различные средства и приёмы, а ученики воспринимают и осмысливают учебный материал.

  • Репродуктивный
  • Метод проблемного изложения
  • Частично-поисковый
  • Исследовательский
  • Объяснительно-иллюстративный

Метод обучения, при котором учитель объясняет и даёт установку на повторение, запоминание, а ученики многократно повторяют и запоминают теоретический материал или вырабатывают навык.

  • Объяснительно-иллюстративный
  • Метод проблемного изложения
  • Частично-поисковый
  • Репродуктивный
  • Исследовательский

Метод обучения, при котором учитель излагает учебный материал как путь решения проблемы, а ученики следят за ходом мысли учителя и получают образец построения логических рассуждений.

  • Объяснительно-иллюстративный
  • Репродуктивный
  • Частично-поисковый
  • Исследовательский
  • Метод проблемного изложения

Метод обучения, при котором учитель создаёт ситуацию, требующую, «домыслить» недостающий элемент в изучаемом материале, а ученики ищут недостающую часть, осмысливая уже известные элементы и связи.

  • Частично-поисковый
  • Метод проблемного изложения
  • Объяснительно-иллюстративный
  • Репродуктивный
  • Исследовательский

Метод обучения, при котором учитель организует самостоятельную деятельность учащихся по поиску новых знаний, а ученики самостоятельно добывают новые знания.

  • Частично-поисковый
  • Исследовательский
  • Метод проблемного изложения
  • Объяснительно-иллюстративный
  • Репродуктивный

Для выработки умений самоорганизации познания наиболее эффективен…

  • объяснительно-иллюстративный
  • репродуктивный метод
  • метод проблемного изложения
  • исследовательский метод
  • частично-поисковый метод

Наибольшую скорость прохождения учебного материала обеспечивает…

  • объяснительно-иллюстративный
  • частично-поисковый метод
  • репродуктивный метод
  • метод проблемного изложения
  • исследовательский метод

Для заучивания и выработки навыков наиболее эффективен…

  • объяснительно-иллюстративный метод
  • метод проблемного изложения
  • частично-поисковый метод
  • репродуктивный метод
  • исследовательский метод

Формирует умения и навыки.

  • Illustration
  • Exercise
  • Story
  • Беседа

Побуждает к проявлению самостоятельности, инициативы.

  • Дидактическая игра
  • Беседа
  • Story
  • Lecture

Развивает способность выражать свои мысли.

  • Lecture
  • Laboratory work
  • Demonstration
  • Учебная дискуссия

Структура урока закрепления изученного материала.

  • Motivation of learning activities, communication of lesson objectives.

Repetition and systematization of the theoretical positions of previous lessons.

Summing up the lesson.

Task at home.

  • Organization of work, motivation of educational activity, communication of its tasks.

Application of the studied knowledge in new situations.

Summing up the lesson.

Task at home.

  • Updating the experience and support knowledge of students.

Motivation for learning activities, communication topics and lesson objectives.

Explanation of new material.

Consolidation studied.

Verification of primary assimilation.

Summing up the lesson.

Task at home.

Type of lesson most common in school practice.

  • Explanation of new material
  • Fastenings studied
  • Skill development
  • Control
  • Generalizations and systematization
  • Combined

Feature non-standard lessons.

  • Nontraditional structure
  • Optimized structure
  • Organization of generalization and control
  • The development of children's interest in the subject
  • Разнообразие учебно-познавательной деятельности

Система обучения, для которой характерен предварительный отбор учащихся в классы по способностям.

  • Белл-ланкастерская
  • Мангеймская
  • Батавская
  • Project
  • Обучение по далтон-плану

Система обучения школьников, в которой 40% учебного времени отводится на лекционные занятия, 20% на занятия в малых группах и 40% – на занятия в мастерских и лабораториях.

  • Лекционно-семинарская
  • Project
  • Мангеймская
  • Обучение по плану Трампа
  • Белл-ланкастерская

Система обучения, при которой учитель обучает наиболее способных учеников, а затем они обучают остальных.

  • Белл-ланкастерская
  • Мангеймская
  • Классно-урочная
  • Батавская

Система обучения, получившая наибольшее распространение в вузах.

  • Project
  • Бригадно-лабораторная
  • Белл-ланкастерская
  • Классно-урочная
  • Лекционно-семинарская

Система обучения, получившая наибольшее распространение в школах.

  • Project
  • Лекционно-семинарская
  • Классно-урочная
  • Бригадно-лабораторная
  • Мангеймская

Общая способность учащихся к усвоению новых знаний и умений.

  • Обучаемость
  • Обученность
  • Intelligence
  • Задатки
  • Интересы

The external expression of the coordinated activity of the teacher and the students, carried out in a certain order and mode, is called _________ learning.

  • by method
  • by reception
  • means
  • by form
  • by technology

Communication of educational material with the help of the spoken or printed word is the purpose of the _______________ teaching methods.

  • visual
  • verbal
  • practical
  • heuristic

The principle of consciousness and activity of students in learning is most fully implemented in the method ...

  • illustrations
  • lectures
  • work with a book
  • written survey
  • didactic games

The principle of clarity is most fully implemented in the method ...

  • didactic games
  • lectures
  • illustrations
  • conversations
  • exercises

The principle of systematic learning is most fully implemented in the method ...

  • written survey
  • story
  • demonstrations
  • lectures

The principle of clarity corresponds to the following characteristics.

  • Обучение строится на конкретных образцах, непосредственно воспринятых учащимися через зрительные, слуховые и тактильные ощущения
  • Соблюдение логических связей в процессе обучения обеспечивает усвоение учебного материала в большем объеме и более прочно
  • Процесс обучения строится с учетом возрастных, индивидуальных и половых особенностей учащихся
  • Собственная познавательная активность ученика является важным фактором обучаемости

Принципу доступности соответствует следующая характеристика.

  • Обучение строится на основе гармоничной связи научных знаний с практикой повседневной жизни
  • Обучаемым предлагаются для усвоения только прочно установленные в науке положения
  • Обучение строится на конкретных образцах, непосредственно воспринятых учащимися через зрительные, слуховые и тактильные ощущения
  • Обучение строится с учетом возрастных, индивидуальных и половых особенностей учащихся

Для выработки умений самоорганизации познания наиболее эффективен…

  • объяснительно-иллюстративный метод
  • репродуктивный метод
  • исследовательский метод
  • метод проблемного изложения
  • частично-поисковый метод

Наибольшую скорость прохождения учебного материала обеспечивает…

  • объяснительно-иллюстративный метод
  • частично-поисковый метод
  • репродуктивный метод
  • метод проблемного изложения
  • исследовательский метод

Показ предметов, процессов и явлений в их символьном изображении с помощью плакатов, карт, портретов осуществляется при использовании метода…

  • рассказа
  • демонстрации
  • беседы
  • упражнения
  • illustrations

Монологическое изложение материала в описательной или повествовательной форме осуществляется при использовании метода…

  • объяснения
  • упражнения
  • рассказа
  • беседы

К дополнительным формам организации обучения относится…

  • лабораторная работа
  • экскурсия
  • комбинированный урок
  • рассказ

Основная форма организации учебного процесса, при которой в рамках точно установленного времени учитель занимается с классом по твердому расписанию, используя разнообразные методы и средства обучения.

  • Урок
  • Учебный год
  • Seminar
  • School

Форма организации обучения, в рамках которой осуществляется углубленное изучение учебных предметов по выбору и желанию учащихся, называется…

  • лицеем
  • семинаром
  • гимназией
  • факультативом

Структурный способ изложения учебного материала, при котором материал данной ступени обучения в усложненном виде изучается на следующих ступенях, называется…

  • спиральным
  • концентрическим
  • разветвленным
  • линейным

Определяет минимально необходимый образовательный уровень, который должен быть достигнут личностью.

  • Базисный учебный план
  • Учебно-методический комплекс
  • Государственный образовательный стандарт
  • Учебная программа

Фиксирует рекомендуемый состав учебных предметов и распределение учебного времени между ними.

  • Учебная программа
  • Базисный учебный план
  • Государственный образовательный стандарт
  • Учебно-методический комплекс

Содержит организационные и методические документы, которые определяют содержание и форму образовательного процесса.

  • Государственный образовательный стандарт
  • Базисный учебный план
  • Учебно-методический комплекс
  • Tutorial

Телекоммуникационные сети, телевизоры, компьютеры относятся к ____________ средствам обучения.

  • аудиовизуальным
  • визуальным
  • аудиальным

Нормативный документ, в котором определяется круг основных знаний, умений и навыков, подлежащих усвоению по данному учебному предмету, а также последовательность изучения тем и время, отводимое на их изучение.

  • Образовательный стандарт
  • Syllabus
  • Учебная программа
  • Поурочный план

В формировании у обучающихся нравственности, эстетических представлений и вкусов, системы взглядов на мир, способности следовать социальным нормам поведения состоит __________ функция обучения.

  • образовательная
  • воспитательная
  • обучающая
  • развивающая
  • компенсирующая

Специально организованная деятельность обучающихся, направленная на познание.

  • Training
  • Педагогическая деятельность
  • Teaching activities
  • Учебно-воспитательный процесс
  • Учебно-познавательная деятельность

Developmental tasks include the following ...

  • form the ability to act on the pattern
  • to acquaint students with the local history material about the peasant uprisings of the XVIII century.
  • develop students' analytical skills
  • to build respect for the historical past of your region

Theory of education

Education as a pedagogical process.

  • The formation and comprehensive development of the individual in accordance with its needs, with the requirements of society and the state, covering the period of education
  • Specially organized interaction of teachers and students in the implementation of educational goals and objectives, reflecting the basic requirements of society
  • Formation of personality under the influence of various factors of the external social environment
  • The impact of society on the person's identity
  • Human development

A property in which the difference between the process of education and the educational process is manifested.

  • Focus
  • Controllability
  • Multifactorial
  • Bilateral character
  • Unity of goals, objectives, content, forms and methods

The property is equally inherent in the educational process and the learning process.

  • The complexity of the formation of the required qualities
  • Reflection in the process and the result of social values
  • Variability of the result
  • Continuity
  • Duration

The contradiction between the requirements of the world and the capabilities of the individual to meet them.

  • The main external contradiction of the educational process
  • The main internal contradiction of the educational process
  • Not among the main contradictions of the educational process

For the formation of the contradiction of the educational process of its driving force is INSISTENT.

  • Contradiction is interpreted as something important, and its overcoming is a vital necessity.
  • Overcoming contradiction is feasible for a child.
  • Contradictions are overcome gradually, step by step, based on previous experience.
  • Contradiction objectively exists

The system of knowledge, beliefs, skills, qualities and personality traits, stable behaviors that students must master in accordance with the goals and objectives of education.

  • Social order
  • Purpose of education
  • Upbringing content
  • The result of self-education

Fundamental provisions that reflect the general requirements for the organization of the educational process.

  • Principles of education
  • Patterns of education
  • Upbringing content
  • Parenting standard
  • The main components of education

In the justification and formulation of general principles of education are not taken into account ...

  • opportunities of the existing education system
  • individual characteristics of pupils
  • regularities of the educational process
  • goals and objectives of education
  • level of development of pedagogical science

The combination of moral and psychological personality traits that express a conscious and empathized attitude towards a person as a supreme value is called ...

  • humanity
  • citizenship
  • by morality
  • altruism
  • tolerance

Orderliness arising in the education of relationships and dependencies, as well as the conditions and factors affecting the educational process.

  • Laws of education
  • Principles of education
  • Patterns of education
  • rules
  • Bringing up situations

Examples of patterns of education.

  • Cultural culture of upbringing, natural nature of upbringing, humanization of upbringing
  • The dependence of the effectiveness of education on the existing educational relations, from the activity of participants in the educational process
  • Personal approach, activity approach, the logic of the educational process, the structure of the educational process
  • Impacts on a child of various subjects of social education (teachers, families, institutions of additional education, mass media, etc.)

The consistency of the requirements for a child made by various subjects of education, the conformity of the teacher himself to the qualities he wants to educate in the child, corresponds to the principle ...

  • personal approach
  • social orientation of education
  • reliance on the positive
  • humanization education
  • unity of educational effects

The principle of education, the essence of which is as follows: to see positive qualities in a child, to develop them and to overcome shortcomings with the help of these qualities.

  • Reliance on the positive
  • Personal approach
  • Social orientation of education
  • Relationship education with life and work
  • Cultural culture of education

The need to educate useful members of society reflects the principle ...

  • communication education with life and work
  • reliance on the positive
  • social orientation of education
  • humanization education
  • unity of educational effects

The team is ...

  • a group of children about the same age and level of preparedness
  • small social group, which is formed in the educational process through the selection of students by age, level of preparedness and develops in the course of joint activities and interpersonal communication
  • highly organized social group, which has an increased efficiency of joint activities
  • part of the pupils of the class, consisting of the most active and responsible children

The method of influencing the consciousness, will, feelings, behavior of pupils in order to develop certain qualities.

  • Method of education
  • Reception of education
  • Parenting tool
  • Plan of educational work

For the formation of the motivation of the correct behavior is used ...

  • conversation
  • example
  • exercise
  • clarification
  • competition

For the formation of consciousness of the personality is used ...

  • punishment
  • upbringing situation
  • public opinion
  • story

For the formation of the experience of behavior is used ...

  • instruction
  • promotion
  • briefing
  • dispute
  • example

Presentation to the students of the cultural norms and the organization of its implementation.

  • Suggestion
  • Instructing
  • Pedagogical requirement
  • Promotion
  • Explanation

Creating for students of situations of moral choice.

  • Problem situation
  • Nurturing situation
  • Situation of choice
  • Situation of control breeding
  • Example

Covers the whole pedagogical process, combining training sessions and extracurricular work, a variety of activities and free communication between adults and children.

  • Pedagogical interaction
  • Form of education
  • Method of education
  • Reception of education
  • Educational system

By the means of education do not belong ...

  • ways of organizing pedagogical interaction
  • objects used as subject support for the educational process
  • speech, gestures, facial expressions
  • activity of pupils

The system of organization of educational work, which sets the logic of the interaction of participants in the educational process.

  • Activity of pupils
  • Teacher activity
  • Specially organized purposeful interaction of the teacher and pupils. Form of education
  • Knowledge, skills, beliefs, habits of correct behavior

The correct sequence of the main stages of development of the educational system.

  • Testing the system

System formation

Final design of the system

  • System formation

Testing the system

Crisis prevention, recovery from crisis

Final design of the system

  • System formation

Testing the system

Final design of the system

Crisis prevention, recovery from crisis

  • System design

System formation

Final design of the system

Crisis prevention, recovery from crisis

The stage of development in which most of the elements of the educational system are formed, but they are still not working smoothly, the links between them are not strong enough.

  • Crisis prevention, recovery from crisis
  • System formation
  • Testing the system
  • Final design of the system
  • System design

The development stage of the educational system, which defines the priority areas of work and the main activities, establishes traditions, forms strong ties with the external environment.

  • System design
  • System formation
  • Final design of the system
  • Testing the system
  • Crisis prevention, recovery from crisis

The main goal of upbringing the student team by the teacher

  • Team building
  • Creating conditions for successful socialization of students
  • Using the capabilities of the team in the education of the individual
  • Formation of group values, public opinion
  • Organization of collective activities, increasing its efficiency, quality of results

Collective form of education.

  • Cool meeting
  • Initiative group
  • Conversation with the student
  • Business council
  • School-wide range

Technology organization of educational activities and interaction of participants in the educational process belongs to the ___________ component of education.

  • meaningful
  • target
  • operational activity
  • estimated and effective

Objectively existing, repetitive, stable, significant relationships between phenomena, individual aspects of the process of education.

  • Forms of the organization of education
  • Principles of education
  • Methods of education
  • Patterns of education

The formation of a political consciousness reflecting relations between states, nations, parties, and the ability to understand them from a spiritual, moral and ethical point of view is the essence of _________ upbringing.

  • social
  • of political
  • civil
  • economic

Purposeful interaction between educators and students, contributing to the development of the ability to perceive, properly understand, appreciate and create beauty in life and art, is the essence of __________ education

  • moral
  • ethical
  • aesthetic
  • intellectual

The international solidarity of people of different nations and races, the basis of their mutual understanding, mutual trust, interpenetration of cultures, values, knowledge and technology ...

  • tolerance
  • globalization
  • internationalism
  • patriotism

The development of ideas about the economic regularities of the development of society and the education of the qualities of the personality that it needs in production and economic activity is the essence of the formation ...

  • economic culture
  • economic behavior
  • aesthetic culture
  • economic thinking

Knowledge of _________ and responsible attitude towards her (him) as the highest national and universal value are the goal of environmental education

  • labor
  • morality
  • health
  • to nature

Respect for the rights and freedoms of the child, the non-violent formation of the required qualities, the rejection of punishments that degrade the honor and dignity of the individual, constitute the essence of the principle ...

  • accounting age and individual characteristics of students
  • humanization education
  • Education links to life
  • unity of educational effects

The consistency of the requirements for a child made by various subjects of education, the conformity of the teacher himself to the qualities he wants to educate in the child, corresponds to the principle ...

  • personal approach
  • social orientation of education
  • reliance on the positive
  • humanization education
  • unity of educational effects

The principle _________ obliges the teacher to create such conditions of upbringing that provide for the expansion of the experience of those who are being educated, their successful adaptation to life.

  • Education links to life
  • unity of educational effects
  • education in the team and through the team
  • respect for the child’s personality in combination with reasonable demands on him

The method of education based on specially organized pedagogical. conditions.

  • Pedagogical requirement
  • Example
  • Schooling
  • Nurturing situation

Question-answer method of active interaction of the teacher and students.

  • Conversation
  • Story
  • Explanation
  • Lecture

Repeatedly performing an action in order to master a skill, skill, good habit.

  • Pedagogical requirement
  • Exercise
  • Competition
  • Example

A consistent narrative or descriptive statement of factual material.

  • Lecture
  • Explanation
  • Conversation
  • Story

Evidence, reasoned presentation of the material with the disclosure of cause-effect relationships.

  • Story
  • Explanation
  • Conversation
  • Lecture
  • Suggestion

The choice of methods of education does not depend on ...

  • training profile
  • goals and objectives of education
  • the time allotted for the implementation of the goals and objectives of education
  • age and individual characteristics of pupils

The forms of the organization of education include ...

  • pedagogical requirement, public opinion
  • questioning, observation
  • teacher's speech
  • class hour, collective creative business

The regulatory function of the educational system is ...

  • ensuring the dynamics of the educational system
  • correction of adverse developmental factors of the pupil
  • systematization of uncoordinated educational impacts
  • streamlining the educational process

The developing function of the educational system is ...

  • systematization of uncoordinated educational impacts
  • social protection
  • correction of adverse developmental factors of the pupil
  • ensuring the dynamics of the educational system

The system-forming activities in the educational system include ...

  • work, play, collective creative activity
  • communal assembly, general meeting, council affairs
  • human values
  • Microsocium, cultural institutions

The management of the educational system includes ...

  • work, play, collective creative activity
  • Microsocium, cultural institutions
  • communal assembly, general meeting, council affairs
  • teachers, students, children's groups


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Pedagogy and didactics

Terms: Pedagogy and didactics