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6. Speech development of preschool children.


Speech development of children is one of the main components of their readiness for schooling.

Speech is a means of acquiring knowledge, developing all mental functions, expressing oneself and knowing others, the main means of communication.

The level of speech development significantly affects the success of learning. Children with a high level of speech development, as a rule, have no difficulty in learning, quickly master the skills of reading and writing. In children with a low level of speech development, difficulties in learning and literacy are found. Children with an average level of speech development are characterized by instability of success in school.

There are external and internal speech. People use external speech to learn with each other. Varieties of external speech is oral and written speech. Oral speech is a monologue speech (ie, a narration about any events, phenomena, etc.), and a dialogic speech. Writing is the transmission of information through writing.

From external speech, internal (speech - thinking) is developed, which allows a person to think on the basis of language material.

Speech is not the innate ability of a person, it is formed gradually with human development.

The development of a person passes the following age levels: infancy, early childhood, preschool, primary school age, adolescence, adolescence, maturity.

At each stage of age development, the human body is distinguished by physical size and structure (quantitatively) and certain mental capabilities (qualitatively).

The intellect and speech in a person appear at the stage of early childhood, and is intensively improved in preschool, elementary school and adolescence, not because the body grows, but only under the indispensable condition for the person to master the speech.

If adults surrounding a child begin to properly teach him to speak already from infancy, then such a child develops normally: he has the ability to imagine, then think and imagine: with each age level, these abilities are improved.

Gradually, in parallel with the development of intelligence, the emotional-volitional sphere develops and improves.

There is much evidence that without speech communication, i.e. without a social (public) environment, the human being cannot become a full-fledged person.

There are cases when, due to some tragic circumstances, children of infancy age fell into the den of animals (wolves, panthers, dogs) and were fed by them. When people discovered these children after three years and returned them to human society, it always turned out that they have the habits of an animal that nourished them and do not have those mental elements that distinguish man from animals: they didn’t have a thinking apparatus; higher emotions, they could not be taught to speak.

There are cases that are not so tragic, but sad, because of the ignorance of adults: children were mentally underdeveloped, poorly assimilated speech (had difficulty in school), as parents did not practice their speech development in infancy, early childhood, and preschool age.

So, Sukhomlinsky V.A. describes a case from her school principal practice. A child, before school, was raised by a grandmother, a completely deaf woman who, because of her illness, could not respond to speech actions, the child was almost dumb. The efforts of the teacher to develop his speech did not produce results; it was impossible to teach him literacy. Although the boy was born with the prerequisites for normal development, but the lack of speech training was the reason that the child’s intelligence did not develop.

We teachers need to remember that speech is a tool for the development of mental departments of a growing person. Teaching a child of native speech, at the same time contributing to the development of his intellect and higher emotions, prepares the ground for his successful teaching at school, for his creative behavior in work activity. Delayed speech development in the first age stages cannot be compensated later.

The level of speech development significantly affects the success of school. Children with a high level of speech development, as the rules do not have difficulties in learning, quickly master the skills of writing and reading. In children with a low level of speech development, difficulties in communication and literacy are found. Children with an average level of speech development are characterized by instability of success in school.

High level of speech development is:

  1. developed phonemic hearing
  2. clear, correct pronunciation of all sounds of speech
  3. children's dictionary
  4. grammatical categories
  5. developed communication skills need and (communication skills)
  6. connected speech

Features coherent speech of children

Children of three are available in a simple form of dialogical speech (answers to questions), but the baby is often distracted from the content of the question. The ability to express their thoughts coherently in young preschool children is just beginning to master, allowing for the construction of sentences a lot of mistakes, especially complex ones, in matching words.

The first coherent statements of three-year-olds consist of 2-3 phrases, but they must be regarded as a coherent statement.

Learning to speak at a young preschool age and its further development is the basis for the formation of monologue speech.

On average, the preschool age has a great influence on the development of coherent speech has the activation of the dictionary, the volume of which reaches 2.5 thousand words. The sayings of children become more consistent and expanded, although the structure of speech is still imperfect.

At middle age (middle group) they begin to teach story writing on paintings and toys. However, most stories just copy the sample of an adult.

In older preschool children, coherent speech reaches a rather high level. The child answers questions with fairly accurate short or detailed answers. The ability to evaluate the statements and answers of comrades, to supplement, correct mistakes develops. In the sixth year of life, a child can quite consistently and clearly draw up descriptive and plot stories on the proposed topics.

However, children still need a prior educator pattern. The ability to communicate in the story of their emotional attitude to develop is not enough. The development of a coherent speech of children is carried out in the process of everyday life, as well as in the classroom.

A lot of preparatory work is carried out with children of younger preschool age, which contributes to the development of coherent speech skills. Special attention is paid to the development of conversational skills: children learn to listen and understand an adult’s speech, answer questions, speak in the presence of other children, listen to each other. First, the kids are taught to perform actions on a verbal instruction (bring a toy, show something in the picture), then answer the questions of the educator, listen to it, repeat the songs of the characters from the fairy tale.

Questions should be specific and understandable for the child. (What kind of toys do you like? Who is drawn on the picture?). The teacher picks up the meaning of the statement of the child, often consisting of one phrase or two, with its questions encourages the child to a fuller statement and grammatically correct expression.

It is necessary to treat each statement carefully, to support it. In 1 (2) junior group d / kindergarten, 3 lessons on speech development are used and conducted. They are planned both in the morning and in the evening.

In the first half of the day it is advisable to plan classes in which children learn new program material. In the evening, classes are planned in the course of which the existing knowledge and skills (repetition, reading of fairy tales, pranks, staging, didactic games, etc.) are refined.

Classes are held in subgroups of 6-8 people, the composition of the subgroup is not stable. During the year, it may change with the level of children's speech development. By the time, the lesson lasts from 10 to 15 minutes, since children have not developed the diligence of attention, a bright toy, a picture, an expressive, emotional speech of an educator can arouse interest in the lesson.

The emotional setting for the upcoming lesson can “turn on” the baby into active work from the very first minutes, increasing its effectiveness.

You can attract children to prepare the material for classes, put chairs, an easel, you can put toys on the table in advance (3-4 minutes), allow them to touch them, move them, and teach children to follow the rule: play only on the table of the tutor, not to take it anywhere. It is necessary to seat children comfortably so that they can comfortably see, hear and act. Distractions should be avoided.

Demonstration material: toys, pictures must be in good condition, tastefully decorated benefits attract the attention of children.

Of great importance is the speech of the educator. Speech should be clear, expressive, unhurried. Any conversation with children should be businesslike, thorough, and the carer's interest in what the child says and does should be “seriously”.

To improve the effectiveness of classes is necessary:

a) to alternate the various methods of training, first of all explanations, instructions and shows (sample, mode of action) with game tasks.

“Av-av-av - a doggie - says educator

- How does she bark? After the children sound the echo-imitation, he continues: "Now we will play the clockwork dogs." The dog, which I will get the key (imitates sound) will bark: av-av.

2. Combination of choral (both verbal and motor) answers with individual ones.

3. The use of a variety of demonstration materials (objects, toys, pictures, figures from the desktop theater).

For example, children compare objects with their images (the tutor shows a carrot, other objects children find and show pictures), apply their knowledge in a different setting: first they listen to a fairy tale, which they stage in the course of storytelling, then the children remember its content by viewing the illustrations.

4. The use of a variety of knowledge aimed at changing poses (pussy hid, let's go look for her).

In the 1-2 youngest group, the first lesson on acquaintance with the outside world in these classes children get acquainted with objects, their properties, the way they act with them (such as toys, objects — vegetables, pictures of animals), and plants. The teacher calls the plant, waters it, rubs the leaves, sprays it, accompanying the actions with the word. The consolidation of knowledge, activation of the dictionary takes place in games.

Having some ideas, children over 2.5 years old can guess simple riddles. This work should be carried out in a certain sequence. In the first half of the year, the teacher considers the subject with the children: studying the color, the form can be completed by learning a verse that vividly characterizes this object. For example: at 1 lesson - reading the cockerel “Cockerel-cockerel”, at the next one it gives a riddle “Who early gets up loudly the song sings ... to the crow !? later, the tutor, not showing the cock, gives a riddle. Children learn to understand the speech of an adult without visual accompaniment.

In the first and second junior groups, it is recommended to conduct simple performances in the classroom using toys. It is not necessary to devote the whole occupation to this, since the load is both verbal and mental. Duration should be 4-6 minutes, and then it is necessary to involve children in another activity.

Examining pictures and illustrations is valuable material for the development of speech. Subject and subject pictures are used. Offering subject pictures, the tutor sets the task to enrich the children's ideas, to expand the active vocabulary, to teach to see, show and name the details of the subject (the bird has a head, a tail, a beak ...).

Offering a story picture, the teacher teaches to understand the story, develops the ability to listen to explanations, statements, speak independently. Examining pictures contributes to the accumulation in children of ideas about social, domestic and natural phenomena, develops the expressiveness of speech, the ability to make up a story in a picture (2-3 phrases).

Used in the series of paintings "Playing with a doll", "Children feed the chicken and chickens," "Children play cubes", "Children feed the fish", "Walking", etc.

  1. Brings a picture.

The teacher makes up a story 5-6 sentences. Children view the picture.

  1. Questions about the picture.

(Often the questions are put so that they require action. How does Tanya feed the birds? Children show).

For the best assimilation of the story by children, the tutor repeats it twice. Periodically reviewed the picture is useful to consider outside the classroom.

Telling and reading children.

This type of work with children is given a program of 4-5 lessons per month, that is, one lesson per week.

A small child is easier to perceive the story than reading, so telling in the younger group is preferable. It requires training from the caregiver. Usually a tale in a class is told twice, sometimes repeated a third time. Usually, this does not bother children, as the caregiver ensures their activity during the hearing: offers to perform imitation movements (they show which turnip has grown — a large one) as it is pulled, uses visual aids (showing the desktop theater, illustrations, pictures on the flannelgraph) encourages to stage or to dramatize excerpts from fairy tales.

The greatest completeness of perception is achieved when the tutor combines his story with the display of figures of the desktop theater, while repeating, he uses either the same figures or pictures for the flannel, as well as a performance. It is more convenient to act with figures, because it does not take much time and does not violate the smoothness of presentation. The use of visualization activates children, and also helps the child to remember the text during the subsequent independent play.

Telling without visual accompaniment is used in repetition classes. In this case, the teacher after the first storytelling helps the children to remember the tale's content by means of tasks that simultaneously help the kids change their posture, move (show how they pulled the turnip). It also recalls and reproduces the passages most interesting in terms of enrichment of the dictionary (the mouse ran with its tail waved ...). You can offer children more difficult tasks to ask to tell who pulled the turnip (the figures in disarray), the children remember, call, act.

Before the class, for 1-2 days, you can look at illustrations for the fairy tale, which you will be introduced to during the lesson, accompanying the viewing with speech (kolobok song, character description - the wolf is gray, big, scary. Then, in the lesson, the children get acquainted with the fairy tale content. text.After class, you must give the children to play with the figures.

Repeating a fairy tale, not necessarily telling it entirely, you can recall passages that are more easily forgotten or the most interesting in terms of enrichment and revitalization of the dictionary. The teacher starts a fairy tale, and you can finish it with the children. When repeating tales, it is desirable to introduce elements of dramamatization. It gives kids great pleasure.

The teacher must be benevolent, attentive, emotional throughout the class. Naughty children can not be pulled off, but to attract fairy tale characters (grandfather looked at Vanya ah-ah ...).

In the younger groups, much attention is paid to the familiarity of children with cues. Familiarity with the cake gives the kids joy. They listen to the sound of popular speech, catch the poetic rhythm, the richness of the shades of words (grass - ants, birds - titmouses). Reading itself creates favorable conditions for emotional contact with children. They calm down, smile, ask to read more. This is an important moment of the birth of interest and love for the artistic word in a child.

Some podeshki do not require explanations, others require the display of relevant items, actions, explanations. Before reading the tips “Our ducks in the morning,” the tutor conducts the game “Don't wake the turkey”. In the course of the lesson, you can use: 1) an object, a toy, a picture, for example, a cat examines it, then there is a reading of the litany of “Like our cat ...”

2) you can use flanlegraf (place pictures that fit the text, then at the request of the teacher, the children show where the forest is, where the bunny is ...)

3) before reading the cake, you can hold a didactic game “Who eats what?” Grain, cabbage, and crust determine who the titmouse, hare, and hen are.

As a rule, they read the cake 3-4 times, using different methods of activation:

a) showing clarity

b) without clarity

c) use new visibility

d) at the suggestion of the caregiver, children imitate movements (birds fly, bake pancakes).

e) addresses the trash to a specific child.

At the lesson, the teacher encourages children to try to negotiate the text, and at the second lesson this is assigned the main role. On repeated lessons, you can use the repetition of 2-3 podshek and read their doll, bear. It diversifies the activities, pleases children.

Reading poems.

For children of 2–3 years of age, the “Program” recommends verses by A. Barto from the cycle “Toys”. If children read poems at home, then in the classroom they will recognize them, will gladly examine pictures, recite or recite their contents.

Therefore, it is possible to introduce in the classroom not one, but 2-3 poems of this cycle. The texts of the poem are simple. Children easily remember them.

  1. In younger groups, children are taught to listen to a small author's story. When you repeat the story adds details.
  2. Children listen to the story, compiled by the tutor on the topic of their close experience, including various onomatopoeia (as Katya found a kitten). When you re-listen, the children actively speak the words, phrases.
  3. The teacher, calling the topic "How we fed the birds." Tells by giving the children the opportunity to finish the phrases they have begun.

This technique makes you listen to each child, choose words, think. At the same time, the ability to harmonize words in a sentence is being improved.

Learning in the classroom is part of a speech development work that must be carried out throughout the day. The material must be repeated, secured during regime moments, in games. It is necessary to involve parents. The joint activity of educators and parents contributes to the child’s speech and general development.

В среднем дошкольном возрасте углубляется работа по развитию речи.

Как и в младшей группе, воспитатель называет жанры изучаемых произведений: я расскажу вам русскую, народную сказку или прочитаю рассказ «Умей обождать». Это называние в дальнейшем поможет детям осознать особенности каждого жанра. Тематика литературных произведений более разнообразна. В средней группе останавливают внимание детей не только на содержании, но и на некоторых особенностях литературного языка (образные слова и выражения, элементы, сравнения). Это закладывает основы для дальнейшего поэтического слуха. Очень важно продумать и правильно поставить вопросы, чтобы помочь детям выяснить главное – действия основных героев, их взаимоотношения, поступки.

Правильно поставленный вопрос заставляет детей думать размышлять, делать выводы. Используя в своих пояснениях отдельные строчки из сказки (рассказа или др.) воспитатель выделяет их интонационно, привлекая внимание детей к языку художественных произведений.

При пересказе произведений повествовательного типа дети получают от воспитателя помощь словесными приёмами (вопросами). В «программе воспитания в детском саду» для этого возраста рекомендуются произведения для осмысления, которых нужно уметь рассуждать. Обучение пересказу таких произведений должно опираться на реальные образы: словесные приёмы должны сопровождаться дидактической игрой или показом реальных предметов.

For the retelling, the teacher can offer a series (a chain of questions developing the theme, that is, it makes a simple retelling plan). The texts are quite large, so you can retell the text in parts.

The first time the text is given entirely so that the children perceive the essence of the work, get aesthetic pleasure. Then he asks a few questions, reads a separate excerpt or a completed part; then asks a series of questions that exhaust its content, and the children retell the passage. In this case, the tutor ensures that the children correctly pronounce the words, draw up sentences, and expressively convey the conversation of the characters.

Tale of Ushinsky

"Know how to wait."

  1. Read entirely.
  2. Reading parts - content questions.
  3. Reading part II - questions (explanation of the expression

began to beat fever).

The story - a description of the rabbit.


Ход занятия:

Воспитатель проводит детей к клетке, чтобы дети покормили птиц, разрешает каждому погладить по шерстке. Педагог даёт план рассказа всей группе (когда все дети приготовятся отвечать, вызывает по 3-4 человека поочерёдно).

Дети кто может рассказать о нашем кролике:

Даёт план: где живёт кролик?

Какая у него шерстка?

Какие ушки? Какие глазки?

(это план линейный).

Вызвав для ответа ребёнка с плохо развитой речью, воспитатель помогает ему: позволяет ответить на один вопрос, сопроводив этот вопрос цепочкой вопросов, наводящих или подсказывающих (расскажи какая шерстка: какого цвета, какая на ощупь (наводящие вопросы) или шерстка мягкая да? Беленькая?

В средней группе продолжают воспитывать у ребёнка способность воспринимать то, что он слышит, не только эмоционально, но и разумом. Дети привыкают отбирать слова для выражения своих мыслей, точно передающие то, что они хотят сказать. А это является основой для последующего развития всех сторон речи.

Старший дошкольный возраст.

Занятия по обучению рассказыванию проводятся еженедельно. Дополнительно (1-2 раза в месяц) планируются дидактические игры и упражнения на формирование монологической речи. Поскольку все виды работы по развитию связной речи важны на данном этапе обучения, количество занятий распределяется между ними поровну. На каждый месяц планируются пересказы небольших сказок и рассказов, составление рассказов – описаний игрушек и предметов, составление рассказов по сюжетной картине или картинкам. Составление рассказов из опыта (творческие рассказы).


Детей шестого года жизни учат свободно, последовательно, выразительно передавать содержание небольших сказок и рассказов.

Предварительно воспитатель должен сам хорошо изучить произведение, определить, что дети поймут самостоятельно, а что нуждается в разъяснении, наметить вопросы, которые заставят ребёнка размышлять и помогут лучше понять идею рассказа (сказки).

Можно ли и нужно ли знакомить детей с произведением заранее?

На этот вопрос нельзя ответить однозначно. Всё будет зависеть от уровня подготовленности детей, объёмом и сложностью произведения. Произведение даётся целиком.

Беседа по содержанию трудный и ответственный момент, при помощи вопросов, а их должно быть не более 5-7 педагог должен выяснить, удалось ли создать эмоционально-положительный настрой на произведение, обеспечить понимание и запоминание текста. Рекомендуются приёмы, которые способствуют лучшему пониманию и запоминанию произведения:

  1. Выполнение 2-4 заявок детей. Уточнив, понравился ли рассказ (сказка), воспитатель предлагает назвать отрывки, которые детям хотелось бы ещё послушать. Зачитывает их, предлагает детям повторить некоторые фразы.

Это облегчает запоминание, активизирует внимание детей.

  1. Выявление педагогом (с помощью вопросов), что нового и интересного они узнали из произведения.
  2. Придумывание названия рассказа или сказки.
  3. Придумывание детьми сравнений на заданную тему. (Как научился говорить букву р… Чарушина. На то что похоже звучание звука.
  4. Вопросы, побуждающие припоминать отдельные факты. (Долго ли снежный колобок дожидался Алёшу? Долго, что даже растаял. А как долго? – ребята разделись, пообедали, спать легли. Стало быть, день и ночь прошли? Да…говорят одни, нет, дело было днём – спорят другие.

В первой половине года детям требуется помощь взрослого. Поэтому пересказ можно провести по частям. Для активизации внимания, а также для повышения плотности занятия целесообразно проводить инсценировки и игры драммотизации.

Закончить можно занятие пересказом текста одним ребёнком, который проявил большую активность. При перессказе сказок, текстов можно использовать зрительные опоры. Это может быть графический план, серии сюжетных картинок.

Описательные рассказы.

Составление по игрушкам, предметам, животным. Это самый любимый вид занятий по родному языку. Однако анализ планов работы воспитателей старших групп показывает, что этому виду работы уделяется недостаточное внимание.

Воспитатель испытывают затруднения, так как не может выдвинуть мотив, который убедил бы детей.

Мотив: при описании игрушки. Игра магазин. Ребёнок приходит в магазин и купит игрушку, если её опишет правильно.

Очень важно создать атмосферу непринуждённости, создать условия для обогащения речи детей. Как и в младших группах ведётся повседневная кропотливая работа по развитию словаря. Дети рассматривают игрушки, посуду, одежду ежедневно. Воспитатель при удобном случае обращает внимание на предмет его части, форму, цвет, материал из которого он сделан, способы действия, для чего он нужен. Проводятся дидактические игры. Только после этого дети составляют рассказ с помощью схем.

Организационный момент: загадки, словесные игры и т.д. Затем вносится схема (можно поэтапно, можно сразу) на первом занятии дети знакомятся с условными обозначениями, для активного словаря проводятся игры, кто больше придумает слов? Выбирают игрушку, предмет один и составляют рассказ все вместе по цепочке. Затем составляет рассказ ребёнок по желанию. Чтобы повысить речевую активность и плотность занятия используется приём-игра «Хвастунишка» составляют рассказ два ребёнка.

Итог: угощаем овощами, фруктами. Игра угодайка и т.д.

Раскрась картинку – дети видят изображение предметной или сюжетной картинки в чёрно-белом изображении. Раскрашивают красивыми словами – картинка появляется красочная.

- Значит, правильно составлен рассказ, помогла схемка.

Составление рассказа по профессии с помощью схемы.

Drafting a story on a series of pictures:

Establish cause-effect relationships, i.e. The pictures are arranged in order, the tutor tells you to arrange the pictures in order, what was first, what then, what the child ended.

This is the most interesting and difficult type of work. Children can not always think logically, not enough ideas about a particular event. Therefore, the selection of material must be based on the knowledge of children.

Stories of children from experience.

Teaching such storytelling is of great importance for the development of coherent speech. Children learn to use their experience, transmit it in a coherent narrative. They form the ability to clearly, clearly, connected, consistently express their thoughts without visual support.

The basis for the development of this type of storytelling is the daily life of children. Themes for the stories suggest walks, tours, holidays, interesting occasions. Embodying their impressions in the form of the story, children clearly see that everything around them can be told lively and interestingly.

The story from personal experience is introduced from the middle group, after getting acquainted with a picture or a toy. After reviewing the picture, the teacher offers to talk about the cat that lives in their home. It is advisable to make collective stories. The teacher introduces the topic of the story (what we saw on the tour), outlines the storyline:

First, we will tell you how we went on the excursion, then we’ll remember what we saw new and interesting, let's finish what we liked best, remember.

Children speak, the teacher writes. This stimulates the children to speak. Then offers to draw pictures.

At an older age, the range of acquaintance of children with the phenomena of social life is expanding; with difficulty of adults, the subject of stories from experience becomes more complicated. The theme of nature is widely introduced.

  1. Story story based on direct perception or labor in nature

(Who had dinner at the poultry dining room,

how we arranged a flower garden).

  1. Story and descriptive stories based on conversations, reading books, viewing pictures

(How animals live in winter

what happened on the river in spring)

  1. Descriptive story based on a comparison of different seasons

(Our site is winter and summer)

  1. Descriptive story about any time of year

(My favorite time of year)

  1. Descriptive story about a separate phenomenon of nature

(Ice drift, autumn bouquet)

Composing collective letters (to a friend, in another d / s, another city) is related to telling from personal experience. This method is widely recommended Tiheeva.

Writing letters not only develops a coherent speech and has a great educational value, it causes children to have friendly and caring feelings.

Parents-assistants, they can enrich children's experiences on weekends and holidays, having been at a concert excursion, skiing.

See also

created: 2014-09-25
updated: 2024-11-14

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